How Feds control this country?

109. Beware another terror attack

I've alleged government insiders made the OKC bombing, anthrax attack, sniper case and allowed 911 attack to happen to grip more police power and push for war in Mid-east. Some people argued how could government kill their own people. Compare the recent news and the revelation of the book. Beware another terror attack from our own government. (though always disguised as "enemy combatant" and "terrorist")

News: Within the past three weeks, US intelligence gathered what officials at Scott Air Force Base described as credible evidence of a planned bombing of a passenger airliner contracted to fly troops and freight for the military. (1/13/03, San Jose Mercury News)

Book: They called for hijacking jet airliners, attacking US military bases, blowing up US ships and wounding civilians in Miami, Florida and Washington, DC using paramilitary sniper teams . (northwoods story)

Operation Northwoods
Our U.S. Government Planned To Attack
"We The People"
Former ABC News investigative reporter James Bamford . Broke the Northwoods Story in His Book, Body of Secrets . It is based mostly on documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act or found in government archives.

"We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington," said one document reportedly prepared by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba," the document says. "Casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of indignation."

USA Today - Bush wrong to use pretext as excuse to invade Iraq <> "The answer was Operation Northwoods "

ABC News - Friendly Fire Book: U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War With Cuba <>"America's top military brass even contemplated causing U.S. military casualties "

110. When murderer became investigator (1/26/03)

Some people said there were hard evidence in sniper case such like Malvo's finger print was found on the rifle. The rifle was found in Caprice. But when the murderer became investigator, hard evidence could be a fake. There was an article in "Readers' Digest"(about in 1970's) topic"Finger print which lied"(Chinese edition) in which a lab technician transferred a victim's finger print to frame him.

Recently, the Governor of Illinois pardoned all death inmates from death penalty and released some because he found 60% of them were errorneous. The rape case in New York Central Park now proved wrong after the real rapist confessed he committed the crime. I think when judge and jury gave their verdict on these wrong cases, they all believed they had hard evidence. If these cases were
because of negligence, then what will it be if law enforcement agent deliberately frame a case?

FBI deliberatly framed Pratt to a murder case and almost had him executed if Supreme Court hadn't suspend the capital punishment at that time. (see #60. Plant, Frame and alleged murder )

Read this news of last month.
December 6, 2002
Ex-Prosecutor Tells of Ties Between F.B.I. and Mob

One person listening to the testimony today, in the Suffolk County Courthouse, was Joseph Salvatti. In 1967 Mr. Salvatti was sentenced to life in prison for a murder actually committed by an F.B.I. informer, and the bureau allowed Mr. Salvatti and three other men to be wrongly convicted, with the knowledge of J. Edgar Hoover.

"It's hard to sit listening, knowing the F.B.I. and the U.S. Attorney's office are lying, said Mr. Salvatti, who had his sentence commuted after serving 30 years in prison. "The bottom line is, they don't care."

I think the judges and jury of these two cases believed they had "hard evidence". And hard evidence could be created if the investigator is corruptive.

111. How they plant.

In late December 2000, in bank statement I found a check (amount 5000) paid by my wife to her company. I asked her what was it for. My wife said she had bought a house in her home country( 20,000 value), it's for part of the payment for that house. It happened that the travel company she worked received a lot of cash from customers that day, so she cashed that check with company. It saved her from a journey of going to bank. My wife said she did so because she saw G-man cashed a check with company first, so she followed him. My wife knew G-man in A and S Tours Inc.(see #32. "Operation Fire Dragon") G-man and G-lady both left that company before the 'fire-dragon' case broke, avoided been involved in trouble. He did advise, or guide a lot to my wife. Though he worked in another company, (one hour drive away), he happened to be there that day and guided my wife cashed that check.( I'll tell his story later)

About two or three months later, my wife gave me a company check of 5000, asked me to deposit. She said she and boss had an agreement of profit sharing. She could have a bonus if her sales profit had passed a margin. The figure 5000 of bonus immediately reminded me of the former check my wife exchanged for cash. I told her if it was a bonus, let accountant deduct tax first. Otherwise it was illegal. Several days later, she said accountant was too busy to do it and said we could deposit it first. I told my wife now it was obviously a trap. The agent could say company borrowed 5000 from you and then paid back by this check. The 5000 cash you paid for house then become suspicious money which can't explain the source.

My wife never talk about the bonus since. I later asked about that bonus check. She said, "Forget it. Business is no good." I think she finally realized it was a frame attempt. The profit sharing plan was only a cover-up. But she is too timid to argue with FBI and had to leave it alone. There is no reason she abandoned a bonus which she deserved.

112. How they plant (2)

About that time in 2001, a lady suddenly called my wife to shopping in super market. Among the "harvest", I found my wife bought 8 bottles of vinegar. Vinegar is a popular sauce for cooking. But what she bought was a western style we rarely used. We used to use vinegar made in China. My wife argued that because it was on sale, "buy one get one free" and because the other lady bought a lot too. So she followed her. She forgot the lesson how she was guided to cash the check. Now the same act played again. I was sensitive because I felt the pressure then they were framing case against me. I knew from paper that vinegar is a material to produce drug. And that lady had ever shopping with my wife. That was the only one as I know. Now after one year most of these vinegar are still there unused.

My wife rarely buy live Dungeese crab because she thinks it's too expensive. By chance people can buy that crab at 1.99 a pound if salesman found the crab has just died. Recently, my wife always had the luck to buy Dungeese Crab at good price. She said sometimes salesman even kept the bargain crab for her. I don't believe coincidence any more. So I think there is a purpose on it. It's our tradition to eat crab with vinegar as souce, a lot. They creat chance to let us consume more vinegar. The unusual event took place aggressively after Christmas. A lady gave my wife a full box of broccoli stalk. The only way we eat broccoli stalk is to salted it with vinegar. My wife salted several bowel of broccoli but couldn't finish all. She had to give the rest to other people. Then last Sunday another lady came with the bargain crab and gave that lucky bargain to us. I guess they are preparing for evidence to prove a frame case of "producing drugs".

The FBI high ranking official wanted an aggressive job. The field office did it in spite of how abnormal it was. It was that abnormal made me aware of their intention. It is sad to see these people worked for FBI. (include my wife) They don't know they could become sacrifice any time like Muhammad and Malvo.

113. Internet attack (2/6/)

My revelation of the dark side of federal agency in internet motivated large scale frame case against me. Each time there was a plot, there always came with an internet attack.

From 1/18/03 I found my thread were closed, or missing from at least 5 forum sites. (They are:,;;;

After my protest, one gave me a reply: "Your thread did get moved, but it was moved by mistake when I was doing some archiving/clean-up. . .". Since so many thread missing happened at same time, you can imagine what kind of "mistake" is it.

I also found, at least three forum sites where I posted announced upgrading in same day. The upgrading, this time would eliminate the old thread, would functioned same as moving my thread away in a more covert way. Read the announcement and notice the similar point.

( To better serve our online message board community, the message boards are changing! On January 23, we will begin using a different message board system
Only threads which have been posted since October 1, 2002 will be preserved. Please save any old posts you want to keep as soon as possible.

Dear users:
On Jan. 23, we will switch to new, improved online forums. You will find most of the same discussion topics, but we can't move old messages to the new boards.

We'll be migrating from Jan 23 to on or before Feb 1, during which PExers will be unable to access the forums. In the meantime, check out the updates and cool contests on this page!

All these resembles the failed frame case in June 2001. In which they tried to use McVeigh 's execution as diversion coverup. And about a week before execution date(6/11/01) there were an big internet attack on my postings. (see messages 14. 15. 16 in "Why DEA, FBI involved in secret deal of spy plane?" at

This time, as I told before, they took the chance of possible date of Iraq War for diversion,(1/27/03, the date Weapon inspection team to report to UN Security Council, US suddenly transferred large amount of troops and weapons to Mid-east on 1/12/03, pushing for a war fever to high attitude for that date).

The internet attack this time is in large scale. On 1/21, a big attack had paralyzed 9 servers out of 13 servers which controlled global internet communication. Most users were not aware of this, because that attack was a short one, lasting only one hour. Then on 1/25, the largest attack in more than a year paralyzed millions of online and phone users, even stranded Bank of America ATM network. It's "slammer" worm. All these took place about a week before 1/27. What sours the frame case this time? My revelation in advance? France's incoordination delayed Invasion? It's a puzzle for outsiders. But there is one thing I'm sure that my postings are the main target of their frame case. I believe with new plot there will be bigger internet attack purposed on eliminating my messages.
My wife rarely buy live Dungeese crab because she thinks it's too expensive. By chance people can buy that crab at 1.99 a pound if salesman found the crab has just died. Recently, my wife always had the luck to buy Dungeese Crab at good price. She said sometimes salesman even kept the bargain crab for her. I don't believe coincidence any more. So I think there is a purpose on it.

Massive lulz. A conspiracy if ever I heard one.
two words....

Bank Fees

They FUCK YOU with the bank fees. They know you're going to pay them anyway, so they say FUCK YOU and add more bank fees. Teller visit fees to entice you to apply and use a bank CARD, then when you get all used to doing this online banking and bill paying shit, they FUCK YOU with 'convenience fees'. WTF?!?!?!?! A CONVENIENCE FEE??????

who the fuck are they kidding? It's no damn convenience to charge me 10 fucking dollars to take my payment from a debit card.
two words....

Bank Fees

They FUCK YOU with the bank fees. They know you're going to pay them anyway, so they say FUCK YOU and add more bank fees. Teller visit fees to entice you to apply and use a bank CARD, then when you get all used to doing this online banking and bill paying shit, they FUCK YOU with 'convenience fees'. WTF?!?!?!?! A CONVENIENCE FEE??????

who the fuck are they kidding? It's no damn convenience to charge me 10 fucking dollars to take my payment from a debit card.

Okay, thank you for that Joe Pesci :)
The internet attack this time is in large scale. On 1/21, a big attack had paralyzed 9 servers out of 13 servers which controlled global internet communication. Most users were not aware of this, because that attack was a short one, lasting only one hour. Then on 1/25, the largest attack in more than a year paralyzed millions of online and phone users, even stranded Bank of America ATM network. It's "slammer" worm. All these took place about a week before 1/27. What sours the frame case this time? My revelation in advance? France's incoordination delayed Invasion? It's a puzzle for outsiders. But there is one thing I'm sure that my postings are the main target of their frame case. I believe with new plot there will be bigger internet attack purposed on eliminating my messages.

You'd think that if he were such a bother they could find much more effective and permanent ways of removing his messages?
114. The prediction of accident of Columbia

I think the government used to create some event to flame public's sentiment to reach their purpose. So I remind people "beware another attack" from our own government to push for Iraq war. It seemed for that 1/27 war date, there lacked such an action. Then an article caught my eye, "Mystery deepens about cause of shuttle disaster" "New Orleans - Despite NASA'S announcement backing off launch problems as the primary cause of the Columbia disaster, top experts said the "abnormally large" piece of foam that flew into the left wing was probably part of a chain of events that brought the shuttle down." (S.J.M.N. 2/6/03) Since it happened in launch, though the accident took place in return journey, it also could have taken place in launch time. If so, the accident would have happened in 1/14, that would "serve the dual purpose of unifying the country behind President Bush " if there had been a war. Of course, this is only a possibility, a speculation of mine for reference.

There is an interesting information about the prediction of accident of Columbia. I recommend you have a read. I think the theory of "bee hive" is a good one which is frequently used by intelligence.



Analysis note from Alex Jones:
Three weeks ago, on my syndicated radio show, I said that there was a very good chance that the globalists would do something horrible concerning the latest Colombia mission. Understand, the psychological warfare technicians do not even need to publicly blame Iraq for the Columbia disaster. It will serve as a distraction in the global press during the final weeks of war preparation in the gulf. It will serve the dual purpose of unifying the country behind President Bush "

115. The third leg in Alabama shooting case. (2/17)

The following article is an important information that third party were involved in sniper shooting.

"Sniper Rifle Was Also Used In Ala. Killing
Third Assailant Possible In Ambush There, Police Say

By Allan Lengel
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, October 31, 2002; Page A01

"The rifle that was used in the Washington area sniper shootings also was used in last month's Alabama killing that led investigators to the suspects, Montgomery, Ala., Police Chief John H. Wilson said yesterday, citing newly available results of ballistics tests.

He said James Cavanaugh, special agent in charge of the ATF in Alabama and Tennessee, told him that ballistics examiners were able to get a more complete picture after examining a bullet test-fired from the sniper weapon......

Three federal law enforcement officials confirmed the new ballistics tests.....

The Alabama shootings occurred about 7:30 p.m., just as Parker and Adams were locking the door, "It was just like all the rest of the shootings -- no one ever saw anyone," Adams said, referring to the Washington area attacks.....

A nearby patrol car pulled up and officers saw Muhammad standing over the two women, rummaging through their purses and holding a handgun in his right hand, Wilson said. One officer tended to the victims. The second chased Muhammad, the chief said. Malvo was about 50 yards away, standing with a magazine in his hand, possibly acting as a lookout, Wilson said, citing witness accounts.

The second officer continued chasing Muhammad through a restaurant parking lot, but a blue car darted out and blocked the path, Wilson said. Muhammad and Malvo were arrested in a blue Caprice last week.

At the time of the liquor store shootings, Wilson said, police thought the car was at the wrong place at the wrong time. But once authorities learned that Muhammad and Malvo had a blue car, he said, his suspicions turned to a possible third person."

From above report, we can conclude: The shooting was carried out by another person. He was the real sniper. Muhammad and Malvo had never been seen holding a rifle. The whole story most likly like this: Muhammad and Malvo were support group of a sniper team. They were sent to do reconnaissance job. This was the most dangerous job because they were easy to be arrested on the scene. The blue Caprice was a working car. Some team member drove it to block the police chasing. All action were well trained: reconnaissance; cover up, evasion..... it reacted what Muhammad had said to his friend in Jamaica that he had worked for the CIA and FBI, and that he had to return to the States periodically to give military training workshops." (see #104. Sniper case, (5) Muhammad in Jamaica) (also According to Newsweek magazine, when Muhammad was travelling from Washington State to Washington, DC to participate the shooting case, he stopped to see his cousins in Baton Rouge, LA. He told them that he was on a "secret mission" for the military. His cousins dismissed him as a lunatic then.But now it seems he told truth.)

When Muhammad and Malvo were arrested, police also found walky talky(or mobile phone?) and satellite locater in car. These were unneccessary for them if they were the sole sniper. But it was useful if they acted as reconnaissance. With satellite locater, the commander of the sniper team was able to know the location of all support groups and instruct these groups to move to the spot for reconnaissance and cover up purpose by walky talky. Muhammad and Malvo was one of these support groups doing same job they had done in Alabama shooting case. That's why they were seen at the shooting scene and even was photoed by surveillance camara. This also explained why the sniper could keep on his shooting spree in a high alert surrounding without being caught. They were well trained and supported by large resources. Once the murderer became the investigator, they could never been discovered. Their mind also displayed in taro card left for local police,"I'm God." Because they also could command local police force.

Sometime later, governmet denied ballistic test said above. They said the bullet in Alabama case was not from the sniper rifle. Obviously they made up their mind to frame up only two persons but cover the real one. But when they manipulated the evidence by "made to fit", and fire arm's "finger print"-ballistic test became untrustworthy, how can we believe their "hard evidence" anymore?

116. The death of FBI analyst (2/28)

There is a Chinese proverb: "There is no three hundred taels of silver here." It said once a man who hid three hundred taels of silver under ground. To ensure nobody would know it, he put a note at the spot where he buried the silver:"There is no three hundred taels of silver here." When I heard the news on Oct. 14 2003 that sniper killed a FBI anlyst, I recall that proverb.

There were something unusual in this shooting death.

1. They beat the drum that a FBI agent was shot to death. Of all the victims, I only know one was a bus driver because he was shot at the bus parking lot where he worked. Another one because he was a student. People rarely know what career the other victims were at. But everybody knows there was a victim who was FBI agent.

2. They blew the trumpet that Malvo killed FBI analyst Linda Franklin. Newspaper all said Malvo admitted he killed FBI analyst. That even in computer Malvo left diary admitted so. If as police saying that Malvo was the one who pulled the trigger in most cases, then why did they repeatedly emphasize that he was the one who killed Linda Franklin but rarely talked about the other victims?

3. The killing place was a difficult one for a distant shooting. Generally, a sniper would avoid such place. I have no chance to see the other place of shooting cases. I only know they were all in open space, parking lot; gas station, shop entrance.....Due to a dense report on Linda's death, I had chance saw several times in TV news that she died in a roofed parking area. The roof was supported by many poles. Those poles blocked the view sight of sniper. If it was a random shooting, sniper would avoid such situation. There were a lot of open parking lot, why choose a difficult one? If it was a designated pick up, then to get rid of view obstacle he had to be close to the victim .

4. It was the only case which got detailed clues. The sniper eluded police. And was undetected in most cases. But this time, the figure of sniper was spotted, and the van was said with a left tail light out. Why? Apparently the difficult shooting surrounding forcing the sniper approaching close to the
victim, so this time he was seen by people.

5. It was the only case that police charged the witness. They said the man making a false statement to a law enforcement agent. How did they knew that man lied? S.J.M.N. reported, "There are other credible witnesses at the scene. That is how we were able to discredit his statement." The authority didn't say what reliable clues these credible witnesses given. And how credible these other witnesses were. But until Muhammad and Malvo were arrested, no clue talked about the blue Caprice, all clues talked about white van. So all witnesses made a false report. But authority seemed extraordinary severe on this witness. The shooting death took place on Monday, The man was held on Friday without bond over the weekend for arraignment next Monday.

Why are they so sensitive and over reactive on this man who gave a detailed clue? There is a possibility what he reported were true. They are scare of it. If the man hadn't admitted he made a false statement, he might be die for it. Arrest on Friday was a tactic law enforcement agent used to do if they planning for a plot. Bond bail won't work on week-end. They have extra two days for an "accident death". (see #65. Birthday Party on May 3 ) And as I said, if this was a case operated by "God"( intelligence), they were well covered by support teams such like Muhammad's. They not only would dart out their car to block a chasing, they also would be "credible witness" to mislead local police if necessary. They could even have ID of law enforcement agent.

Though the most victims of Washington DC shooting spree looked like being chosen at random, circumstance evidence showed that FBI analyst Linda Franklin was a designated pick-up. To ensure the killing, the sniper had to operate in a bad surrounding and had to do it in a close range. Thus he (them) was spotted by people. That's why now they repeated beating the drum to emphasize that Malvo admitted he pulled the plug.

In my message "#68. Ashcroft's revenge", "Re. 5. Culture of FBI", I said FBI knew OKC bombing in advance. Because though McVeigh's target were FBI and BATF, they were all absent that day. In DC shooting case, the sniper eluded detect so skillfully that people would think it was done by intelligence insiders. To get rid of that suspicion, they performed a scene of "There is no three hundred taels of silver here." (a scene of "FBI didn't do it") Then why Linda Franklin was chosen to be victim?

117. Swift response (3/10)

In 2/17 I posted message "115. The third leg in Alabama shooting case". That night, my wife told me Mr. Mao had a surgery on cancer and would die soon. I thought it was an immediate intimidation. Mr. Mao was importer of porcelain figurine and the main supplier for me when I had business ten years ago. Though he came from Taiwan, he went to China after he retired. One of his son has a factory in China and he bought a house there. Another son succeeded his business. He has a daughter lives here too. They all order their air tickets from my wife when they go to Taiwan and China. They knew my story. I think law enforcement agents had interviewed all of them for the information about me. They used to pick up their tickets in my wife's office. If they came to my house to pick up ticket, then they were ordered by agent to do so, I think.

Next day on 2/18, Mao's daughter came to my house to pick up her air ticket. It seemed more a business trip than visiting her father. The surgery was not a very recent one, Mao's other children didn't go back. She asked my wife to drive her to airport and left her car at the drive way of my garage. Her car parked there for almost a week until she came back from China. That's something never happened before. Nobody had ever left their car at my house. I think Mao's daughter was ordered to do so. When I stay at home to avoid FBI's aggressive work, they created links for me.

On 2/28, I posted another message "116. The death of FBI analyst" in internet. Next day my wife brought home a scent box. She installed it at the inside edge of toilet bowl. I wonder how she knew there was such kind of new thing since we never use scent box before. Then I found the drainage was blocked. Each time I rinsed the bowl, water swelled to the edge, soaked the box. I don't think it's a coincidence, blocking drainage and causing a flood is a popular trick they used to play. What's their purpose this time? I guess either they put drug inside box so they could show judge the trace of drug in drainage water, or if necessary, they can claim they found trace of drug in that box because it often soaked in bowl water.

This week-end, the other two sons of Mao came one after another to my house to pick up their tickets.(for business purpose) The unusual show up of all Mao's children in less than a month and deliberately leaving the car at my home made me think it was another FBI's plot. So I frankly told one of them what I thought that they probably would be victims of the frame case by those agents they worked for. To my surprise He was very calm. He said it was indeed very easy to be planted and that there was nothing can do to prevent from it.

His words remind me of lemon. On 1/26, I was motivated by a lady who sent bargain crab to us on that week end. I felt they were pushing us to consume more vinegar. So I wrote the message "112. How they plant (2)". Before I wrote that article, at least once a week, we had the luck to eat crab at good price. After I posting the message on 1/26, till now it's 6 weeks, no crab any more. The response was full and swift. But the work is going on in another way. My wife brought a lot of lemons home, said it was a gift from friend. The lemon, plays the same role of vinegar. We have no habit to cook with lemon, so the lemon are put in basket in kitchen like a decoration.

I could feel the heat of their swift response. I had expected they planed another plot in April. So I thought I could finish the "sniper case" series before April. But it was interrupted by their aggressive work. I think the messages of 115 and 116 made them very angry. They moved up earlier. They may start Iraq war in March (as early as on 3/17) and take that advantage to divert the attention of the frame case in which there will be a slaughter.
118. The dead FBI analyst (2) (3/21)

October 16, 2002, Wednesday
THE HUNT FOR A SNIPER: THE DEAD; Escaping the Grip of Cancer, Only to Die at a Sniper's Hand

Quote, "A year ago, at 46, Ms. Franklin, an analyst for the F.B.I., had faced the prospect of her own death: a diagnosis of breast cancer and tests showing the disease so advanced that she had to have a double mastectomy, relatives said. Then, late in August, they said, her 18-year-old niece was killed in a car accident, ......

she had worked for four years as an intelligence operations specialist in the cyberdivision and was considered a keen analyst, colleagues said."

I think Linda Franklin was a FBI dislike already. Breast cancer is a common method used to demolish dislike. In my messages "58. Manipulating media and killing by radiation" and "60. Plant, Frame and alleged murder " the women all died of breast cancer. When they needed a sacrifice. She was the convenient one. Then why she was the target?

Media is controlled by intelligence. When government intends a war in Iraq, there is a censorship on anti-war sentiment. But there is a new way in public communication - internet. FBI, naturally, would try to control that area. Many of my messages talked about my experience of being attacked and harassed in internet. Just like anthrax attack and DC sniper shooting, I think many internet attack were from Federal agents too. If Linda Franklin had been a keen analyst in cyberdivision and did her duty, she was an obstacle to those rogue team. The keener she was, more danger she was in.

The agents of FBI field office don't know the other side of their high ranking officers. When they were doing their work, they might innocently offend their boss. This happened when they were blocked for further investigation on 911 suspects. (FBI Phoenix and Minnisota office) Linda Franklin could not avoid involving in such situation.

119. FBI awards man who blocked MN investigation

Quote, " FBI performs a nasty little sequel to whistle-blower saga
Doug GrowStar TribunePublished Dec. 22, 2002

The Star Tribune's Greg Gordon reported last week that at a quiet little ceremony earlier this month, Marion (Spike) Bowman was one of nine people in the bureau to receive an award for "exceptional performance." The award carries with it a cash bonus of 20 to 35 percent of the recipient's salary and a framed certificate signed by the president.

What does this have to do with Rowley?
Bowman heads the FBI's National Security Law Unit. That's the unit that blocked Minneapolis agents from pursuing their suspicions about Moussaoui.
There were no FBI honors for the Minneapolis office. There was a big honor for the lead antagonist of the Minneapolis office."

120. Cyber-attack

On 2/6 I posted a message "113. Internet attack ". In which I alleged the Federal agent activated large internet attack to practice their skill. Next day, in the newspaper there was an article talked about Bush had signed a secret order for launching cyber attack. It was a swift response to my allegation. A show-off that they are even supported by President of United States.

Quote, "Bush seeks to develop cyber-attack plans
New form of weaponry could alter means of waging war

by Bradley Graham
Washington Post

Washington - President Bush has signed a secret directive ordering the government to develop, for the first time, national-level guidance for determining when and how the United States would launch cyber-attacks against enemy computer networks, according to administration officials. ....

Bush signed the order known as National Security Presidential Directive 16, in July but it has not been disclosed publicly until now".
(San Jose Mercury News 2/7/2003)

121. Attempt to get hand writing note. (3/31)

In 3/21, I posted "118. The dead FBI analyst (2)" in internet. Next day(Saturday), same scene reacted. (see "117. Swift response (3/10)") My wife told me Mao's daughter would go to China next day Sunday. In the afternoon, someone knocked at the door. It was Mao's daughter. She asked if I knew my wife's cellular phone number when she knew my wife was not at home. I told her I didn't know because I rarely use telephone. I felt it was another attempt of agent to create a link between her and I . They arranged her visit at a time I was home alone. So I straightly told her, "I think you come under the order of FBI." She immediately turned around and went back to her car. I followed her to finish my warning. The simple story of how agent trying to frame me. That her car parking at my house last month and her visit today were all an attempt to create a link. That it was easy to be trapped in a framed drug case if she had business. I reminded her "Don't think you are working for them then they won't hurt you. For their own good, They don't care to sacrifice anyone working for them. Mao's daughter closed the car door and made a phone call, she had a cellular phone in her hand.

I went back home to the computer, in a minute she came back again. She repeated the same question for my wife's phone number. I said, "Haven't I told you I don't know?" She then walked around, looked like to be in a stupefaction. Once she was going to my daughter's room, so I asked "What are you going to do?" She said, "To see if your daughter has a phone." I reminded her, "you have a cellular phone in your hand." "Oh." she then asked for a piece of paper to leave her phone number to my wife. For convenience I grasped a junk mail from table, handed to her. She refused, hinted she need a piece of paper. "Why not?" I asked. For a phone number an envelope was enough. She then asked for a pen. I reminded her there was a pen in her hand already. "Oh." She looked like just waking up from a dream. She wrote down her phone number than left. Obviously she made a call to her handler that her cover up was blewn off when she went back to her car. The agent ordered her to fulfil the mission they told her to do. So she came back to repeat the same question. She was so nervous that she even forgot she had phone and pen in her hand. I guess the purpose of agent was to let her get a note from me (with the excuse of writing down my wife's phone number) Which they would use as a "hard evidence". They would create something on that piece of paper, so they even prepared the pen. Made the fake writing and my genuine writing from same pen. Though sometimes people visit friends with cell phone in their hands, it's unusual to visit with a pen in hand. But Mao's daughter didn't know what to do when I told her I didn't know the phone number, that's why she had tried to go to my daughter's room, intended to make a phone call for the instruction.

This is not the only case they tried to get my hand writing. In March 14, 2000, after I wrote a complaint letter to US consulate, I was in Ranong, Burma. A lady came to me, said she was an oversea's Chinese. She guided me to the local market and helped me shopping some food. When I thanked her for the help, she took out a notebook and a pen, asked me to leave my name. I wrote down my name without suspicion. Several days later, the attempt of framed drug case alarmed me. I recalled this and thought it might be a trap. I'm not a celibrity, what's the use for my signature? About ten days later, in a phone store in Bangkok which I frequently went for its low rate, the girl working there handed me a blank paper said she would like to have my name written on paper. She said she was curious in Chinese characters. It was a store offering international phone service where she had a lot of chances to meet Chinese, why picked up me? I refused. I drifted in South-east Asia for more than a year, this was the only two times I was asked for signature. All happened in March when they tried to frame me in drug case. I don't think it's coincidence.. The plot of April

In Feb.4, 2003, there was a news in World Journal (Chinese) which said that 5 members of "Aryan Brotherhood" gang admitted guilty in attempted murder, drug smuggling. The court verdict would be in this April. I have alleged agent would murder by the hands of gangsters. I also have talked about this gang in message "62. Plot". It seems they plan to do it in April. Then my wife said she would take a vacation trip to China with my daughter and father in law on April 18. I'll be left home alone. In another word, nobody knows what happens if they apply something on me.

Each criminal has his own style to commit a crime. Feds has its own, too. To murder and frame drug case by the hands of gangsters, local police, foreign power, (in this case, Chinese secret police). And divert public attention by big event.(in this case, Iraq war) When I review the coming April, it is so similar to the case they designed two years ago. See messages from #61 to #67.

The late development strenthens my opinion. On 2/28/03 I posted "116. The death of FBI analyst (2/28)" in internet. The message was written on 2/27. Which means the agent who monitoring me knew it as early as on 2/27.

On 3/1, the newspaper reported that seven top San Francisco police officials (include chief) were indicted for blocking probe of cops in brawl. That's a big news. I had expected Federal agent would take advantage at the case of three S.F.cops in brawl. But I didn't expect they'll charge top ranking police officials. It looks like they'll do a big case in S.F. Ten months ago I posted a message "67. Turn on into local police (5/29)" which said FBI released data to put pressure on S.F.P.D. Now it seems they directly extort on S.F.P.D.. From indictment to trial date of this case, there is only one month and a half. Pretty short for the charged 7 high ranking officials. I don't think the trial date, April 18th, is a coincidence to my wife's travel date. And something very unusual happened in this top policemen's indictment.
123. Unusual case against top S.F. police officers (4/10)

There were often reported cases of police abusing their power. In many cases they shot the innocent people to death. But they mostly could successfully quit the charge. Seldom the other officers who not involved in case would be charged.

