Matt Dillon
Semolina comes from wheat
Is that you just blowing hot air out of your ass or are you predicting mass murder of innocent Americans in the name of Earl Turner?
You are such an idiot I could kill the fuck out of and you can have a gun and I don't need one.
I got what I need, and have had it since 1993. You'd never feel or see a thing, and that's the way it's supposed to be.
That's the type of people you're pissing off with your bullshit. We know how to kill, and how. You are not going to win.
However, there will not be any kind of an insurgency in America. We'll just drag all you leftist pukes out and get right the fuck rid of you and then get on to real policies.
Put on a Trump show trial like in the commie and Hitler days; That would do it.
America ain't goin' down as easily as you think, DutchTardo. That goes for you too, Hawkeye10.

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