How many races are there?

How many races are there?

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Truth? The word of God details the fact there exists only one race of peoples upon the earth and they all share the same blood.....mankind. Science also details the fact of a shared common ancestry among all mankind.

"And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth." -- Acts 17:26

If there were an actual difference among the people there could be no sharing of blood types, no inter racial commonality of DNA. As far as "guessing" when these first individuals lived...its just the simple fact that science (real applied science) as no method of determining just how old any DNA lineage might be as each DNA taken from the sample pool provides different ages. That's why we have "philosophy" pretending to be real science....they call it "theoretical science" when in reality its nothing but a guessing game made by assumption instead of scientific evidence. The in vogue theory today is VERTICAL EVOLUTION...thus, the assumption always must begin with some astronomical historical order to shoe horn the results into evolution...that requires astronomical ages.
You have the attention focus of a gnat. You're the one who brought up the issue...
I did? Go ahead and link it, goat worshipper. Take us back to the beginning. Then once we see where you've fucked up, I'll be more than happy to bring us to the correct point, where I will be sure to rub your stupid, diseased, face in it. ;)
By habit, you are.

It's that you are too fucking lazy and stupid to figure out the actual significance of 'domer', taintlicker. Flail away, cunt. You're a funny guy.

dome = head. It's really rather simple. It also explains your fascination with homoerotosism.
I did? Go ahead and link it, goat worshipper. Take us back to the beginning. Then once we see where you've fucked up, I'll be more than happy to bring us to the correct point, where I will be sure to rub your stupid, diseased, face in it. ;)

The thread on Big Surprise Here. Right here, cunt. Post #53, where you began your claims that Arab is a race. I've spent the remainder of the time correcting you. Read my signature, taintlicker. It's equally as moronic with you claiming Mexicans as a race. What a fucking idiot.

You got your ass kicked so badly on that thread, you had to turn to a lame fucking poll to try to salve you wounds. Pretty fucking pitiful, even for a Special Olympics washout.
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The thread on Big Surprise Here. Right here, cunt. Post #53, where you began your claims that Arab is a race. I've spent the remainder of the time correcting you. Read my signature, taintlicker. It's equally as moronic with you claiming Mexicans as a race. What a fucking idiot.
You stupid fucker. Your boyfriend, Leon Troll, is the silly bitch who got the ball rolling on that one. I simply called him a racist (which he is) from one of his earlier posts. You ass clowns are always calling Conservatives racists, but it's obvious that you fudge packers are the real racists. I just enjoy calling you stupid perverts out every once in a while.

Now, we've already addressed the issue of race. I kicked your ass, and you desperately want to relive it. the real question is, why? And don't use Wikipedia to give your answer. This needs to come straight from you, no matter how stupid and convoluted it will be. ;)
You stupid fucker. Your boyfriend, Leon Troll, is the silly bitch who got the ball rolling on that one. I simply called him a racist (which he is) from one of his earlier posts. You ass clowns are always calling Conservatives racists, but it's obvious that you fudge packers are the real racists. I just enjoy calling you stupid perverts out every once in a while.

Now, we've already addressed the issue of race. I kicked your ass, and you desperately want to relive it. the real question is, why? And don't use Wikipedia to give your answer. This needs to come straight from you, no matter how stupid and convoluted it will be. ;)

Since you missed it the other times I corrected you, one more time. You don't like wikipedia? Tough shit. It was corroborated by two other references, one an encyclopedia. You used a laughably simplistic dictionary definition, while I referenced an encylopedia. Chomp on that, cunt.

How did your pitifully bogus poll turn out, bitch? Did you get your valudation?m

BTW, are Mexicans still a race? lol

Stop humiliating yourself, punk. This isn't even a challenge for me.
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Since you missed it the other times I corrected you, one more time.
I do the correcting, fuckface. The truth is, I didn't really give two shits about race until your dumbass chimed in. You see, dipshit, Alinsky disciples, just like you, are always down with confusing issues. It's really what you faggots do best. But since I don't buy into that nonsense, I just let you assholes scream yourselves into a lather. It's really quite fun, actually.

You don't like wikipedia? Tough shit. It was corroborated by two other references, one an encyclopedia. You used a laughably simplistic dictionary definition, while I referenced an encylopedia. Chomp on that, cunt.
Again, fuckface, you're missing the big picture. The truth is, nobody cares what a dumbass Wikipedia parrot, like you, thinks about anything. Leftists are just about as worthless as terrorists.

Bottom line is, there's nothing definitive on what "Race" really is, and on top of that, nobody really cares that there's nothing definitive on race; nobody except for a tree hugging granola cruncher like you.

How did your pitifully bogus poll turn out, bitch? Did you get your valudation?m
It turned out quite well, actually. You'll notice that your idiot take on race was nearly last, if not last, so fuck you, vermin. LOL

BTW, are Mexicans still a race? lol
Race, Division, Ethnicity, who gives a shit? LOL

Stop humiliating yourself, punk. This isn't even a challenge for me.
The humiliation is all on you, pillow biter. Just keep those screams muffled. ;)
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I do the correcting, fuckface. The truth is, I didn't really give two shits about race until your dumbass chimed in. You see, dipshit, Alinsky disciples, just like you, are always down with confusing issues. It's really what you faggots do best. But since I don't buy into that nonsense, I just let you assholes scream yourselves into a lather. It's really quite fun, actually.

Again, fuckface, you're missing the big picture. The truth is, nobody cares what a dumbass Wikipedia parrot, like you, thinks about anything. Leftists are just about as worthless as terrorists.

Bottom line is, there's nothing definitive on what "Race" really is, and on top of that, nobody really cares that there's nothing definitive on race; nobody except for a tree hugging granola cruncher like you.

It turned out quite well, actually. You'll notice that your idiot take on race was nearly last, if not last, so fuck you, vermin. LOL

Race, Division, Ethnicity, who gives a shit? LOL

The humiliation is all on you, pillow biter. Just keep those screams muffled. ;)


You left skid marks when you hit reverse so hard. The scenario was this. I made the simple statement that Arabs are Caucasian ethnic group, not a separate race, and you shit your pants. You even double down by declaring Mexicans are a race. How fucking stupid are you? I have difficulty measuring your stupidity level.

Now you say there's nothing definitive on race, but you still claims Arabs and Mexicans are definitive races. Priceless!

I notice on your "poll", you left out the option of "Mexicans and Arabs are separate races". Why was that asshole?
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With increasing diversity, there is much truth to that. Historically, the predominant opinion was four

Mongol (Asian)
Those are sociological or anthropological classifications. Biology does not recognize "race" as a taxonomical classification for two reasons.

#1. No one has ever provided a distinct and objective definition of a rank (race) below the level of subspecies.
#2. DNA evidence has shown that what is called race is normal phenotypical genetic variation at the species level.
Those are sociological or anthropological classifications. Biology does not recognize "race" as a taxonomical classification for two reasons.

#1. No one has ever provided a distinct and objective definition of a rank (race) below the level of subspecies.
#2. DNA evidence has shown that what is called race is normal phenotypical genetic variation at the species level.

This came about from a claim that Arabs were a seperate race. Doubled down that Mexicans were too.

Agreed that the racial differentiation is vague these days.

You left skid marks when you hit reverse so hard. The scenario was this. I made the simple statement that Arabs are Caucasian ethnic group, not a separate race, and you shit your pants. You even double down by declaring Mexicans are a race. How fucking stupid are you? I have difficulty measuring your stupidity level.

Now you say there's nothing definitive on race, but you still claims Arabs and Mexicans are definitive races. Priceless!

I notice on your "poll", you left out the option of "Mexicans and Arabs are separate races". Why was that asshole?

Trust me, moonbat. Nobody believes that you're laughing.

Truth is, a Conservative says pretty much anything, and you fuckers immediately put your Alinksy on.

Yes, Mexicans and Arabs are a race. Just like YOU are a race. Yup. YOU, dumbshit, not the other dumbshit sitting behind you (Leon Troll) ;).

You, gaybait are part of the eunuchloid race. A creepy collection of finger pointing dickless democrats that can never shut the fuck up. I don't know which is worse: You, or the shitbag terrorists in the Middle East. We may have to start a poll on that too. ;)

Oh, and lookee here! bed-wetter finally cast his vote! Why did you do that, you little pervert? I thought you didn't give a shit about this poll? Could it be that YOU were looking for validation? I think it was...


Trust me, moonbat. Nobody believes that you're laughing.

Truth is, a Conservative says pretty much anything, and you fuckers immediately put your Alinksy on.

Yes, Mexicans and Arabs are a race. Just like YOU are a race. Yup. YOU, dumbshit, not the other dumbshit sitting behind you (Leon Troll) ;).

You, gaybait are part of the eunuchloid race. A creepy collection of finger pointing dickless democrats that can never shut the fuck up. I don't know which is worse: You, or the shitbag terrorists in the Middle East. We may have to start a poll on that too. ;)

Oh, and lookee here! bed-wetter finally cast his vote! Why did you do that, you little pervert? I thought you didn't give a shit about this poll? Could it be that YOU were looking for validation? I think it was...


Stupid racist loser.
Poor Granny

Trust me, moonbat. Nobody believes that you're laughing.

Truth is, a Conservative says pretty much anything, and you fuckers immediately put your Alinksy on.

Yes, Mexicans and Arabs are a race. Just like YOU are a race. Yup. YOU, dumbshit, not the other dumbshit sitting behind you (Leon Troll) ;).

You, gaybait are part of the eunuchloid race. A creepy collection of finger pointing dickless democrats that can never shut the fuck up. I don't know which is worse: You, or the shitbag terrorists in the Middle East. We may have to start a poll on that too. ;)

Oh, and lookee here! bed-wetter finally cast his vote! Why did you do that, you little pervert? I thought you didn't give a shit about this poll? Could it be that YOU were looking for validation? I think it was...



Now I'm a separate race? With that logic, there are 7+ billion races. Quite a jump from your previously claimed 80 million in the US alone. Or was that 360?

I voted so I could see the results of your pitiful attempt at validation. Why didn't you offer your original claim as an option, cunt? That Arabs are a separate race. Or that Mexicans are a separate race. Because, douchebag, you wanted to avoid additional humiliation.

See folks, this is the danger of homeschooling when Mommy decides to skip science. No social skills plus ignorance. Bad combo
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