How do you determine who is illegal?

To enter foreign countries, they require a passport and birth certificates for children. The amount of paperwork required in this country just to get a real ID to fly is a task for many.
The receptionist has left the building.

After proving that he has no grasp of the law concerning the proof of citizenship, he leaves.

The sovereignty of a country involves proof of citizenship.

If you have no proof of citizenship, you will be deported.

It is the law.
The receptionist has left the building.

After proving that he has no grasp of the law concerning the proof of citizenship, he leaves.

The sovereignty of a country involves proof of citizenship.

If you have no proof of citizenship, you will be deported.

It is the law.
these nitwits think it will be Nazi Germany where roving brown shirts go door to door says "papers please"

it is the same nitwits that had zero problems with Obama putting more journalists and whistleblowers in jail than all other presidents combined
Yes I know a way that will work about 100% effectively and could be implemented pretty quickly: start throwing Americans who hire illegals in jail. It's already illegal in a lot of places, just enforced the law.

Dry up the money and the illegals won't come here anymore!

It's SO SIMPLE it really is amazing.

I wish I could bet you a huge amount of money in regards to Trump releasing the Epstein list. SURELY you aren't so stupid as to think he'll EVER do that, right?

He lied about his taxes for basically all his tenure as President. He said he was gonna release them just as soon as.... . Same will be with the Epstein Flight manifests. You'll NEVER SEE THEM so long as Trump is in office.
Here in Arizona that's been done occasionally. Two memorable ones are:

Filiberto's. A Mexican fast food chain that had stores all over Arizona and some in California. The feds rolled in on them in a mass raid. The footage at the time was hilarious. You had news helicopters covering some of the busts. It looked like cockroaches when the lights come on.

Anyway, the average Filiberto's location (think the equivalent of a McDonald's or JBT) had just 3 employees covering a 24 hour shift, usually the manager of the location. The rest were illegals.

It got worse. The owners were paying the illegals under the table so they didn't pay their taxes, FICA, or anything else. The workers got paid in cash. The owners had numerous "drop houses" where they had workers living 10 to 20+ in a typical 3 bedroom home.

The feds lined the owners up for a train bang. They were charged with hiring illegal workers, then failure to pay their taxes (federal and state), failure to pay FICA (eg., social security)... and the list got long. It was one agency after another ass fucking them.

Chuy's is another one that got "The Treatment."

It does work and it does have a serious chilling effect on employers.
Lets pick another one

Requirements for Getting Your Maryland Driver’s License

To get a license, you must verify your identity, age, and that you live in Maryland. Documents that will sufficiently prove your identity and age include a copy of your birth certificate (original or certified), a valid U.S. passport, and a valid permanent resident card. You must also provide your Social Security Number and two documents that prove you live in Maryland, like a utility bill or bank statement.

So u dumb fuck...u have to show your PAPERS to get a DL

Shall we do another one of the states u listed?
Not proof of being an American
Not proof of being an American


"To get a license, you must verify your identity, age, and that you live in Maryland. Documents that will sufficiently prove your identity and age include a copy of your birth certificate (original or certified), a valid U.S. passport, and a valid permanent resident card. You must also provide your Social Security Number".
How do you check if someone has physical paperwork on file if they wont tell you their name?

If you don't have fingerprints on file, you can sit in jail until you give up, just like an American. Usually doesn't take long. Lots of cops have fingerprint readers in their cars.

So, if they ask me and I refuse to answer, does that make me an illegal?

No fingerprints or DNA on file? Wow, you're a stubborn little pendejo, aren't you, Mijo. Off to the border obama cages with you then!
Contact Tom Homan and ask him.
I already explained this to Jarod. He wasn't expecting anyone to have an answer. Jarod then waited a week and asked the same question in a new thread, pretending that it hadn't been explained before.

Without reexplaining everything again, I'll just mention that violent criminals are the top priority. Law enforcement can require ID if they suspect a crime has been committed. If a criminal cannot or will not provide ID, investigations can begin regarding fingerprints and other biometrics in collaboration with liaisons from all the consulates.

Jarod already knows the process. He's playing dumb.
Well if you have something to hide then you probably have something to worry about... There are many
Other ways as you know the determine if someone is here illegally.... Refusing to cooperate just makes the process a little longer....

Under what grounds do you ask someone?
Are we going to use profiling?
How do you determine someone entered illegally?
How do you prove where someone was born if they will not even tell you their name?
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) determines citizenship status through a variety of methods and sources. Here's how they typically proceed:

ICE requires individuals to provide proof of citizenship. Acceptable documents include passports, voter ID cards, birth certificates, or naturalization certificates. If someone claims to be a U.S. citizen but cannot immediately prove it with such documentation, they might be detained until their status can be verified.

During encounters, ICE officers might interview individuals to gather information about their citizenship or immigration status. This can involve questions about place of birth, family background, and immigration history. If there's a claim of U.S. citizenship, the burden of proof generally falls on the individual to demonstrate they are not an alien, although legally, ICE must establish probable cause that someone is not a U.S. citizen before pursuing further action.

ICE has access to various databases, including those from state departments of motor vehicles (DMVs) through networks like Nlets, and criminal justice databases like the National Crime Information Center (NCIC). These databases help in cross-referencing the information provided by individuals against records that might indicate citizenship or immigration status. However, these databases are not always 100% accurate, which can lead to errors in determining citizenship.

When someone is arrested by local or state law enforcement, ICE might place an immigration detainer if there's a suspicion of illegal presence. This involves further investigation into the individual's citizenship or immigration status, often leading to interviews in custody. If there's evidence suggesting U.S. citizenship, it should be investigated further, but instances of U.S. citizens being detained due to database errors or miscommunications have been documented.


Brad could've answered his own question quickly and easily, the same way I did.

But he didn't

Guess why?
Because you asked that question, you see, it does not matter why someone choses to refuse to help the government to prosecute them, they have the right to refuse, and refusing cannot be used against you.

So, when a suspected illegal refuses, how will the authorities determine if they are illegal?
RQAA. Nothing to do with the 5th amendment. Strawman fallacy, Pretender.

"Former President Donald Trump invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination Wednesday during a deposition before lawyers from New York Attorney General Letitia James' office in its probe into the Trump Organization's business practices.
The deposition lasted four hours, and the only question the former president answered was about his name, Trump attorney Ron Fischetti told NBC News.
A source with knowledge of the deposition said Trump took the Fifth more than 440 times."
Argument from randU fallacy. Fake News.
Usually people refuse because they do have something to hide.
Attempted force of negative proof fallacy. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).
The authorities are prohibited from using a refusal to cooperate as a reason to determine if they are most likely illegal.
No, they are not, Pretender. You have obviously never heard of contempt.
Action based on a refusal to incriminate oneself is prohibited by the 5th Amendment.
Showing that you are a citizen is not incriminating yourself, Pretender.
You cant go to a judge and say, "the evidence I have is that he invoked his 5th Amendment rights."
Yes you can, Pretender.
So, this begs the question, how do you determine if someone is here illegally?
RQAA. Stop mindlessly repeating a question that's already been answered.
They can arrest you for driving without a Drivers License.
That's failing to produce ID, Pretender. Your word games won't work here.
They can take your Drivers License if you fail to submit to breath and blood. The S.Ct. has ruled that breath and blood samples are not self incrimination because they do not require mental decisions.

I simply do not understand how the authorities are going to determine many people are here illegally, or who they are going to chose to investigate.