How the web became a sexists' paradise

How the web became a sexists' paradise

"Everyone receives abuse online but the sheer hatred thrown at women bloggers has left some in fear for their lives. Jessica Valenti, editor of, reports"

Friday April 6, 2007
The Guardian

*Note, that at first Asswipe tried to dismiss the premise of the article:

Asshat: “Everyone gets shouted down and degraded on the net. Welcome to equal rights.”

*But, then when Asswipe can’t help himself, he lauched into several blatant psychopathic sexist tirades -- thus PROVING the whole point of the article he originally tried to dismiss:

-ASSHAT: “The NWO is destroying our society by forcing us to value the general idiocy of most women…”

-ASSHAT: “(Women) have a tendency to want to be someone's little bitch.”

-ASSHAT: “I just think most women are really fucked up in the head is all.”
Which feminists have you read? Please reference also, which books.

Whose informed opinion? I fear that is subjective, as I'm certain you feel you hold "informed opinion" yet you've yet to post anything indicating whose writings your opinions have been formed on. And unless you are reading actual feminists, you cannot hold an informed opinion on what they are writing.

Asswipe doesn't read anything but wingnut conspiracy books - and he certainly never went college, judging by his wingut fantasy of the types of classes one takes in college.
I don't know about the interner becoming sexists, I just know that all male's that come into my household are required to bow before the Princess of this household...The Princess of the "Feminist Nazis", as dear Spiduh use to call me!
Mybitch, we're all anxiously awaiting citations of your assertions. Lets see some links.
-ASSHAT: “The NWO is destroying our society by forcing us to value the general idiocy of most women…”

-TRANSLATION: "I'm still pissed that I was a loser in high school, and none of the girls would have anything to do with me! F*cking B*tches!"

-ASSHAT: “(Women) have a tendency to want to be someone's little bitch.”

-TRANSLATION: "God, I hate women! Every guy I see around me has a great girlfriend or wife. But chicks won't even give me the time of day! Fuck them!"

-ASSHAT: “I just think most women are really fucked up in the head is all.”

-TRANSLATION: "I did have a girlfriend once. For about a month. Until she found out what a psychotic loser I am, and left me. B*tch!!!"
Is asshat joking or is he really "AFRAID" of woman.
BAHHAHA!!! that feminist movement is about villifying men was a doosy.

I thought he had the funnies line on another post as a joke, reading this one makes me feel like he's a cousin to Dixie/Toby and prob doesn't have a sexy, intelligent, confident girlfried or wife. So I therefore officially Pity him.:clink:
Is asshat joking or is he really "AFRAID" of woman.
BAHHAHA!!! that feminist movement is about villifying men was a doosy.

I thought he had the funnies line on another post as a joke, reading this one makes me feel like he's a cousin to Dixie/Toby and prob doesn't have a s exy, intelligent, confident girlfried or wife. So I therefore officially Pity him.:clink:

Unfortunately for him, he's serious. Judging by this thread, he and Brent are definitely two of a kind that will remain single for a very very long time, unless they manage to find someone marginally above mental retardation to wed.
Nothing in this article tells us anything we didn't already know. Men don't like women simple as that. Men feel a little more free to be sexist than racist even.

Oh and you guys fell right for it. I gotta think Asshats pure raison d'etre here is to piss people off. I wouldn't take him too seriously.
Nothing in this article tells us anything we didn't already know. Men don't like women simple as that. Men feel a little more free to be sexist than racist even.

Oh and you guys fell right for it. I gotta think Asshats pure raison d'etre here is to piss people off. I wouldn't take him too seriously.
I'm inclined to agree about AHZ. I mean, the moniker alone is something of a tipoff.
Nothing in this article tells us anything we didn't already know. Men don't like women simple as that. Men feel a little more free to be sexist than racist even.

Oh and you guys fell right for it. I gotta think Asshats pure raison d'etre here is to piss people off. I wouldn't take him too seriously.

I agree with Darla.

This dude is serious. He hates women. I don't detect any trollish rhetoric. And I have pretty good troll radar. I think he means what he says.
I agree with Darla.

This dude is serious. He hates women. I don't detect any trollish rhetoric. And I have pretty good troll radar. I think he means what he says.

It's really hard to get a satiric character by me. I pick up satire, subtle or otherwise. He's for real.
It's really hard to get a satiric character by me. I pick up satire, subtle or otherwise. He's for real.

Does it really matter if a poster degrades women, or creates a troll that specifically degrades and dehumanizes women? Either way, it shows what kind of "man" you are.
Hmmm I don't know it seems the guy wants to pick a fight in any thread he can. Most sexists at least try to conceal their sexism to a degree. Even a guy who says "fuck you you cum dumptster whore" would say he's not sexist and is just trying to be hurtful.
How could a real man be against the feminist movement.

Same pay for the same work, and fair treatment.

The way the bubba's describe it and there reaction sounds like they are asking for 6months of no sex a year.

It would be comical if it weren't sad that in 2007 some overgrown boys are against womans rights.

Pesonally, I say were over due for some female wisdom in the whitehouse.:clink: