How the climate change denial machine works and how it is funded

that message goes straight to all you programmers of these Russian bots

You are fucked

ypu are fighting for a side that is completely incapable of winning

yes ypu can cause pain

but you cant win

the humans that inherit and clean up the mess you leave will forget you or only remember you with scorn

Your children will deny being related to you
so you believe 97% of the population is buyable ?

sounds like a message straight out of the brain of a sociopath

sociopaths look into their own hearts and see nothing but darkness

they assume all hearts are as dark as their own

this is why they will NEVER control the world

they don't understand those they attempt to control

bad information in means bad results out

Just like the CEOS who refuse to pay for science that would be worthless to them in deciding something

ypur brain pays non stop for bad information

you are incapable of understanding humans

you are broken inside

It makes you unavoidably WEAK

you are physically incapable of controlling the human population

you're projecting again,dear. go clutch your pearls and faint already.
anyone who would look at a group of people that has a breakdown of 97 to 3

and then suggest the 97% were the problem is a sociopath

a broken brain

a brain that is incapable of completely rational thought

and ONLY a sociopath would BELIEVE that level of population is capable of being paid off

sociopaths have NO REAL UNDERSTANDING of what a moral is

to them its just a word designed by society to shame others

they FEEL no morals in their being

there is no warm spot in their core when they witness goodness

You NORMAL PEOPLE know that feeling Im talking about

sociopaths don't ever FEEL that

unless of course it has to do with them getting what they want

they feel that only for their own self statisfaction being fulfilled

No moral compass means they can NEVER understand humans and will always FAIL to know how they will react

take heart my warm core crew

they cant win
anyone who would look at a group of people that has a breakdown of 97 to 3

and then suggest the 97% were the problem is a sociopath

a broken brain

a brain that is incapable of completely rational thought

and ONLY a sociopath would BELIEVE that level of population is capable of being paid off

sociopaths have NO REAL UNDERSTANDING of what a moral is

to them its just a word designed by society to shame others

they FEEL no morals in their being

there is no warm spot in their core when they witness goodness

You NORMAL PEOPLE know that feeling Im talking about

sociopaths don't ever FEEL that

unless of course it has to do with them getting what they want

they feel that only for their own self statisfaction being fulfilled

No moral compass means they can NEVER understand humans and will always FAIL to know how they will react

take heart my warm core crew

they cant win

most people are good. the corruption is from the top down. bankers make fake money that everyone else has to dance for.
remember that study that showed Most scientists believed in the validity of global warming?
that study showed that corporate America does too
they didn't PAY for studies that used the premise that GW was not real
This tells even republican idiots that all the people they admire most FUCKING RICH ASSED CEOS would NOT WASTE MONEY on a study that began with untruths
base a study on bad info and you get bad output that is useless
The CEOs don't want useless results
Not one of the studies that corporate America pays good money for to find real results based their study on a set of facts that INCLUDED that GW was fake
ONLY idiots fall for this bullshit denier shit
CEOs don't
Scientists DONT
and even Russia doesn't
its propaganda for the brain dead

Argument from randU. You don't get to speak for all scientists, or even most scientists. You don't get to speak for corporations. You don't get to speak for Russia or the Russian government.

You only get to speak for you.

This is a list of scientists who have made statements that conflict with the scientific consensus on global warming as summarized by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and endorsed by other scientific bodies. A minority are climatologists. Nearly all publishing climate scientists (97–98%[1]) support the consensus on anthropogenic climate change.[3][4]

Science does not use consensus. There is no voting bloc in science.
Climate 'scientists' deny both science and mathematics.
now who is paying off the sociopathic scientists to deny GW
4 in 100 people are sociopaths
4 percent of scientists are sociopaths
ask your self
is it more reasonable to think 3% of scientists got paid off to lie
is it more reasonable to believe 97% of scientists got paid off the lie abut GW?

Argument from randU. You are manufacturing data.