How Feds control this country?

Don't worry, I still have a portion of my mind left!

The libertarians helped pull me out of neocon status. From the ages of 16-19 they did their magic, and then I matured on my own and discovered the true me. Now I'm stuck on all of the dead philosophies that I espouse...

Perhaps they can help you, too. :clink:
128. Location, time and motive (sniper case)

Muhammad lived in Washington State which is at west coast. The sniper shooting spree took place in Washington DC which is at east coast. If this is a case for blackmail, he could do it anywhere, or most conveniently, near where he lived. What made him took that trouble to cross the whole continent to east coast? Because the case targetted at law makers. They had to shoot at DC area so Congressmen could feel the threat. And the time went tally with the authorization of Iraq war power to President Bush.

Time table:
10/2/2002: House Speaker Dennis Hastert and Minority Leader Richard Gephardt introduced the bill (H. J. Res 114) to authorize the use of armed force against Iraq.

. . First 2 shooting: Same day in evening, sniper started his shooting spree. 1st shot was at a Craft-store window, broke the glass but hurt no one. It might be a declaration of the start of shooting by sniper. Then a man was killed in a grocery parking lot.

10/3: The bill went to the International Relations Committee for the beginning of debate.

. . Shooting 3-7: Five shooting took place the same day, all victims dead. Six deaths in less than 28 hours shocked the whole country, especially those lived in the area. Of course, including those politicians in Capital Hill.

10/4 (Friday) Debate on bill.

. . 8th shooting: A woman wounded in parking lot.

10/5-10/6 (week-ends) Politicians took a rest, sniper coincided by taking a rest too.

10/7 (Monday) Debate on bill resumed.

. . 9th shooting: Shooting resumed too. A boy wounded at school.

10/9 Debate on bill continued.

. . 10th shooting: Man killed in gas station.

10/10 House passed the bill.

10/11 Senate passed the bill.

. . 11th shooting: Man shot dead at gas station. It took place at 9:30 am, could be a last push on Senate.

10/14 12th shooting: FBI analyst was shot to death in Home Depot parking lot.

10/16 Bush signed the Bill.

10/19 13th shooting: Man killed outside a restaurant.

10/23 14th shooting: Bus driver killed in bus parking lot.

Can you find how the sniper shooting helped pushing through the Bill to authorize the power of Iraq war to President Bush?

129. My view on sniper case (5/16)

The sniper spree started at the same day when the bill (H.J. res 114) "authorizing the use of armed force against Iraq" was introduced to the House. Six deaths within first 28 hours shocked the country, especially those lived in the DC area. Senators were warned it was dangerous to be in golf field. The shooting continued, maintained a terror pressure on politicians. On Oct. 11, 9:30 am, the eleventh shooting made a last push on Senators. Later that day, Senate passed the bill.

It was 10 days from Oct. 2 (introduce the bill) to Oct. 11. (bill passed). There were 11 shootings took place during that time. Averaged more than one shooting a day. I call it the first stage. (action stage) The insider group successfully reached their goal, pushed the bill passing through.

Since President Bush needed this bill, the shooting push was unnecessary for him. The second stage started from 10/12(bill passed) to 10/24 (Mohammad and Malvo arrested). I call it retreat stage in which they planted, covered up their trace and found a scapegoat. There were 3 shootings in this 12 days period, much less than in the 1st stage. Yet, they have particular meanings. What would they do after the mission was done? Cover up.

The first one of the 3 shootings was on 10/14 where a FBI analyst was shot to death. A way to quit from suspect's profile. Because the victim of this case was a designated one, so there were many unusual things happened in this case and made it one special in all the shooting spree. (see message "116. The death of FBI analyst (2/28)")

Then, the second one of 3 shootings told people the motive of this shooting spree was for money. The shooting on 10/19 came with the demand of 10 million dollars from sniper. The unusual thing was if it was a blackmail, why did they demand the money so late? In most blackmail cases, the first thing criminal did was to request a ransom after they kidnapped the victim. It was amazing to see they shot FBI staff first than thought of to plant a motive. How eager they tried to quit from the suspect profile.

