How do you determine who is illegal?

Homan will figure it out. He is pretty smart. Are you worried? Are you here illegally?

But, I will humor you.

We dont have to ask. Just offer up bribes to turn someone in. See something, say something right?
Yes, we will profile. Are you guys going to bring back that word again?
Do they have a US birth certificate? Let's start there.

If you can't produce documentation that you were born here and are a US Citizen then you are on the fast track out.

Come on, you aren't this silly are you?
He is. He really is.

it's easy to show you are a citizen. Birth certificate, passport, realID (enhanced driver's license), naturalization certificate, etc.
He should pay attention to IS9...that form you fill out when you get hired somewhere that shows you are a citizen.

Is any worker getting paid 'under the table'? That's cause right there to go after such a company for violating hiring laws and ignoring immigration law.

Oh...and then there is always the freeloaders taking over hotels as illegal immigrants. They're pretty easy to find. Then there is the Venezuelan gangs...go round them up too.
These far left loons can scream and kick their little legs but mass deportation is coming. The last election pivoted on border control and the economy.

The American people want mass deportation and they are going to get it.

Exclusive poll: America warms to mass deportations

Axios › Axios › Politics & Policy

Apr 25, 2024 — Nearly two-thirds of Americans said illegal immigration is a real crisis, not a politically driven media narrative.
how do u know they are illegal?

Will a Estate Planning Attorney put together a will for someone who refuses to prove who they are?

yes or no
They told me they are illegal.

An estate planning attorney could do it, just leave the spots for the names blank.

I would, if they paid me.
I get the distinct impression that some of the MAGATs in this discussion are just fine with LEOs randomly stopping and demanding documents from people -- as long as they *look* illegal. I.e., not well-dressed and white. I suspect that they also have no problem with some good citizen reporting that they saw a worker in a restaurant or on a roof or mowing a backyard who "looks illegal."
It isn't random, moron.

You must show citizenship to get a job or to register to vote. If you are living in government supplied housing for illegals or are part of a foreign gang (like the Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes), or if you get arrested for some crime and can't produce evidence of your citizenship to the court, that shows it right there.

ANYONE harboring illegal immigrants, or registering them to vote, should be imprisoned. THEY ARE BREAKING THE LAW.

That includes people like the AG in Oregon, Mayors and other government officials in the SDTC, businesses and farms that hire illegal immigrants, etc.
I have him on ignore so don't know what he said that prompted this reply. I agree with it, though, 100%. You are exactly right. Republicans do not want to fix the immigration situation. They had a chance and #TRE45ON shot it down because it makes a perennial campaign issue for them. It works much better for them to be able to scream about dirty brown undocumented rapists, druggies, murderers, and welfare mooches -- while lying about (D)s and the fictitious open borders nonsense. Now they're all whipped to a froth in excitement over rounding the undocumented up and deporting them. Unfortunately for them, America's corporate overlords are not going to permit this. America's economy runs on cheap, under-the-table labor. Consumers rely on it too. Who else are they going to get to work in American slaughterhouses, greasy restaurant kitchens, hot summer roofs and lawns, hotel housekeeping, fields and orchards? The MAGATs already screech about the high price of groceries. Wait till they have to try to find American citizen workers -- at at least minimum wage, or higher -- to do these jobs. They'll pay for their food through their teeth.

Fucking idiots, all of them.
So you want people to break the law. Gotit.
Illegals who cross our borders illegally can be purple and they are going to be deported.

They have no legal right to be in America.

Before the racist crap starts, my esposa is a Latina.
Illegals who cross our borders illegally can be purple and they are going to be deported.

They have no legal right to be in America.

Before the racist crap starts, my esposa is a Latina.
If you see em cross the border, all fine and good… but once here, how do you determine a person is an illegal?
If you see em cross the border, all fine and good… but once here, how do you determine a person is an illegal?
Do you really believe that a sovereign nation does not have the right to demand proof of citizenship when probable cause is shown? Really?

When Americans are being slaughtered, children raped by illegals.When resources meant for legal Americans are being wasted on these illegals.

You have already lost in the last election on this issue. Care to lose again?
They told me they are illegal.

An estate planning attorney could do it, just leave the spots for the names blank.

I would, if they paid me.

So u would do a Will with the spots for the names blank and u would sign it?

So anyone could fill in Robert De Niro and fill in their name as beneficiary and it would be legal?