How do you determine who is illegal?

Let Mexico sort them out after dropping them off.

first things is stop the illegals from entering. next when arrested if you cant prove you're here legally get the fuck out. next they know who was suspposed to show up for court hearing who didnt track them down and throw them the fuck out. Next check with employers in industries with high illegals in their employ. Prove youre here legally or get the fuck out. Its rather simple dipshit
Yea well you’re screwed on the last one as employers in certain industries, particularly in agriculture, food processing, construction, landscaping, service industries, etc are severely sanctioned for hiring undocumented workers then this problem will continue and until the politicians get serious about that then everything they blow smoke about on illegal immigration is just BS only morons believe will work.

This is a simple supply and demand economic issue and nothing done at the border will amount to a hill of beans including such colossally stupid ideas like building a wall.

So if you’re really serious about this issue than start demanding that CEO’s who hire illegal immigrants go to prison with lengthy sentences and million dollar plus fines. Otherwise you’re just blowing bull shit because unless you address the demand side here in the U.S. nothing you suggest will work and the only thing that will happen is poor, destitute immigrants will be demonized, victimized and exploited.

So I agree with your last comment but until you do that everything else is just bull shit.

I mean I still can’t believe how many people are stupid enough to thank a border wall would even have a remote chance of working. The only thing that would accomplish is making it easier for the drug cartels to smuggle illegal drugs into our country.
Simple. Start by enforcing the 'real ID' laws and expand these to all cases where ID is required. No real ID, no whatever. That means if an illegal with a driver's license but not a real ID is stopped for a traffic violation, they end up arrested for illegal entry.

If someone refuses to answer any questions from a law enforcement officer, etc., which is their right, the officer does have the option to arrest them and take them to a police station for identification without their consent as they have been arrested. It simply prolongs the process and makes it more painful in the end.
Oh right. Did you get that straight out of a WWII movie where the Nazi’s say “Show me your papers.”?

Fuck that, not only will that not work but it would be a violation of everyone’s constitutional right because unless the police have probable cause to ask you for ID you are under no obligation whatsoever to provide that to them. So it won’t work.

The only thing that will work is address the demand side here in the U.S. and until business owners and corporate managers get harshly sanctioned for hiring them nothing will work.

I’m so tired of hearing all the stupidity on this issue which is largely based on demonizing outsiders for political advantage. It’s one of the oldest political manipulations around and it is astonishing to me that in this age and time people are still stupid enough to fall for it.
I’m so tired of hearing all the stupidity on this issue which is largely based on demonizing outsiders for political advantage. It’s one of the oldest political manipulations around and it is astonishing to me that in this age and time people are still stupid enough to fall for it.

Maybe you should switch to Bluesky, Ohioan. A leftist echo chamber might me less upsetting to your delicate sensibilities.
Oh right. Did you get that straight out of a WWII movie where the Nazi’s say “Show me your papers.”?

If you are stopped for a traffic offense, whatever it may be, you will have to show your driver's license, registration, and insurance proof. That goes for anybody. All I've added is, if you don't have a Real ID--something apparent from the driver's license--or alternate ID, that gives the officer that stopped you reason to believe you are possibly not in the country legally. That may or may not lead to further issues during the traffic stop.

I showed in the previous video how a man stopped for something wouldn't identify himself to police correctly and that led to his arrest. Same thing here.

This isn't a "show my your papers" thing. A naturalized citizen can get a Real ID. Someone on a green card would have the card with them. A foreigner on vacation would have a passport with an immigration stamp in it.
Fuck that, not only will that not work but it would be a violation of everyone’s constitutional right because unless the police have probable cause to ask you for ID you are under no obligation whatsoever to provide that to them. So it won’t work.

You have no right to refuse to identify yourself to a police officer. That isn't some violation of your rights. TSA agents at an airport can ask for your ID and do so of everyone. Entering many government buildings, local, state, or federal, requires you show ID. If you are driving a motor vehicle and are stopped, you have to show ID.

Nowhere did I suggest the police will simply be conducting random stops of persons walking in public, or that sort of thing.
The only thing that will work is address the demand side here in the U.S. and until business owners and corporate managers get harshly sanctioned for hiring them nothing will work.

Nonsense. By making anything requiring an ID now requires one that gives proof of legal residence or citizenship in the US means that someone here illegally cannot:

Buy products like alcohol, tobacco, etc.
Open or use a bank account
Send a wire transfer
Enter a legal contract
Sign any document requiring a notary stamp
Obtain employment

That will have a serious, and chilling effect on illegal immigration. Many, even most, illegals would self-deport in such circumstances. Sure, going after employers would be useful and necessary, but it is hardly the only means of dealing with this situation.
I’m so tired of hearing all the stupidity on this issue which is largely based on demonizing outsiders for political advantage. It’s one of the oldest political manipulations around and it is astonishing to me that in this age and time people are still stupid enough to fall for it.

This isn't about "demonizing outsiders," it's about removing criminals from our society. 100% of illegal immigrants in the US are criminals. We do not need criminals in society.
Under what grounds do you ask someone?
Are we going to use profiling?
How do you determine someone entered illegally?
How do you prove where someone was born if they will not even tell you their name?
if u went to Cancún, would u have to show ID etc?