The last shooting on 10/23 was followed by the arrest of the two in Caprice. Which made many people think Mohammad and Malvo were the snipers because there was no more sniper shooting afterwards. To avoid being embarrassed by incapable to solve this case like what happened in anthrax attack, they hurried to frame it a blackmail case in last 5 days. (from 10/19 to 10/24)

130. SARS

I noticed this case first in early March, 2003. A news in World Journal said an American businessman (Chinese ethnic) went from Shanghai to Hanoi and got sick there on 2/26.
He then chartered a private plane to HongKong on 3/6. At that time, nobody knew SARS. I was impressed by the cost he paid for the charted plane: $600,000. I thought if he would pay that much, he must know it was fatal and hard to be cured. Maybe he wanted to back to US? The hospital he stayed in Hanoi was among the best in Vietnam, named French Hospital. Several days later, another news reported his death on 3/13. I later knew his name was Johnny Chen. With his death, people were aware of a new disease. But until 3/18, newspaper still called it "mysterious illness".

Source and how it spreads.

Johnny Chen was said the source of SARS infected two dozens of medical workers in Hanoi Frence Hospital. But I noticed there was no report of infection in Princess Margaret Hospital in Hongkong where he was sent to and died. That was a puzzle. How could he be the super contagious source in one hospital but didn't infect others in another hospital?

Though there was no infection in Princess Margaret Hospital, in another Hospital Prince Wales of HongKong, there were about dozens medical workers caught the disease at same time. There were two other sites where people were infected in group. One was Jin-Hua Hotel where 6 tourists who had stayed in 9th floor caught the SARS. Another one was Tao-da Mansion where about 300 residents were infected. I noticed there were no report of infection of family members of sicked medical staffs. And there was no report of colleagues being infected by those 300 residents of Tao-da Mansion. I think SARS maybe spread by close contact. And it seems more like a disease spread by location. That is: someone had visited the above three sites, left high contagious SARS source. People lived, or worked in these places caught the disease by touching the source or inhaling the air from source. Though there were conflict report of how SARS spreading. A report may represent my opinion. Quote, "The expert of mainland China found, a patient who was among the people first being infected, had no family member being infected, but friend who visited him got sick. The first foreigner who died of SARS in mainland China, had none friend with close relationship being infected. But those who had been with him for a short time, in same location, e.g. being in same lift, caught SARS." (World Journal, 4/20/03) It could be infected by touching polluted spot, or by inhaling the air from a polluted ventillation output. The above three sites all have common ventillation system. (Hospital, Hotel, and mansion where lift using ventillation)

131. Strong and swift reaction (5/17)

Yesterday, I posted message about SARS. At about 5 pm, I was blocked to the internet. At the same time someone put a tire at my door. My wife later found it was from a vehicle parked at B house. The new owner is a Vietnamese ethnic who took back the tire, said it was from a friend who just replaced a worn tire. But why hadn't he put the tire at their own place, (their parking space is in front of their garage and by the side of their back yard.) but crossed the lane, passed through my parking space, intruded my front yard where there is a fence, put the tire at my front door. My wife was very angry because it was obvious a delebrate provokation. She thought they put junks to our house. But I knew it's for the SARS I posted. Generally, when I am not on internet, I do garden work or read newspaper in hall which is near the front door. They even blocked the internet to drive me to there to meet a dispute, or an accident. They failed. Since I alleged they tried to murder in house I never answer the door to strangers. (see murder attemption story at:" 44. My tenant". and B house story at: "85. Chinese secret police and DNA (9/1)")

This morning twice, two different men came to my house, one (looks like a Spanish ethnic) said he was looking for the replaced tire. The other one pretended a salesman. My father in law answered the door. The unusuall visitors really alarmed me. My conclusion is, if they reacted so swift and strong, then it proves my analysis about SARS is correct and true. Though I haven't pointed out who is the mastermind, they confessed themselves by their reaction.

132. plant fake petition.(5/22)

I found a fake petition in my e-mail box assuming my name. The following is the e-mail.

