Repent, America!
These people who moderate this forum are not Christians, none of them, by their own confession, so no surprises????
These lame ducks tend to be unproductive. Nevertheless, when the tax rates change, and the cap gains taxation returns to where it should be, look for badly needed infrastructure jobs.You're a real comedienne, Althea.
After the meltdown headed our way, Dems will only have precious memories to reminisce on. Things are bad now, they'll be much worse after the next layouts start hitting. When the play money stops being printed, it won't be pretty either.
These people who moderate this forum are not Christians, none of them, by their own confession, so no surprises????
Taxing the rich isn't going to solve the problem. Even if you took every cent the rich earned it would run the govt for what, like 9 days? Now, employers are making plans to lay-off more people. Others are trying to get things done by the end of the year to avoid the big taxes coming.These lame ducks tend to be unproductive. Nevertheless, when the tax rates change, and the cap gains taxation returns to where it should be, look for badly needed infrastructure jobs.
I understand that it isn't easy when your golden boy doesn't win the election. You aren't the only one who's projecting doom and gloom. Heck, your party attempted to blow up the economy for 4 years. But all will begin to pick up next year, when you guys stop whining, and get back to living your lives.
When the middle class gets more money to spend, your guys will end up with that money anyway. So what's the problem? Money always makes its way to the top. This is the season when most businesses improve the annual numbers. Black Friday broke last year's levels.
Stop worrying, and stop hoping for something bad to happen.
These people who moderate this forum are not Christians, none of them, by their own confession, so no surprises????
These lame ducks tend to be unproductive. Nevertheless, when the tax rates change, and the cap gains taxation returns to where it should be, look for badly needed infrastructure jobs.
I understand that it isn't easy when your golden boy doesn't win the election. You aren't the only one who's projecting doom and gloom. Heck, your party attempted to blow up the economy for 4 years. But all will begin to pick up next year, when you guys stop whining, and get back to living your lives.
When the middle class gets more money to spend, your guys will end up with that money anyway. So what's the problem? Money always makes its way to the top. This is the season when most businesses improve the annual numbers. Black Friday broke last year's levels.
Stop worrying, and stop hoping for something bad to happen.
What's going on is I'm living rent-free in a troll's head. The crybaby I was telling you about followed me to this board. You know, the one who I welched on a bet with and she cried to the mods to change my ID by force cuz her 'fweeings were hurt'.
I shit you not. LOL
I've already explained it and I won't keep repeating it.You welched on a bet on the internet?? How bad could losing possibly have been that you would welch on it?
BTW, you're seriously, delusionally stupid if you think that by saying you 'would have honored it, had it been someone else', you're convincing anyone here that you have a dime's worth of credibility. The more you whine about it, the sillier you sound.
If you are eating in the US, there is an excellent chance you are eating food that was grown and harvested by mexicans. So you might rethink the phrase you used.
Awwww, a widdle illiterate, white trash cwybaby troll has followed me here.
I see I'm still living rent-free in your head.
Don't count on the mods here changing yer diaper when your widdle fweeings get hurt. They don't roll that way.
I ignored you there and I will do the same here, so furiously pound out some more of the most painfully written, unintelligible prose every viewed by a human -- and the result will be the same.
All the cwying in the world isn't going to help. Muhahahahaha
Adios loser.![]()
You welched on a bet on the internet?? How bad could losing possibly have been that you would welch on it?
BTW, you're seriously, delusionally stupid if you think that by saying you 'would have honored it, had it been someone else', you're convincing anyone here that you have a dime's worth of credibility. The more you whine about it, the sillier you sound.
I've already explained it and I won't keep repeating it.
The illiterate, white trash troll has actually followed me over here. I'm inside that little pea brain living rent free.
Guess things aren't so hoppin' with she and E-tard having the run of the board, all awone with no one to troll.
Oh well...... LOL
Really? care to list all the owned and operated Mexican farms in the US?
And? Is the religious belief (or lack thereof) of the moderators somehow relevant?
The actions of the UnGodly bear bitter fruit, for they have no wisdom. Religions/Humanism/counsel_of_the_ungodly.htm
Taxing the rich isn't meant to run the govt.. 10+ years of no taxation, under the guise of job creation, has been proven unsuccessful. What "big taxes" are you referring to?Taxing the rich isn't going to solve the problem. Even if you took every cent the rich earned it would run the govt for what, like 9 days? Now, employers are making plans to lay-off more people. Others are trying to get things done by the end of the year to avoid the big taxes coming.
I am honestly telling you that right now, republicans are furious. It's their own fault for convincing themselves that Romney actually had a chance after the 47% video aired.I just want things to be right, I don't want bad things to happen. I would be happy as a clam if things were *really* improving. But things are not getting better, no matter how much the DCers cook the books. And with Taxmageddon coming, I am truly afraid of what we are headed for, the market may crash and we will see even more massive unemployment. When the money stops being printed we will have hell to pay. You say the middle class will have more money to spend, but that was the meme for all of the stimulus -- and what happened? Things are now worse than ever and we're gaining on 17 trillion in debt.
Are you honestly telling me you are not worried about the state of this nation?
No wisdom? lol So only Christians have any wisdom? That is pretty ridiculous, wouldn't you say?
It's not what I say, it is what God says.
She was posting on Nov 2nd that she still intended to honor the wager even though she'd got butt hurt over being turned out, she went on a "ni**er" posting tirade for an entire Sunday, basically that partisan troll really thought Romney would win, when he didn't win and reality set in, her next move was to turn scumbag welcher...she basically intended for me to honor our wager but not the other way around.
That she and her phone pal BFF were laughed off that board does add a layer of entertainment to it all though.
I got what I wanted anyways so it's no big deal, that there's posters here who I've known for quite awhile (by the looks of it) from other boards other than the one little ole Miss Welchy pants here posted on this will be the last time I bring it up on this forum.
With that said...