How the web became a sexists' paradise

fem·i·nism /ˈfɛməˌnɪzəm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[fem-uh-niz-uhm] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.


I undertsand that you didn't get beyond the 8th grade, but what I did for you was called "citing". I gave you an example of what I said and I provided a reference in the form of a link.

Now......let's see if you're bombastic brain can do the same.

Please provide examples or proof of your bullshit assertion that "The feminist "viewpoint" is simply the villification of all males..."

Or is that to "sciency" for you?
I'm glad I got in this thread.
Asshat your killing me with this comedy.
A guy should get a job before a woman because her husband will support her.
Dude stop, your freaking killing me. The GEICO caveman is infinately more sophisticated then you are.

Please bring me some more of this comedy Jethro.

P.S. what piece of shit High School did you got to.
No college in the country would gradiate a duffas like you with the exception of Ole Miss.:tongout:
I'm glad I got in this thread.
Asshat your killing me with this comedy.
A guy should get a job before a woman because her husband will support her.
Dude stop, your freaking killing me. The GEICO caveman is infinately more sophisticated then you are.

Please bring me some more of this comedy Jethro.

P.S. what piece of shit High School did you got to.
No college in the country would gradiate a duffas like you with the exception of Ole Miss.:tongout:

I love the Geico line.

Sometimes, a person can get bitter after he's been dumped, perhaps in a cruel manner. The poor guy must have been dumped, and he perceived that it was due to his lack of a job. Or lack of a good job. I can cut someone a little slack, if they're heartbroken.

But if the breakup occurred more than two months ago, then this kind of continued reaction against women is inexcusable.
I'm glad I got in this thread.
Asshat your killing me with this comedy.
A guy should get a job before a woman because her husband will support her.
Dude stop, your freaking killing me.

His name is MyBitch.
I'm glad I got in this thread.
Asshat your killing me with this comedy.
A guy should get a job before a woman because her husband will support her.
Dude stop, your freaking killing me. The GEICO caveman is infinately more sophisticated then you are.

Please bring me some more of this comedy Jethro.

P.S. what piece of shit High School did you got to.
No college in the country would gradiate a duffas like you with the exception of Ole Miss.:tongout:

Actually, the phenomenon known as the "stay at home mom" was the cultural norm in our nation just a generation ago. The women didn't work. The men supported them. This still happens today, and many consider it actually lucky that they can afford to go back to this historical and pro-family arrangement.

It is much more acceptable for a woman not to work, than it is for a man not to work. This is an undeniable social truth of our time.
I love the Geico line.

Sometimes, a person can get bitter after he's been dumped, perhaps in a cruel manner. The poor guy must have been dumped, and he perceived that it was due to his lack of a job. Or lack of a good job. I can cut someone a little slack, if they're heartbroken.

But if the breakup occurred more than two months ago, then this kind of continued reaction against women is inexcusable.

You kill me Darla.

As if this fool has had a female that he hasn't had to pay.
True that on the break up.
doubt I could have come up with comedy that good, even after my ex girlfriend backed up the breakup dumptruck right on my dumbass noggin.:clink:

He has got some serious deficiency issue.
Anybody half fucking well read knows woman are woefully underpaid for the same work. And there is more than ample work for the well healed educated man and the skilled craftsman.
I'm guessing either uneducated or 20+ yr with degree and not much reading after and he's hidding in his job like Dilbert's cubicle mate.
Actually, the phenomenon known as the "stay at home mom" was the cultural norm in our nation just a generation ago. The women didn't work. The men supported them. This still happens today, and many consider it actually lucky that they can afford to go back to this historical and pro-family arrangement.

It is much more acceptable for a woman not to work, than it is for a man not to work. This is an undeniable social truth of our time.

Why can't you answer the question? Where did you come to the conclusion that feminism is an affront on "all males"?
Trust me ladies:

Asswipe has never had a girlfriend. For longer than a week anyway. At least not a sane one. He might even be a virgin.

Just by interacting with "him", You two ladies have given him more female attention, than he's probably gotten in years.

I'm predicting they guy has comb-over hair, never went to college, and had a weirdo Mom that used to dress him up in girl clothes as a child. Only that kind of psychological trauma could cause a man to hate women so much.
this is just the best comedy ever
Asshat, please tell me your not 5'2 145lbs 24 yr old staples assistant manager.LOFL

Come on make my day Ole Miss?
Trust me ladies:

Asswipe has never had a girlfriend. For longer than a week anyway. At least not a sane one. He might even be a virgin.

Just by interacting with "him", You two ladies have given him more female attention, than he's probably gotten in years.

I'm predicting they guy has comb-over hair, never went to college, and had a weirdo Mom that used to dress him up in girl clothes as a child. Only that kind of psychological trauma could cause a man to hate women so much.

You're ugly inside.
this is just the best comedy ever
Asshat, please tell me your not 5'2 145lbs 24 yr old staples assistant manager.LOFL

Come on make my day Ole Miss?

He does have a lot in common with Brent.

Tell us MyBitch, do you believe in faeries?
He sounds exactly like Brent.
that's believable 20yrs old albino whitey 5 '10 150 who's momma was on his ass so tight he only got to mastrubate 4 times in college.
You're ugly inside.

And we've established that you're an idiot without substantiated assertions that "feel" correct to you. You're way too emotional. If you're going engage in the game of debate be prepared to back up your bullshit and have a few facts at your disposal. You've had well over 24 hours and you couldn't come up with one link or reference to your claims.

The irony is that you claim women aren't logical.
I've been thinking for the last two days Asswipe might be brent.

They're both total losers when it comes to women. Both sound like virgins, and both don't have girlfriends.

How about it Brent / Asswipe: Ready to fess up to your loser-ishness?