<<Subj: Forum: 142. Start a New War againts Saudi Arabia
Date: 5/20/2003 11:50:36 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Support Al quida
Save Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden
Start a New War againts Saudi Arabia

It seems the war on Iraq is over. But Saddam Hussein is still at large and very much alive (I got it from insider's information, who is an undercover agent of Saddam Hussein in America, like me too, Kat Hak Sung). I have to protest because this war is for the interest of Israel. And you can see the tremendous influence of Israel here, both on politicians and media. (The weak reaction of Democratic Party and less of criticism of media). Anyhow I'll try my best to express my opinion to politicians.

Saddam Hussein's and Osama bin Laden's lives must be saved. And
Al quida must be supported. I think, George Bush is an undercover agent of Osama bin Laden. He used the Iraq war as a cover up to protect Osama bin Laden and support Al quida. If people are agree with my opinions, (either all or part of them) I welcome them to share with it for their convinence.

The following is the e-mail I have mailed to politicians.

The honorable
US Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator

I'm writing you to give full authorization the war power to President Bush and his Cabinet at this movement.

I urge you to start a new war on Saudi Arabia because of the following reason:

1. Al Qaeda Arms Traced to Saudi National Guard.

3 Attackers Identified In Riyadh Bombings
In reality, Saudi Arabia shows no intention to accept unconditional democracy.

2. The war will benefit the rich people with interest in military and oil industry and a particular country (Israel). The UN must bear the cost alone. Which means the world must pay money and blood for the interest of minority people at a time US economy is going up and up and up.

3. Only war can solve any problem. War in Afghan killed a lot of evil people. The main target Bin Laden is still at large. Al Quada scattered all over the world, including USA. They even recruited George Bush as their undercover agent.

4. War destroys hostility and enemy. It will help Al Quada to recruit more soldiers. US people will enjoy an endless terror threaten, so Bush and the law enforcement can achieve greater power over the US people. And we have to build more bunker, stronger secret service for our security, in order we all can afford private flights.

5. Gaining support from allies. Most countries are for a war on Saudi Arabia. We are gaining friends and sympathy of the world, because we will control 90% of the world's oil reserve and production. The profile of US will increase tremendously.

6. Perhaps most important is it will help a dictatorship in US. A good policy is not based on legitmacy and common value, but on strong leadership and personal will and unilateral opinion. It's dictatorship based on democracy. This means Bush dictates and the people have to support him with their votes. Those who do not support and vote for Bush must be exterminated.

In conclusion, I urge you authorize President Bush having a war on Saudi Arabia. Let U.N. take over the matter of costs.


Kat Hak Sung >

Though the petition is a senseless one, they excerpted a large quantity of sentences from my articles and pieces them together to be a petition.

It's a plant. Maybe a plot to make senate report the case so they can have an excuse to apply something on me. To publish forgery article by assuming my name is a tactic they used for sometime. (see message "127. Heavy harassment (5/3)". Who have the motive and resource to do that kind of dirty work?

I think all these are the hurried reaction of my last post "130. SARS". Now can you see who is the mastermind of SARS?
128. Location, time and motive (sniper case)

Muhammad lived in Washington State which is at west coast. The sniper shooting spree took place in Washington DC which is at east coast. If this is a case for blackmail, he could do it anywhere, or most conveniently, near where he lived. What made him took that trouble to cross the whole continent to east coast? Because the case targetted at law makers. They had to shoot at DC area so Congressmen could feel the threat. And the time went tally with the authorization of Iraq war power to President Bush.

Time table:
10/2/2002: House Speaker Dennis Hastert and Minority Leader Richard Gephardt introduced the bill (H. J. Res 114) to authorize the use of armed force against Iraq.

. . First 2 shooting: Same day in evening, sniper started his shooting spree. 1st shot was at a Craft-store window, broke the glass but hurt no one. It might be a declaration of the start of shooting by sniper. Then a man was killed in a grocery parking lot.

10/3: The bill went to the International Relations Committee for the beginning of debate.

. . Shooting 3-7: Five shooting took place the same day, all victims dead. Six deaths in less than 28 hours shocked the whole country, especially those lived in the area. Of course, including those politicians in Capital Hill.

