How the web became a sexists' paradise

Yeah. Women are getting their asses kicked online, and are wondering why their touchy feely emotionalism isn't passing muster. Then the blame game sets in.

The women in question hold master degrees in Woman Studies and are not writing with "touchy feely emotionalism". Nor are they whining about anything. They are doing something about it.

Sexually degrading and harassing women online because they hold a feminist viewpoint is not "kicking their asses". It is simply showing that the angry male (not all are white) does not have the intellect or the vocabulary to refute her points, so instead, he makes comments like "I would f both of them in the a**".

With this he displays his anger, his rage, his lack of communication skills, and his feelings of helplessness. He says much about himself, but nothing about either the woman he speaks of, nor of women in general.

The same holds true of your posts.
Yeah. Women are getting their asses kicked online, and are wondering why their touchy feely emotionalism isn't passing muster. Then the blame game sets in.

Only a pathetic, cowardly, weasly excuse for a man would consider rape threats, and calling women "bitches", to be the equivalent of "kicking women's asses".

You're never gonna get laid kid. Unless you pay a prostitute for it. You hate and despise women at a fundamental level.

Usually men with small penises, and an inferiority complex towards women act like you do. I kinda feel sad for you in a way. You'll probably never have a healthy relationship with a woman. And if your mother or sister could only read what you right about women, they'd probably be really bummed.
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The women in question hold master degrees in Woman Studies and are not writing with "touchy feely emotionalism". Nor are they whining about anything. They are doing something about it.

Sexually degrading and harassing women online because they hold a feminist viewpoint is not "kicking their asses". It is simply showing that the angry male (not all are white) does not have the intellect or the vocabulary to refute her points, so instead, he makes comments like "I would f both of them in the a**".

With this he displays his anger, his rage, his lack of communication skills, and his feelings of helplessness. He says much about himself, but nothing about either the woman he speaks of, nor of women in general.

The same holds true of your posts.

THe feminist viewpoint is worthy of degradation. It's teaching women to be elistist bossy butts, even if they do not merit the authority through actual knowledge or achievement. It's an internal "we are always right" (wo)mantra, that is creating a generation of hypnotizied feminazis.

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Great. Implying you have great penis size and therefore are not a sexist is a great argument there, Cypress.

THe feminist viewpoint is worthy of degradation. It's teaching women to be elistist bossy butts, even if they do not merit the authority through actual knowledge or achievement. It's an internal "we are always right" ma ntra, that is creating a generation of hypnotizied feminazis.


Not if "The Jews" get to you first. With your long list of enemies who are all conspiring against you, I don't imagine you get much sleep. This probably partially accounts for the contents of your posts.

Good luck with all that.
asshat, there's no way to have a rational conversation with someone who says "most women are idiots", and then 60 seconds later, lies and denies you even said that.

You're fundamentally dishonest, sexist, racist, and perhaps marginally insane. I feel like I'm wasting time even responding to your nonsense.

So, enjoy your permanent vacation in the ignore author file. I really can't waste my time on irrational and dishonest people.

At least Dixie wouldn't flat out lie about what he wrote 60 seconds earlier.

See ya.
Not if "The Jews" get to you first. With your long list of enemies who are all conspiring against you, I don't imagine you get much sleep. This probably partially accounts for the contents of your posts.

Good luck with all that.

I sleep like a baby cuz I don't care. It's funny watching y'all deny the truth so hard you warp your own brains to accomodate your "academic" programming. You are being programmed to facilitate your own demise.
The NWO is destroying our society by forcing us to value the general idiocy of most women.

"General idiocy of most women"? Wow, that's probably the most blatently sexist remark I've read on this site to date. Congratulations. Its official. You're a fucking idiot assmunch.

Oh and just for kicks, can you please name one thing that the NWO has forced you to do. Please be specific. No one wants to read another one of your long winded rhetorical diatribes. We'd like examples & dates - k? Thanks.

THe feminist viewpoint is worthy of degradation. It's teaching women to be elistist bossy butts, even if they do not merit the authority through actual knowledge or achievement. It's an internal "we are always right" (wo)mantra, that is creating a generation of hypnotizied feminazis.

Actually assmunch, I went to a woman's college and I can't think of one seminar that required us to be "elitist bossy butts". I do however recall many classes on assmunch's like you who have delusions of grandeur about your intellectual superiority. However if you have any specific examples of feminists telling women the bullshit you speak of please site and we can discuss. Otherwise we'll have to assume that, much like the rest of your posts ,you pulled that one right out of your ass too. I see why you chose the name.
" I do however recall many classes on assmunch's like you who have delusions of grandeur about your intellectual superiority.

Exactly. The feminist "viewpoint" is simply the villification of all males, combined with female aggrandizement. It teaches young women to ignore actual science and informed opinion and to defer to "oprah facts", psycho-babble, and male oppositionalism as a basis for a world view.
Exactly. The feminist "viewpoint" is simply the villification of all males, combined with female aggrandizement. It teaches young women to ignore actual science and informed opinion and to defer to "oprah facts", psycho-babble, and male oppositionalism as a basis for a world view.

No. Only sexist moron's like yourself. I wouldn't call any of the other men that posted on this thread an idiot. Just you.

Again, do you have any SPECIFIC examples of the bullshit you're espousing?
No. Only sexist moron's like yourself. I wouldn't call any of the other men that posted on this thread an idiot. Just you.

Again, do you have any SPECIFIC examples of the bullshit you're espousing?

You gave an example. How you have classes focused on defining phantom enemies, like the "Angry White Male".
You gave an example. How you have classes focused on defining phantom enemies, like the "Angry White Male".

No. I didn't say that and you know I didn't.

I'll take you're lies/jokes as an admission that you have no basis for the bullshit you're spewing. Thanks, that's all I needed to know. From here on out you'll be known as "My bitch".
No. I didn't say that and you know I didn't.

I'll take you're lies/jokes as an admission that you have no basis for the bullshit you're spewing. Thanks, that's all I needed to know. From here on out you'll be known as "My bitch".

you said:
I do however recall many classes on assmunch's like you who have delusions of grandeur about your intellectual superiority.

What were these classes about? Sounds to me like you did spend time defining political enemies. Surely they weren't REALLY about little old me.
What were these classes about? Sounds to me like you did spend time defining political enemies. Surely they weren't REALLY about little old me.

Chauvinist pigs who strive to promote inequality like YOU
YOU said:
I just think most women are really fucked up in the head is all

You have proven yourself to be one, so yes YOU are the enemy. What you haven't been able to prove is your original assertion that:

YOU said:
The feminist "viewpoint" is simply the villification of all males

or that
YOU said:
THe feminist viewpoint is worthy of degradation. It's teaching women to be elistist bossy butts

Please provide SPECIFIC examples or shut the fuck up.
Chauvinist pigs who strive to promote inequality like YOU

You have proven yourself to be one, so yes YOU are the enemy. What you haven't been able to prove is your original assertion that:

or that

Please provide SPECIFIC examples or shut the fuck up.

You've proven my point nicely. Thanks for your services.
You've proven my point nicely. Thanks for your services.


I have no way of proving the assinine assertions I've made so I'll bury my head in the sand and pretend that I've given specific examples of the bullshit I'm talking about when clearly I haven't.

And yes my penis is only 2 inches long.
Exactly. The feminist "viewpoint" is simply the villification of all males, combined with female aggrandizement. It teaches young women to ignore actual science and informed opinion and to defer to "oprah facts", psycho-babble, and male oppositionalism as a basis for a world view.

Which feminists have you read? Please reference also, which books.

Whose informed opinion? I fear that is subjective, as I'm certain you feel you hold "informed opinion" yet you've yet to post anything indicating whose writings your opinions have been formed on. And unless you are reading actual feminists, you cannot hold an informed opinion on what they are writing.