How do you determine who is illegal?

Homan will figure it out. He is pretty smart. Are you worried? Are you here illegally?

But, I will humor you.

We dont have to ask. Just offer up bribes to turn someone in. See something, say something right?
Yes, we will profile. Are you guys going to bring back that word again?
Do they have a US birth certificate? Let's start there.

If you can't produce documentation that you were born here and are a US Citizen then you are on the fast track out.

Come on, you aren't this silly are you?
How will you prove that a person who won’t tell you his name doesn’t have a birth certificate? In fact, even with a name how will you prove no birth certificate?
If you don't have fingerprints on file, you can sit in jail until you give up, just like an American. Usually doesn't take long. Lots of cops have fingerprint readers in their cars.

No fingerprints or DNA on file? Wow, you're a stubborn little pendejo, aren't you, Mijo. Off to the border obama cages with you then!
We have laws against that.
Joe and Kam refused to perform their constitutional duty to secure the borders...and gave incentives to those who have already proven to have no regard for our laws when it comes to being here illegally...and staying... Those who continue to show contempt for our laws and our citizens need to be removed...