10/4 (Friday) Debate on bill.

. . 8th shooting: A woman wounded in parking lot.

10/5-10/6 (week-ends) Politicians took a rest, sniper coincided by taking a rest too.

10/7 (Monday) Debate on bill resumed.

. . 9th shooting: Shooting resumed too. A boy wounded at school.

10/9 Debate on bill continued.

. . 10th shooting: Man killed in gas station.

10/10 House passed the bill.

10/11 Senate passed the bill.

. . 11th shooting: Man shot dead at gas station. It took place at 9:30 am, could be a last push on Senate.

10/14 12th shooting: FBI analyst was shot to death in Home Depot parking lot.

10/16 Bush signed the Bill.

10/19 13th shooting: Man killed outside a restaurant.

10/23 14th shooting: Bus driver killed in bus parking lot.

Can you find how the sniper shooting helped pushing through the Bill to authorize the power of Iraq war to President Bush?

129. My view on sniper case (5/16)

The sniper spree started at the same day when the bill (H.J. res 114) "authorizing the use of armed force against Iraq" was introduced to the House. Six deaths within first 28 hours shocked the country, especially those lived in the DC area. Senators were warned it was dangerous to be in golf field. The shooting continued, maintained a terror pressure on politicians. On Oct. 11, 9:30 am, the eleventh shooting made a last push on Senators. Later that day, Senate passed the bill.

It was 10 days from Oct. 2 (introduce the bill) to Oct. 11. (bill passed). There were 11 shootings took place during that time. Averaged more than one shooting a day. I call it the first stage. (action stage) The insider group successfully reached their goal, pushed the bill passing through.

Since President Bush needed this bill, the shooting push was unnecessary for him. The second stage started from 10/12(bill passed) to 10/24 (Mohammad and Malvo arrested). I call it retreat stage in which they planted, covered up their trace and found a scapegoat. There were 3 shootings in this 12 days period, much less than in the 1st stage. Yet, they have particular meanings. What would they do after the mission was done? Cover up.

The first one of the 3 shootings was on 10/14 where a FBI analyst was shot to death. A way to quit from suspect's profile. Because the victim of this case was a designated one, so there were many unusual things happened in this case and made it one special in all the shooting spree. (see message "116. The death of FBI analyst (2/28)")

Then, the second one of 3 shootings told people the motive of this shooting spree was for money. The shooting on 10/19 came with the demand of 10 million dollars from sniper. The unusual thing was if it was a blackmail, why did they demand the money so late? In most blackmail cases, the first thing criminal did was to request a ransom after they kidnapped the victim. It was amazing to see they shot FBI staff first than thought of to plant a motive. How eager they tried to quit from the suspect profile.

The last shooting on 10/23 was followed by the arrest of the two in Caprice. Which made many people think Mohammad and Malvo were the snipers because there was no more sniper shooting afterwards. To avoid being embarrassed by incapable to solve this case like what happened in anthrax attack, they hurried to frame it a blackmail case in last 5 days. (from 10/19 to 10/24)

130. SARS

I noticed this case first in early March, 2003. A news in World Journal said an American businessman (Chinese ethnic) went from Shanghai to Hanoi and got sick there on 2/26.
He then chartered a private plane to HongKong on 3/6. At that time, nobody knew SARS. I was impressed by the cost he paid for the charted plane: $600,000. I thought if he would pay that much, he must know it was fatal and hard to be cured. Maybe he wanted to back to US? The hospital he stayed in Hanoi was among the best in Vietnam, named French Hospital. Several days later, another news reported his death on 3/13. I later knew his name was Johnny Chen. With his death, people were aware of a new disease. But until 3/18, newspaper still called it "mysterious illness".

Source and how it spreads.

Johnny Chen was said the source of SARS infected two dozens of medical workers in Hanoi Frence Hospital. But I noticed there was no report of infection in Princess Margaret Hospital in Hongkong where he was sent to and died. That was a puzzle. How could he be the super contagious source in one hospital but didn't infect others in another hospital?

