How do you determine who is illegal?

Under what grounds do you ask someone?
Are we going to use profiling?
How do you determine someone entered illegally?
How do you prove where someone was born if they will not even tell you their name?
when they're crossing the border.

Simple. Start by enforcing the 'real ID' laws and expand these to all cases where ID is required. No real ID, no whatever. That means if an illegal with a driver's license but not a real ID is stopped for a traffic violation, they end up arrested for illegal entry.

If someone refuses to answer any questions from a law enforcement officer, etc., which is their right, the officer does have the option to arrest them and take them to a police station for identification without their consent as they have been arrested. It simply prolongs the process and makes it more painful in the end.
fuck this.

you really are a nazi.
"Here are just a few of the steps that should be taken on January 20, 2025, as soon as Donald Trump is inaugurated:

  • TSA should be told to no longer permit anyone through security who is using an immigration arrest warrant or other documents issued by DHS to illegal aliens, instead of the required government-issued photo ID.
  • All payments and grants being given to NGOs by DHS and any other government agency like Health and Human Services to transport, house, or otherwise provide any benefits for inadmissible, illegal aliens should be terminated.
  • All work permits unlawfully issued by DHS to inadmissible illegal aliens should be terminated, and that includes any DACA beneficiaries.
  • All access to any other government benefits by any executive branch agency should immediately be terminated, including access to Obamacare.
  • Banking regulators, including Treasury, the FDIC, the Federal Reserve and the NCUA, should require all banks and credit unions under their jurisdiction to require any individual opening a bank account to provide proof of citizenship or lawful presence in the U.S., such as a permanent resident alien.
  • To the extent the president has power over the Federal Reserve system and the FDIC through his appointments, he should ensure that every appointee agrees to impose the same requirement on banks receiving benefits from the system or the FDIC. Financial regulators should ensure that aliens who are unlawfully in the U.S. cannot open bank accounts.
  • The same rule should be applied to banks for all wire transfers made by those banks for their customers, as well as any other financial entities over which the federal government has jurisdiction. For foreign investors and others who are not present in the U.S., these rules would not apply and would not restrict their ability to invest and hold brokerage or other accounts in American banks.
  • To the extent the president has authority over home mortgages through his appointments to executive branch agencies like the Federal Housing Administration, he should require a similar rule: no approval of federal mortgage insurance for homes, multi-family apartments, or other facilities unless the owners are verified as U.S. citizens or aliens legally in the country, and they agree not to lease or rent their properties to any individuals without requiring proof of citizenship or legal presence. That also should apply to Section 8 housing assistance provided by HUD to low-income households.
  • The IRS should not provide tax refunds to aliens unlawfully present in the U.S. That is something the IRS can check through the E-Verify system maintained by DHS. The Social Security Administration should be ordered to engage in the same verification process for anyone applying for a Social Security number or other Taxpayer Identification Number, which is essential to individuals seeking tax refunds. For those who claim this would be too onerous, it would simply be applying the same requirement to federal agencies that the federal government already applies to all employers and all Americans who want to be employed. Job applicants have to provide proof of citizenship and identity as outlined in the federal I-9 “Employment Eligibility Verification form. To the extent that E-Verify does not provide an answer, those agencies could apply the provisions of the I-9 form to determine eligibility.
  • The Biden administration has refused to enforce the federal law barring employers from hiring illegal aliens; the Justice Department needs to embark on a vigorous, very public, enforcement program against employers. Not only will that punish employers for breaking the law and depriving Americans of jobs, but the publicity from that should help deter many other employers from engaging in such behavior, drying up the ability of illegal aliens to work and earn a living.
Many other steps should be taken, but these basic ones would provide a solid start. It has to be an all-government effort, not just an effort by DHS.