This time, seven top ranking officers were indicted on obstruction charges in the alleged coverup of an investigation into a drunken brawl in which three police officers faced assault charges. The chief, Sanders, was nominated by Mayor Brown. They are a big political power in San Francisco. Who took the risk to challenge this power? It must be a power even bigger.

The unusual thing is the grand jury don't have evidence but probable cause to raise the charge. Is that too frivolous to offend a power? It's totally unnecessary. Re: "Last month, Hallinan told grand jurors his office may not have the evidence to prove the allegations, according to transcripts of grand jury's proceedings, but the panel handed up the indictments anyway." (S.J.M.N. 3/12/03)

The most unusual thing is the indictment was finished in a hurry, at last minute. Read this:
"Referring to the handwritten attachments to the indictment, Peter Keane, dean of the Golden Gate University Law School and a former public defender, said he had not seen such a thing in California in more than 75 years. "It means the grand jury was scribbling and changing and editing right up to the last minute. " (S.J.M.N. 3/5/03)
"A handwritten addendum to the typed complaint - which caused defense attorneys to claim that the whole document was slipshod when it was released Tuesday - was printed on plain paper because the jurors added the charges just before the indictments were signed by a judge Thursday evening."(S.J.M.N. 3/7/03)

Obviously the charge was added at last minute. They even didn't have time to typewrite addendum. Did it more like an intelligence work than normal judicial process? A movie story was vivid there only it was reality this time. Who had that ability to do this? To manipulate a grand jury, prosecutors, to challenge a big political power? I think it was out of someone who thought they were God who could do anything.

I believe the indictment against top ranking police officers of San Francisco was an attempt to create extortion base by intelligence. They need help from local police in a framed case.

124. The development of the S.F. top police officers' case

On 3/10/03, D.A. dropped case against top two officers, Chief Sanders and his second-in-command because there was no sufficient evidence. However, Halinan said he would still prosecute five other supervisors on obstruction of justice charges and three other officers involved in a drunk brawl.

On 3/31, I posted a message "122. The plot of April" in which I alleged this was an extortion attempt.

Four days later, on 4/4, a judge dismissed the charges against the rest five high ranking police officers. She said the prosecution did not offer enough evidence to support the allegation of a conspiracy.

I think this was a swift response to my message. I had experience. See message: 96. Follow up (2) of Judi Bary's case in "60. Plant, Frame and alleged murder ". They responsed with a trial on date just in several days. Another reason I think so is the newspaper report. It's a big case in Bay Area. Almost each report about this case, (include report that D.A. dropping the charge against Chief Sanders) occupied about half page with big title and pictures. The finishing of the charge against top ranking officers, (the rest five supervisors) was only a short message about 150 words hidden in a small column with a title of small letters. If I hadn't heard it in TV news and made a search next day, I would have missed it.

I think these were a swift responses to my opinion about sniper case.

115. The third leg in Alabama shooting case. (2/17)
Next day(2/18) they send Mao's daughter to my house who left for China on night and parked her car at my house. See message "117. Swift response (3/10)"

116. The death of FBI analyst (2/28)
I wrote this message on 2/27. On 2/28, they charged top 7 S.F.police officers. In a hurry to catch the trial on 4/18. See previous message.

118. The dead FBI analyst (2) (3/21)
Next day(3/22), Mao's daughter came again, she would go to China on 3/23. See message "121. Attempt to get hand writing note. (3/31)".

They made Mao's daughter coming to my house right after I posted sniper case message. ( Who for years hadn't been to my house.) And arranged a business trip for her to China just in one or two days. It's easy to lure her in profitable business then plant drug in shipment.

I think my opinion and analysis about sniper case is very correct. They are afraid of it and had a very aggressive response.

125. An open letter to those who like to reprint my article (4/21)

On 4/13, I received an e-mail from the host of "This webpage is better than yours". In which it said, "The content on your homepage is extremely interesting. .....May I have your permission to reprint your content on my webpage?"

Since I don't communicate by e-mail privately in case there is a trap, I answer here in internet.

Dear Wayne DeGroot,

Thank you for your interesting in my article. You can reprint my article in your webpage freely. But you don't own it. And you can't forbid others to spread and reprint it. Someone had the same request a year ago, I posted a public announcement (message #52) talked about it. You won't miss it if you had read my article. I repeat it here.

Anybody who is interested in my messages posted in internet can download them and publish them with no obligation. It's free. I have only two request: 1. Put my name "Kat Hak Sung" on the publish. 2. You can correct mis-spelling word, but can't add or reduce the content of each message. No individual person, or group, or organization can own my messages privately and forbid others to read, publish them. The purpose of this announcement is to prevent someone from censoring my messages if I was murdered. Kat Hak Sung is my real name.

Sorry I don't communicate privately because I don't want anybody declare that they have sole private right of my articles because I directly e-mail them. I don't want to disappoint those who really intend to publish my messages. So I made previous public announcement. I'll be glad you can spread my messages.


Kat Hak Sung

126. Sniper case (crime style)

Every criminal has his own crime style, sniper killing is used to be seen in political assassination. Such like the assassination of President Kennedy, ( I had been intimidated that he was killed by law enforcement agent. see message #17) And the assassination of M.L.King. ( It is said Dr. King was a dislike of former FBI director Mr. Hoover ) Sniper killing is also frequently used by law enforcement agent. In any case when SWAT involved, there are always snipers located on the roofs. In Rubyridge case, a FBI sniper killed family members of Weaver.

I personally had the experience of Feds sniper.