Though there was no infection in Princess Margaret Hospital, in another Hospital Prince Wales of HongKong, there were about dozens medical workers caught the disease at same time. There were two other sites where people were infected in group. One was Jin-Hua Hotel where 6 tourists who had stayed in 9th floor caught the SARS. Another one was Tao-da Mansion where about 300 residents were infected. I noticed there were no report of infection of family members of sicked medical staffs. And there was no report of colleagues being infected by those 300 residents of Tao-da Mansion. I think SARS maybe spread by close contact. And it seems more like a disease spread by location. That is: someone had visited the above three sites, left high contagious SARS source. People lived, or worked in these places caught the disease by touching the source or inhaling the air from source. Though there were conflict report of how SARS spreading. A report may represent my opinion. Quote, "The expert of mainland China found, a patient who was among the people first being infected, had no family member being infected, but friend who visited him got sick. The first foreigner who died of SARS in mainland China, had none friend with close relationship being infected. But those who had been with him for a short time, in same location, e.g. being in same lift, caught SARS." (World Journal, 4/20/03) It could be infected by touching polluted spot, or by inhaling the air from a polluted ventillation output. The above three sites all have common ventillation system. (Hospital, Hotel, and mansion where lift using ventillation)

131. Strong and swift reaction (5/17)

Yesterday, I posted message about SARS. At about 5 pm, I was blocked to the internet. At the same time someone put a tire at my door. My wife later found it was from a vehicle parked at B house. The new owner is a Vietnamese ethnic who took back the tire, said it was from a friend who just replaced a worn tire. But why hadn't he put the tire at their own place, (their parking space is in front of their garage and by the side of their back yard.) but crossed the lane, passed through my parking space, intruded my front yard where there is a fence, put the tire at my front door. My wife was very angry because it was obvious a delebrate provokation. She thought they put junks to our house. But I knew it's for the SARS I posted. Generally, when I am not on internet, I do garden work or read newspaper in hall which is near the front door. They even blocked the internet to drive me to there to meet a dispute, or an accident. They failed. Since I alleged they tried to murder in house I never answer the door to strangers. (see murder attemption story at:" 44. My tenant". and B house story at: "85. Chinese secret police and DNA (9/1)")

This morning twice, two different men came to my house, one (looks like a Spanish ethnic) said he was looking for the replaced tire. The other one pretended a salesman. My father in law answered the door. The unusuall visitors really alarmed me. My conclusion is, if they reacted so swift and strong, then it proves my analysis about SARS is correct and true. Though I haven't pointed out who is the mastermind, they confessed themselves by their reaction.

132. plant fake petition.(5/22)

I found a fake petition in my e-mail box assuming my name. The following is the e-mail.

<<Subj: Forum: 142. Start a New War againts Saudi Arabia
Date: 5/20/2003 11:50:36 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Support Al quida
Save Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden
Start a New War againts Saudi Arabia

It seems the war on Iraq is over. But Saddam Hussein is still at large and very much alive (I got it from insider's information, who is an undercover agent of Saddam Hussein in America, like me too, Kat Hak Sung). I have to protest because this war is for the interest of Israel. And you can see the tremendous influence of Israel here, both on politicians and media. (The weak reaction of Democratic Party and less of criticism of media). Anyhow I'll try my best to express my opinion to politicians.

Saddam Hussein's and Osama bin Laden's lives must be saved. And
Al quida must be supported. I think, George Bush is an undercover agent of Osama bin Laden. He used the Iraq war as a cover up to protect Osama bin Laden and support Al quida. If people are agree with my opinions, (either all or part of them) I welcome them to share with it for their convinence.

The following is the e-mail I have mailed to politicians.

The honorable
US Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator

I'm writing you to give full authorization the war power to President Bush and his Cabinet at this movement.

I urge you to start a new war on Saudi Arabia because of the following reason:

1. Al Qaeda Arms Traced to Saudi National Guard.

3 Attackers Identified In Riyadh Bombings
In reality, Saudi Arabia shows no intention to accept unconditional democracy.

2. The war will benefit the rich people with interest in military and oil industry and a particular country (Israel). The UN must bear the cost alone. Which means the world must pay money and blood for the interest of minority people at a time US economy is going up and up and up.

