How do you determine who is illegal?

They are productive citizens necessary to our society. It’s logical to give them a pathway to a green card or citizenship.
We allow about 1 million naturalized citizens and green card holders each year. So there is a LEGAL process. Breaking the law sets very bad precedence. We can't pick and choose which laws we want to follow.
So the illegal migrant that set the lady on fire in New York City is was a productive citizen?
One out of millions, you make me laugh. Their crime rate is lower than American citizens. Do you have trouble retaining facts, you’ve been given this information on numerous occasions.
you need a valid photo ID to enter a federal courthouse

Yes, anyone 18 years or older will need to present photo ID to enter the courthouse. Anyone under 18 years of age that wishes to enter the courthouse, needs to be accompanied by a person 18 years or older that has ID.

Yes, this is true. Very few people have ever entered a Federal Courthouse. I have had three Federal Cases, and only had to appear in court for two of them.
do they ID the possible Jurors when they show up for Jury Duty?

are does the court pinkie finger trust them all?
I am quite sure they ID jurors when they show up. Not sure what they do if they refuse to show an ID, likely simply release them.
So his wife can't make her own decisions?

Wonder if he also demands her not show her ID when the bank asked for it?
She probably doesn’t know the law, immigrants are often unaware that their rights in America are different from the country of origin. She chose to listen to her hubby’s advice.
They are productive citizens necessary to our society. It’s logical to give them a pathway to a green card or citizenship.
Some, many, are. Some are not. The drug cartels are moving somewhere around $50 billion a year in illicit money out of the country by wire. That should require the sender to have a Real ID to do so as a starting point. This would mean that the cartels would have to use straw senders to move the money. Adding complexity to a task for those you want to not be able to do that task is a good point to start at.
You can’t be this dense. Don’t have to prove a negative. They simply have to produce one. Can’t produce proof of citizenship? Bye bye.

Why do you want illegals here so badly?
You really do not understand our Constitution, do you?

I do not want them here badly, I am simply pointing out something it appears the average trumpper is very ignorant about.
I am quite sure they ID jurors when they show up. Not sure what they do if they refuse to show an ID, likely simply release them.

The fact that you don't appear to know is telling ... quite telling.

You do a quick settlement and then ovebill your contingency clients to boost your share, as I recall.
This is in essence what I have been arguing. If you make Real ID a requirement for any activity requiring an ID card, then in cases were someone is interacting with law enforcement and does not have a Real ID, probable cause is created that they may be in the country illegally. At that point, having a Green Card or passport as a foreign national resolves the issue. If you have neither, then there is an increased probable cause you are in the country illegally and that that needs to be resolved.

There was no "show me your papers" in that as the original requirement was for an ID to perform something or identify yourself to law enforcement because of some other issue. Inability to produce identification that also confirms your immigration status / citizenship means increased scrutiny because of the now presence of a potentially second criminal issue.
At that point you have a police state.