One was in Thailand. In March 2000, when Foreign Ministry of Thailand told me to ask for asylum in Internal Ministry, and Internal Minister resigned from his post for a sudden scandal, I knew they determined to frame me in drug case. Newspapers suddenly reported drug smugglers arrested and board patrol intensified. They made a drug arrest reasonable already. How could I avoid their trap? I thought of the Golden Triangle. It is famous for its opium trade. Now is a tourist spot. Though Golden Triangle related to drug, it seemed the only way I could choose to leave Thailand safely. They couldn't say they arrested a man who tried to smuggle drug to where it was produced. It would be as absurd as accusing a man sale soda to Coca-cola Co. I went to travel agency to ask for the trip to Golden Triangle. They all told me that I had to go to ChinMai first, stay there overnight then take a local bus to the board of Burma and Thailand next day. When I was in hesitation, there was an article in newspaper said that US law enforcement agent had an expert sniper newly arrived in Thailand. He would be positioned at North Thailand to shoot drug smugglers. The article introduced the sniper's glorious past, that how many people he had killed in the war. I read a lot of newspaper everyday. They knew it and often delivered the intimidation by newspaper. I got used to it. This time their information was clear. If I wouldn't go to their trap, they would shoot me to death. I then changed my mind to go to Laos. Though Laos was not so popular for drugs, it was still unusual to charge smuggle drug from Thailand to Laos. And one of my consideration was I could take a train direct to board cross. Nong Khai was a city, where a foreigner could hardly do a sniper job among dense population.

On April 5, I took a night train to Nong Khai. At midnight, the train stopped in an open field for nearly two hours. I looked out of the window, it was dark. Would there be an expert sniper there? I wonder. Luckily, the train was crowded. Seats were full with many people standing by. It was a long time for me. At last the train moved and brought me to the board. The sniper killing threat remained in my mind. (story see messages "51. Unbridle power of intelligence.")

You can find that sniper article in Thailand newspaper. The time should be about late March to early April in 2000.

Another one took place in June, 2001. I talked about it in message "# 63. A well planed frame case". I alleged Feds framed a big case in that month. My nephew, a Stanford student, was a target too. I think they planned a random shooting death for him. To make the case looked like a result of racial hatred, they shot an Asian girl to death at first. The execution of McVeigh was designated on 6/11. The framed case should be about same time so the McVeigh's death could diverge public's attention. The innocent Asian girl was shot to death on 6/10. Read this.


Maria Ann Hsiao had just walked outside a crowded Palo Alto nightclub early Sunday when someone shot her in the head. Police said no one reported seeing her killer, not the 15 or 20 people standing nearby nor the hundreds inside.

Panicked patrons flagged down a patrol car in front of the Q Cafe on Alma Street moments after the shooting at 12:20 a.m., setting off a rare homicide investigation in a city known more for serenity and Stanford University than violence."

(S.J.M.N. 6/11/2001)

The situation just like the DC sniper shooting. People nearby didn't know where the bullet came from. Of course, the case remained unsolved. But when DC sniper case started, the same description of bystanders reminds me the sniper might be from the same origin and use the same style. That's why I viewed the DC sniper case from another angle right from the beginning.

127. Heavy harassment (5/3)

I was harassed heavily in internet recently. They use "error page" , or "downloading page" which constantly popped out to harass reading and writing. Slow processing was frequently used. Several times they just blocked the entering. Give a "Can't Find the Web Site" page for each click in. Forced me to abandon the surfing in internet. Sometimes they gave a page of "Sorry, you may not post at this time. This forum has a waiting period before new members can post a message. Please return in 6 hours to post." For different web sites, they entered different number of hours for fun. I think it's that kind of work cultivated their mentality of "I'm god" because they can control others' life. These significantly slowed my internet surfing.

Moreover, in several web-sites where people can post without registration, they assumed my name to post fake messages. They use my e-mail address and post my phone-number there. The article made me look like a psycho with the content like: "How I become alleged murder of Ron (undercover agent)" . "How me, Kat Hak Sung, becomes alleged murder of Ron ", "Every criminal like me has his own crime style". People can see these forgery at:

Though they used to do their job without leaving hard evidence, these attacks could be rarely some.

FBI has a history abusing their power of eroding civil liberty. There is little check and balance on this power. I believe there are rogue team inside the intelligence involved in criminal activities. When decent and keen agent discovered such kind of problem, and tried to do real law enforcement job, what will happen? They usually were blocked for doing further investigation like in event of MN field office and Phoenix office in 911 case, or being under fire like Turner, even being eliminated "accidently" like Linda Franklin.

FBI agent under fire - from agency
Exclusive interview: Turner blew whistle on Ground Zero theft
By Lisa Myers

WASHINGTON, April 29 - For a quarter-century, Jane Turner has been a special agent for the FBI. But now the agency is trying to fire her, and Turner says it's because she blew the whistle on FBI wrongdoing. Agent Turner tells her story in an exclusive interview with NBC's senior investigative correspondent, Lisa Myers.
118. The dead FBI analyst (2) (3/21)

October 16, 2002, Wednesday
THE HUNT FOR A SNIPER: THE DEAD; Escaping the Grip of Cancer, Only to Die at a Sniper's Hand

Quote, "A year ago, at 46, Ms. Franklin, an analyst for the F.B.I., had faced the prospect of her own death: a diagnosis of breast cancer and tests showing the disease so advanced that she had to have a double mastectomy, relatives said. Then, late in August, they said, her 18-year-old niece was killed in a car accident, ......

she had worked for four years as an intelligence operations specialist in the cyberdivision and was considered a keen analyst, colleagues said."

I think Linda Franklin was a FBI dislike already. Breast cancer is a common method used to demolish dislike. In my messages "58. Manipulating media and killing by radiation" and "60. Plant, Frame and alleged murder " the women all died of breast cancer. When they needed a sacrifice. She was the convenient one. Then why she was the target?

Media is controlled by intelligence. When government intends a war in Iraq, there is a censorship on anti-war sentiment. But there is a new way in public communication - internet. FBI, naturally, would try to control that area. Many of my messages talked about my experience of being attacked and harassed in internet. Just like anthrax attack and DC sniper shooting, I think many internet attack were from Federal agents too. If Linda Franklin had been a keen analyst in cyberdivision and did her duty, she was an obstacle to those rogue team. The keener she was, more danger she was in.

The agents of FBI field office don't know the other side of their high ranking officers. When they were doing their work, they might innocently offend their boss. This happened when they were blocked for further investigation on 911 suspects. (FBI Phoenix and Minnisota office) Linda Franklin could not avoid involving in such situation.

119. FBI awards man who blocked MN investigation

Quote, " FBI performs a nasty little sequel to whistle-blower saga
Doug GrowStar TribunePublished Dec. 22, 2002

The Star Tribune's Greg Gordon reported last week that at a quiet little ceremony earlier this month, Marion (Spike) Bowman was one of nine people in the bureau to receive an award for "exceptional performance." The award carries with it a cash bonus of 20 to 35 percent of the recipient's salary and a framed certificate signed by the president.