3. Only war can solve any problem. War in Afghan killed a lot of evil people. The main target Bin Laden is still at large. Al Quada scattered all over the world, including USA. They even recruited George Bush as their undercover agent.

4. War destroys hostility and enemy. It will help Al Quada to recruit more soldiers. US people will enjoy an endless terror threaten, so Bush and the law enforcement can achieve greater power over the US people. And we have to build more bunker, stronger secret service for our security, in order we all can afford private flights.

5. Gaining support from allies. Most countries are for a war on Saudi Arabia. We are gaining friends and sympathy of the world, because we will control 90% of the world's oil reserve and production. The profile of US will increase tremendously.

6. Perhaps most important is it will help a dictatorship in US. A good policy is not based on legitmacy and common value, but on strong leadership and personal will and unilateral opinion. It's dictatorship based on democracy. This means Bush dictates and the people have to support him with their votes. Those who do not support and vote for Bush must be exterminated.

In conclusion, I urge you authorize President Bush having a war on Saudi Arabia. Let U.N. take over the matter of costs.


Kat Hak Sung >

Though the petition is a senseless one, they excerpted a large quantity of sentences from my articles and pieces them together to be a petition.

It's a plant. Maybe a plot to make senate report the case so they can have an excuse to apply something on me. To publish forgery article by assuming my name is a tactic they used for sometime. (see message "127. Heavy harassment (5/3)". Who have the motive and resource to do that kind of dirty work?

I think all these are the hurried reaction of my last post "130. SARS". Now can you see who is the mastermind of SARS?

You're off your rocker pal.
133. Strong reaction (5/27)

I posted "130. SARS" on 5/16.
Same day, someone offered a drive for my wife to have her car examined in the dealer's shop. In the evening she was told the car needed a repair at a cost of one thousand dollars. When she came back home she found a tire at the front door. It was from a car parked at neighbour's space. She took the tire to their house and made a complaint.

Next day on 5/17. In the morning, two men separately knocked at the door. One said him as a salesman, the other was looking for tire. In noon, my wife came home sick. She vomited.

On 5/19, in the evening, another man came to look for tire.

On 5/20, a fake petition to Senate assumed my name was sent to my e-mail box.

On 5/23, the drainage was blocked and caused a flooding. Another man came said he was looking for a friend.

It was a busy week. All four men used to be in next lane for years. I think they belong to DEA task force. Next lane is their head office. Since 1991, it's 12 years already. The team of four never show up in my lane. Why did they pretend different kind of figures knocking at my door within a week after I posted "SARS"?

1. My wife's car was bought on 1999. Since it's the only car we have and I have no drive license after 2001. She used to change oil in nearby workshop. Sending the car to dealer for maintenance would take a day or two and have to ask others giving her a drive. But if the surveillance agent want to install something in the car, (for tracking or hurting or murdering) they need to hold the car for sometime. I think they break down our car to force a repair. Our car was broken down three times in first three years and had to be repaired in dealer's shop. Surveillance team used to be shifted every half or a year. At that time they must exchange the instruments they planting in the car. Leaving team pick up their's. Arriving team install their's. My wife complained a slow oil leaking months ago. On 5/16 she suddenly said someone offered her a drive for a dealer's check up. In evening she was in a bad mood when she was acknowledged it would cost one thousand dollars. The three years guarantee is passed date, this time we have to pay for it. It could be a punishment. They used to do like this.

2. The tire put at our front door was a deliberately provokation, it's obvious. If I complained to my neighbour, I think, I would have got a bullet. They could say I intruded to their house, the shooting would be a self defense. The dead can never tell the truth, it will be all their words. Same trick they played last October. They issued wrong accusations in four notices, threatened a fine, then arranged an emergency meeting. I didn't go because it's a private residence. The house then was put a sign "for rent". A cover up of their failed trap. (see "95. A notice for a meeting")

3. My wife took the tire to the B house and made a complaint. She didn't know it was a trap designed for me. She was punished by radio frequency weapon next day which caused nausea and vomit. I've talked about sleep wave, micro wave shooting, e-wave caused tooth ache, this is another kind of e-wave weapon agent used to use. I think they had used this to punish former President Bush,(GW Bush's father) Who collapsed and vomitted in a banquet. And Reno, (General Attorney of Clinton time) who collapsed in a meeting in Mexico (about in 1997). How I found this kind of weapon is another story. I'll talk about it later.