These measures, if combined with similar steps by cooperative state governments—such as denying illegal aliens driver’s licenses and car license tags (thus limiting their transportation options) and all other types of permits and licenses—would provide an incentive for aliens to self-deport and stop abusing the generous hospitality of the U.S."
Under what grounds do you ask someone?
Are we going to use profiling?
How do you determine someone entered illegally?
How do you prove where someone was born if they will not even tell you their name?
Homan will figure it out. He is pretty smart. Are you worried? Are you here illegally?

But, I will humor you.

We dont have to ask. Just offer up bribes to turn someone in. See something, say something right?
Yes, we will profile. Are you guys going to bring back that word again?
Do they have a US birth certificate? Let's start there.

If you can't produce documentation that you were born here and are a US Citizen then you are on the fast track out.

Come on, you aren't this silly are you?
Officers have a pretty broad palette to play with there. Some rules are being put in place across the US to limit what counts as a condition for which they can stop you, but I think that's probably the "weakest" protection the average citizen has.

I get the distinct impression that some of the MAGATs in this discussion are just fine with LEOs randomly stopping and demanding documents from people -- as long as they *look* illegal. I.e., not well-dressed and white. I suspect that they also have no problem with some good citizen reporting that they saw a worker in a restaurant or on a roof or mowing a backyard who "looks illegal."

You like it the way it is! If you don't support REAL ACTION to stop the problem you WANT THE PROBLEM.

I'm sorry but no one here except you wants "open borders", Comrade.

I have him on ignore so don't know what he said that prompted this reply. I agree with it, though, 100%. You are exactly right. Republicans do not want to fix the immigration situation. They had a chance and #TRE45ON shot it down because it makes a perennial campaign issue for them. It works much better for them to be able to scream about dirty brown undocumented rapists, druggies, murderers, and welfare mooches -- while lying about (D)s and the fictitious open borders nonsense. Now they're all whipped to a froth in excitement over rounding the undocumented up and deporting them. Unfortunately for them, America's corporate overlords are not going to permit this. America's economy runs on cheap, under-the-table labor. Consumers rely on it too. Who else are they going to get to work in American slaughterhouses, greasy restaurant kitchens, hot summer roofs and lawns, hotel housekeeping, fields and orchards? The MAGATs already screech about the high price of groceries. Wait till they have to try to find American citizen workers -- at at least minimum wage, or higher -- to do these jobs. They'll pay for their food through their teeth.

Fucking idiots, all of them.
Illegals are going to be deported starting on Jan. 20.

They would not require deportation had Biden not opened the border to every drug dealer and murdering illegal on earth.

Perhaps the ire displayed by the far left loons would be better placed on those who opened the border, not those who are trying to prevent drugs from entering and murderers from entering the US.
Illegals are going to be deported starting on Jan. 20.

They would not require deportation had Biden not opened the border to every drug dealer and murdering illegal on earth.

Perhaps the ire displayed by the far left loons would be better placed on those who opened the border, not those who are trying to prevent drugs from entering and murderers from entering the US.
Indeed... (And VANDY!!!)
Strawman fallacy. Illegal immigration has nothing to do with the 5th amendment.

I have him on ignore so don't know what he said that prompted this reply. I agree with it, though, 100%. You are exactly right. Republicans do not want to fix the immigration situation. They had a chance and #TRE45ON shot it down because it makes a perennial campaign issue for them. It works much better for them to be able to scream about dirty brown undocumented rapists, druggies, murderers, and welfare mooches -- while lying about (D)s and the fictitious open borders nonsense. Now they're all whipped to a froth in excitement over rounding the undocumented up and deporting them. Unfortunately for them, America's corporate overlords are not going to permit this. America's economy runs on cheap, under-the-table labor. Consumers rely on it too. Who else are they going to get to work in American slaughterhouses, greasy restaurant kitchens, hot summer roofs and lawns, hotel housekeeping, fields and orchards? The MAGATs already screech about the high price of groceries. Wait till they have to try to find American citizen workers -- at at least minimum wage, or higher -- to do these jobs. They'll pay for their food through their teeth.

Fucking idiots, all of them.:magagrin: