How do you determine who is illegal?

It is partly for votes... Yes. No doubt.

But it is also for the ability to "Disappear" some of them, to harvest transplant organs.

It is also to "Disappear" some of them for mRNA Longevity Treatment development tech, Aging Hormone suppression Experiments. (This is also the reason behind the state pushing the whole Trans Crap in public schools. They need the pre-adolescent medical test subjects who are a "Blank Slate" yet, so it is clear what particular genetic Alleles are affect by their experimental mRNA treatments. )

It is also to get "under the table", unskilled laborers, whom the employer does not have to pay minimum wage, match SSI, workman's Comp, and unemployment taxes.

It is also to drive down the wages of American Workers.

There are a host of reasons that the Wealthy Elites want the illegal immigrant massive invasion.

None of their reasons have a down side for the Elites.

All of the reasons the Elites want them, is a huge down side for the American Working Class!!!

The Open-Borders/Globalization Thang, is really Class warfare!

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
I can't see that ending well. The Fourth Amendment would challenges would likely be something to behold if it turned out that US citizens were being questioned.
How? Each and every person is screened in the same way. You have a real ID, on your way. You don't, you simply need to provide additional proof. Getting a Real ID isn't that much of a burden to begin with. You simply need a couple of documents to get one at the DMV when you get a license or renew your current license.

If you are a US citizen and don't have a Real ID, next year if you try to fly it isn't going to end well for you...
You really do not understand our Constitution, do you?

I do not want them here badly, I am simply pointing out something it appears the average trumpper is very ignorant about.
Oh please do explain it to us. I am sure there is some fantastical point you think you are about to make.

As I have said repeatedly there are ways to make them self deport.

1) zero benefits for non citizens. None. Nothing.
2) fine every employer who hires an illegal $10,000 per day per illegal

Problem solved
Oh please do explain it to us. I am sure there is some fantastical point you think you are about to make.

As I have said repeatedly there are ways to make them self deport.

1) zero benefits for non citizens. None. Nothing.
2) fine every employer who hires an illegal $10,000 per day per illegal

Problem solved
There absolutely are ways to make self deportation happen more than it is already happening.

Historically the Republican party has looked the other way regarding illegals working, its a way around the minimum wadge, and a way to give employers more power over employees. My uncle, who grew oranges (a huge trumpper until he died of COVID) made a lot of money using illegals to pick and grow his orange groves.

trump is not going to upset the Florida orange growers, or other wealthy business owners. Just look how President Elon reacted.
At that point you have a police state.
Hardly. There's no difference here really than if you were stopped for a traffic offense say, 10 years ago and couldn't produce a driver's license. Now, it's produce a Real ID proving you are a citizen when otherwise stopped in the exact same way as 10 years ago or the law enforcement officer will ask for additional proof of legal presence in the country. The officer is simply checking that you aren't committing a second crime just as the officer is going to run your ID and determine if you have outstanding warrants or stuff like that.

There is no difference. Illegal immigration is a CRIME. The officer is making sure you are not committing that CRIME.