4. Flooding is another way they often used to harass people. With the hope that "plumbers" would be asked for help. see "87. Flooding (9/13)". The tricks all had been used recently. Repeat using in a short period is unusual. It only means the team is under pressure from high ranking officers. This time is because of SARS. I can see new trick will emerge.

134. From MARS to SARS, an intelligence work of revelation.

According to WHO, the first SARS patient was sick on 11/16/2002 in Fo San, Cantoon Province. From that time on to early March, it was more than 100 days, but there was not big cluster breakout, death rate was low, particularly there was rare casualty among medical workers whom were heavily hurt in other areas such like in Hong Kong and Taiwan. And there was no quarantine applied on patients. (Quarantine was strictly applied in other area and countries.) How can Canton got such achievement? WHO said it was because medical workers in Canton handled the disease properly. But they failed to say what was the proper method Canton carried out. Why didn't they introduce it to other areas which are badly hurt by SARS? Or just as they said, It was out of good luck? I call it a MARS period. (Mild acute respiratory syndrome)

MARS became SARS after the dramatic death of Johnny Chen. Until in early March nobody cares about mysterious illness in Canton province. Chen's death like a dagger broke up the censorship of Chinese government. You can say it was a dramatic event, I say it was a perfect intelligence work. In which an American citizen died, (Johnny Chen) Vienamese medical worker infected and died. None of the government involved (US and Vietnam) can be controlled by China. And Ulbany, found the disease in Hanoi was SARS and died of it, was a doctor of WHO.(now it's international) So the whole world knew it. Chinese government couldn't censor the news. All three factors were out of its control.(US, Vietnam and WHO) With the cluster breakout in three sites It caused panic of Hongkong people.

The same dramatic story happened in Beijing too. Chinese Health minister Chang said the illness was under control in Beijing. An retired army doctor Jiang found him lied. Jiang wrote an e-mail to CCTV and Phoenix TV revealing the truth. He didn't get any reply from them. On 4/8, there was a knock at his door. It was a reporter from "Time" magazine. Next day on 4/9, Times published Jiang's whole e-mail. The whole world knew SARS spreading in China then. It caused a political storm. Two high ranking officers, The Mayor of Beijing and Health Minister, both lost their job. The Chinese Health Minister Chang told his lie on 4/3. Doctor Jiang's revealing e-mail must be sent on days after 4/3. The Time reporter's visit was on 4/8. It took only less than four days, (maybe even less if Jiang wrote his e-mail later) The result of a good information system and swift response. Jiang knew no US reporter. So far, nobody knows how the reporter of Times was able to know Jiang's e-mail and found his location for a visit. That's the copy of story of "deep throat" in Water Gate scandal.

These two events aroused the worldwide attention on SARS in Hong Kong and China (mainly in Beijing). I saw there was shadow of US intelligence in it.

135. Man hunt (6/7)

In 6/4 near noon, I heard a big noise. A helicopter circled low above the house for several minutes. Due to the recent pressure, I didn't go out to see what had happened.

Next day, newspaper reported this news. Quote,
"Man hunt, Federal fugitive caught (S.J.M.N. 6/5)

Williams returned to San Jose to find work. He was wanted by BATF on a warrant for illegally possessing a firearm in 2000 in Colorado.

ATF investigators monitored Williams' parents' house on Half Pence Way four times last week, but never saw him. They returned Wednesday morning to talk to his family and saw him standing at the side of the house. When Williams saw the agents, he bolted. Federal agents searched the area for 45 minutes and spotted Williams at a school, but he ran again. So the ATF called San Jose police."

About 50 officers joined man hunt. Three hours later, Williams was arrested near Sierra Wood Drive and Trimble Road. He hid under the trees in a creek bank.