What does this have to do with Rowley?
Bowman heads the FBI's National Security Law Unit. That's the unit that blocked Minneapolis agents from pursuing their suspicions about Moussaoui.
There were no FBI honors for the Minneapolis office. There was a big honor for the lead antagonist of the Minneapolis office."

120. Cyber-attack

On 2/6 I posted a message "113. Internet attack ". In which I alleged the Federal agent activated large internet attack to practice their skill. Next day, in the newspaper there was an article talked about Bush had signed a secret order for launching cyber attack. It was a swift response to my allegation. A show-off that they are even supported by President of United States.

Quote, "Bush seeks to develop cyber-attack plans
New form of weaponry could alter means of waging war

by Bradley Graham
Washington Post

Washington - President Bush has signed a secret directive ordering the government to develop, for the first time, national-level guidance for determining when and how the United States would launch cyber-attacks against enemy computer networks, according to administration officials. ....

Bush signed the order known as National Security Presidential Directive 16, in July but it has not been disclosed publicly until now".
(San Jose Mercury News 2/7/2003)

121. Attempt to get hand writing note. (3/31)

In 3/21, I posted "118. The dead FBI analyst (2)" in internet. Next day(Saturday), same scene reacted. (see "117. Swift response (3/10)") My wife told me Mao's daughter would go to China next day Sunday. In the afternoon, someone knocked at the door. It was Mao's daughter. She asked if I knew my wife's cellular phone number when she knew my wife was not at home. I told her I didn't know because I rarely use telephone. I felt it was another attempt of agent to create a link between her and I . They arranged her visit at a time I was home alone. So I straightly told her, "I think you come under the order of FBI." She immediately turned around and went back to her car. I followed her to finish my warning. The simple story of how agent trying to frame me. That her car parking at my house last month and her visit today were all an attempt to create a link. That it was easy to be trapped in a framed drug case if she had business. I reminded her "Don't think you are working for them then they won't hurt you. For their own good, They don't care to sacrifice anyone working for them. Mao's daughter closed the car door and made a phone call, she had a cellular phone in her hand.

I went back home to the computer, in a minute she came back again. She repeated the same question for my wife's phone number. I said, "Haven't I told you I don't know?" She then walked around, looked like to be in a stupefaction. Once she was going to my daughter's room, so I asked "What are you going to do?" She said, "To see if your daughter has a phone." I reminded her, "you have a cellular phone in your hand." "Oh." she then asked for a piece of paper to leave her phone number to my wife. For convenience I grasped a junk mail from table, handed to her. She refused, hinted she need a piece of paper. "Why not?" I asked. For a phone number an envelope was enough. She then asked for a pen. I reminded her there was a pen in her hand already. "Oh." She looked like just waking up from a dream. She wrote down her phone number than left. Obviously she made a call to her handler that her cover up was blewn off when she went back to her car. The agent ordered her to fulfil the mission they told her to do. So she came back to repeat the same question. She was so nervous that she even forgot she had phone and pen in her hand. I guess the purpose of agent was to let her get a note from me (with the excuse of writing down my wife's phone number) Which they would use as a "hard evidence". They would create something on that piece of paper, so they even prepared the pen. Made the fake writing and my genuine writing from same pen. Though sometimes people visit friends with cell phone in their hands, it's unusual to visit with a pen in hand. But Mao's daughter didn't know what to do when I told her I didn't know the phone number, that's why she had tried to go to my daughter's room, intended to make a phone call for the instruction.

This is not the only case they tried to get my hand writing. In March 14, 2000, after I wrote a complaint letter to US consulate, I was in Ranong, Burma. A lady came to me, said she was an oversea's Chinese. She guided me to the local market and helped me shopping some food. When I thanked her for the help, she took out a notebook and a pen, asked me to leave my name. I wrote down my name without suspicion. Several days later, the attempt of framed drug case alarmed me. I recalled this and thought it might be a trap. I'm not a celibrity, what's the use for my signature? About ten days later, in a phone store in Bangkok which I frequently went for its low rate, the girl working there handed me a blank paper said she would like to have my name written on paper. She said she was curious in Chinese characters. It was a store offering international phone service where she had a lot of chances to meet Chinese, why picked up me? I refused. I drifted in South-east Asia for more than a year, this was the only two times I was asked for signature. All happened in March when they tried to frame me in drug case. I don't think it's coincidence.. The plot of April

In Feb.4, 2003, there was a news in World Journal (Chinese) which said that 5 members of "Aryan Brotherhood" gang admitted guilty in attempted murder, drug smuggling. The court verdict would be in this April. I have alleged agent would murder by the hands of gangsters. I also have talked about this gang in message "62. Plot". It seems they plan to do it in April. Then my wife said she would take a vacation trip to China with my daughter and father in law on April 18. I'll be left home alone. In another word, nobody knows what happens if they apply something on me.

Each criminal has his own style to commit a crime. Feds has its own, too. To murder and frame drug case by the hands of gangsters, local police, foreign power, (in this case, Chinese secret police). And divert public attention by big event.(in this case, Iraq war) When I review the coming April, it is so similar to the case they designed two years ago. See messages from #61 to #67.

The late development strenthens my opinion. On 2/28/03 I posted "116. The death of FBI analyst (2/28)" in internet. The message was written on 2/27. Which means the agent who monitoring me knew it as early as on 2/27.

On 3/1, the newspaper reported that seven top San Francisco police officials (include chief) were indicted for blocking probe of cops in brawl. That's a big news. I had expected Federal agent would take advantage at the case of three S.F.cops in brawl. But I didn't expect they'll charge top ranking police officials. It looks like they'll do a big case in S.F. Ten months ago I posted a message "67. Turn on into local police (5/29)" which said FBI released data to put pressure on S.F.P.D. Now it seems they directly extort on S.F.P.D.. From indictment to trial date of this case, there is only one month and a half. Pretty short for the charged 7 high ranking officials. I don't think the trial date, April 18th, is a coincidence to my wife's travel date. And something very unusual happened in this top policemen's indictment.