How to counter right-wing armed groups in the United States

White Supremacist Extremists are the most dangerous terrorist threat in the US

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    Votes: 11 68.8%
  • Disagreed

    Votes: 5 31.3%
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I kind of wonder what kind of person would be outraged if someone snitched on him/her. You know, like Minty did with Damo and all her weeports to get me banned. I did nothing to get banned, so I just laughed about it. If STY did nothing to get snitched on about, why all the rage?

If you don't understand the rage, with all the bullshit law enforcement has done over the last 8 years, then you're either naive, ignorant, or obtuse.
If you don't understand the rage, with all the bullshit law enforcement has done over the last 8 years, then you're either naive, ignorant, or obtuse.

Yes, I do agree that BLM is a legit organization with a legit cause -- the shootings of unarmed black people by law enforcement. Taking out the terrorist Ashley Babbitt was also legit.
White supremacists and others on the radical Right like sovereign citizens, anti-tax nutters, and the like are nowhere near the biggest domestic threat to the US. The Progressive Left and radical Left have trotted out this canard since before the Clinton era where we got to see just how insane the radical Left is when it gets power. During the Clinton era, we saw a massive attempt to crackdown on the radical Right. This resulted in the Ruby Ridge fiasco, Waco, arrests of various fringe militia group members numbering in the dozens, and the like. Most of these arrests went nowhere, but the high profile handling of these cases in government and media stirred the radical Right to action resulting in things like the Oklahoma City bombing.

Left alone, the crazies on the radical Right are mostly a threat to each other. They rarely get together to do anything other than in the smallest numbers. Provoked, they can be very dangerous individually and can rack up serious body counts.

On the other hand, the radical Left is far more dangerous on a much larger scale. Radical Leftists like BLM and Antifa produced riots with thousands taking part. They trashed whole city centers, caused dozens of deaths, thousands of serious injuries, and billions in property damage. They wrecked the lives of tens of thousands, at a minimum. In power, they know no bounds and will do virtually anything to retain power.

The radical Right will never come to serious political power. The radical Left has come to serious political power repeatedly during the last century. The results of their coming to power has included world wars, economic privation for billions, the deaths of as many as 100 million--at least--can be laid at their feet. There is no comparison between the radical Right where two or three guys--at most--do some act of violence killing maybe tens of people, with the radical Left destroying whole nations and killing millions.

The violence always comes from the left. They rioted for weeks after Trump was elected. Police were assassinated for no reason. Damages to personal property and businesses is in the billions.

No one with a brain falls for the gaslighting. The violence is far greater and destructive from the left. Always has been, always will be.
Yes, I do agree that BLM is a legit organization with a legit cause -- the shootings of unarmed black people by law enforcement. Taking out the terrorist Ashley Babbitt was also legit.

how many innocent dogs have been shot? how many innocent people have been killed by swatting? Here's the main issue though, you fuckers aren't 'snitching' because you think you're a patriot and helping fight terrorism. You're snitching because you WANT to cause problems for people you don't like. It's using the government as your personal little weapon. It makes you fucking evil, malignant, cancerous freedom killers of society.
how many innocent dogs have been shot? how many innocent people have been killed by swatting? Here's the main issue though, you fuckers aren't 'snitching' because you think you're a patriot and helping fight terrorism. You're snitching because you WANT to cause problems for people you don't like. It's using the government as your personal little weapon. It makes you fucking evil, malignant, cancerous freedom killers of society.

Had a little visit from the feds, did you, #Oathkeeper/Freeper? :laugh:

The violence always comes from the left. They rioted for weeks after Trump was elected. Police were assassinated for no reason. Damages to personal property and businesses is in the billions.

No one with a brain falls for the gaslighting. The violence is far greater and destructive from the left. Always has been, always will be.


Photos and names of the 168 human beings, including 15 children

how many innocent dogs have been shot? how many innocent people have been killed by swatting? Here's the main issue though, you fuckers aren't 'snitching' because you think you're a patriot and helping fight terrorism. You're snitching because you WANT to cause problems for people you don't like. It's using the government as your personal little weapon. It makes you fucking evil, malignant, cancerous freedom killers of society.

Honest Americans know swatting is crime. They also know that LEOs who shoot dogs or people without provocation are subject to justice like everyone else.