I read his escaping road from the map printed in newspaper. It was a straight line from his parents' house to my house. Though it maybe a coincidence, I think in different way.

Williams' warrant was issued in 2000 in Colorado. For three years they didn't touch him there. Now he was lured here by job just a few days ago. It's easy to set up such trap by telling his parents there were job opening. Obviously BATF knew his returning in advance. If Williams is a dangerous person, they would set up an ambush. But their encounter was like a deliberate "scaring the man away". They left him an escape way directed to my house. (easy to do so by patrolling in three sides but leaving one side open) But Williams stopped go any further when he found a covert place. So they had to arrest him. The spot where he was arrested was only two blocks to my house. If Williams hadn't stopped his escape journey, then there would be a man hunter around my house, and I think, a "mistaken shoot" would have taken place then.

FBI, DEA, this time BATF, Feds really activate their resources. On 6/5, Ashcroft once again requested for more police power by expanding the "Patriot Act".

136. Man hunt (2)

I am familiar to this tactic. In about 1996(?) one night I was alarmed by the helicopter noise. My neighbor came tell us there was a "man hunt" and asked if we saw any stranger in backyard. I believed her and took a look at the backyard. Of course nobody was there. A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. My wife answered it. She told me it was a policeman whom was looking for a fugitive. The officer then went to the backyard for a search. I suddenly was aware that if I had stayed a little longer there, or if the officer had come a little earlier, I might be shot in darkness as a fugitive. At that time I knew already many dirty tactics law enforcement agent using. But "man hunt" was fresh to me then. It remains a deep impression in my mind.

137. SARS, who opened the Pandora Box?

Who has the ability to activate a bio-attack? Russia, China, US..... But who has the motive this time on SARS crises?

1. Bush started an era of war and bio-attack.

I've alleged 911 attack was allowed to happen. With it as excuse, Bush and his cabinet started two wars in Mid-east. I also alleged anthrax attack was done by government insiders to push the passing through of "Patriot Act" and DC sniper case to authorize the Iraq war power to President Bush. In less than three years, Bush has opened a Pandora Box, let out wars, decease, disease.... to the world.

2. US secretly research and develop bio-weapons

Anthrax attack revealed that US is still researching and developing bio-weapons in secret military labs in Dugway, Utah. In debate of Iraq war, I also found an information that West Nile is a bio-weapon resource. US provided Saddam Hussain bio-weapon resources when Reagan-Bush were presidents. Include West Niles, anthrax. I had alleged that Feds using West Niles as cover up to murder people( the brain death. see message "82. West Nile virus") Now there is great possibility West Niles is also developed to bio-weapon.

3. Preparation for a bio-warfare

Bush expressed a hysteria interesting in bio-war. He had pushed a wave of receiveing vaccination to prevent small pox. Despite small pox is a disease which is extinguished (? at least the one under control) and most people had received vaccination already. Why did he push for an unnecessary vaccination? My feeling is it maybe a vaccine for another disease, under the cover of prevent small pox. Is it for SARS which broke out laterly? or for a more virulent small pox newly developed in secret lab? No body knows unless people have the right to check this media and military cooperation war-monster.

Who likely opened the Pandora Box and let out SARS?


U.S. scientists deplore Army's silence on anthrax program
Posted on Monday, December 17 @ 10:19:28 EST

WASHINGTON Several scientists and biological warfare experts say they were surprised by the revelation that a U.S. Army installation in Utah has been producing dried preparations of the Ames strain of the anthrax bacterium, the same strain found in letters to senators Thomas Daschle and Patrick Leahy.

International Herald Tribune:

US who provided bio-weapon resources when Reagan-Bush were presidents. Include West Niles, anthrax.

Refrence:Quote, "Between 1985 and 1989, the Senate testimony shows, Iraq received at least 72 U.S. shipments of clones, germs and chemicals ranging from substances that could destroy wheat crops, give children and animals the bone-deforming disease rickets, to a nerve gas rated a million times more lethal than Sarin."
I'm actually interested now. I may try and get this guy published. He's so far off the deep end, it's actually entertaining.