It's you and your WSE friends who are using past injustices to justify the future mass murder of Americans.
‘I’d rather take a bite,’ Arlington detective says at trial of cop who shot dog, killed woman
Honest Americans know swatting is crime. They also know that LEOs who shoot dogs or people without provocation are subject to justice like everyone else.

It's you and your WSE friends who are using past injustices to justify the future mass murder of Americans.
‘I’d rather take a bite,’ Arlington detective says at trial of cop who shot dog, killed woman

The only ones plotting future mass murder are the leftists.
Honest Americans know swatting is crime. They also know that LEOs who shoot dogs or people without provocation are subject to justice like everyone else.

It's you and your WSE friends who are using past injustices to justify the future mass murder of Americans.
‘I’d rather take a bite,’ Arlington detective says at trial of cop who shot dog, killed woman

you're a juvenile snitch who ONLY wanted to try and cause issues for people you didn't like, junior.
The only ones plotting future mass murder are the leftists.
Which leftists and when, Matt?

Why does DHS name RW domestic terrorists as the primary threat against Americans?
Domestic violent extremism is a threat
to the Homeland. As Americans, we all
have the right to believe whatever we
want, but we don’t have a right to carry
out acts of violence to further those

...Ideologically motivated lone offenders and small groups pose the most
likely terrorist threat to the Homeland, with Domestic Violent Extremists
presenting the most persistent and lethal threat
. Foreign terrorist
organizations will continue to call for Homeland attacks but probably will
remain constrained in their ability to direct such plots over the next year.
Iran will maintain terrorist capabilities, including through proxies such as
Lebanese Hizballah, as an option to deter the United States from taking
action Tehran considers regime-threatening. Extremists_CVE Task Force_Final.pdf
Behavioral Indicators of Possible Radicalization to Violencec
A US Government review of recently mobilized violent extremists produced the below list of common, observable activities
many of the individuals engaged in during their radicalization to violence. Some of the observed activities include
constitutionally protected activity, which by itself may not be indicative of criminal activity associated with terrorism.
Posting on the internet or social media sites one’s desire to pursue acts of violence in the United States on behalf of
WSE goals;
Communicating with known or suspected US or overseas-based violent extremists in person or on websites promoting
WSE narratives or social media sites;
  • Attempting to recruit or radicalize others to pursue acts of violence in the United States on behalf of WSE goals;
  • Seeking religious or political justification for engaging in or supporting violence in the United States;
  • Performing internet research for target selection and/or acquisition of technical capabilities, without a reasonable
  • explanation, could be indicative of planning for attacks in the United States;
  • Newly engaging in firearms or physical training while expressing a desire to pursue plotting in the United States on
  • behalf of WSE goals;
  • Conducting suspicious financial transactions to obtain the funds to acquire weapons, explosives, or precursors to build
  • improvised explosive devices;
  • Destroying electronic media and deactivating social media accounts that individuals previously used to post their
  • support for WSE goals;
  • Using cover stories to mask nefarious activities, such as plans to engage in or support violence; and
  • Giving away or selling possessions such as cars and electronics, maxing out credit cards, taking out money from
  • student loan accounts, or borrowing money from friends and relatives, in conjunction with an expressed desire to
  • pursue acts of violence in the United States on behalf of WSE goals.
you're a juvenile snitch who ONLY wanted to try and cause issues for people you didn't like, junior.

Posted like a true blue Domestic Terrorist, STY.

Have your renounced your oath so you will only be a terrorist or do you like the idea of being a TRAITOR to your nation and your own word?

Because they're stupid; Internationally organized ANTIFA and BLM, who are very organized, rioted for years and burned down and looted entire sections of cities nationwide, even worldwide, and murdered cops and

civilians, but they're not a threat?
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Because they're stupid; Internationally organized ANTIFA and BLM, who are very organized, rioted for years and burned down and looted entire sections of cities nationwide and murdered cops and

civilians, but they're not a threat?
They're certainly a threat, though usually only in big election years. Between presidential elections they fade into the background only popping up once in a while.

RW nationalists and extremists are a pretty consistent threat.

Photos and names of the 168 human beings, including 15 children


Yes, the radical Right can be extremely violent. But the Oklahoma City bombing didn't happen in a vacuum. McVey and Nickols didn't just decide to do that act on a whim. What they saw was the radical Left in power in Dirty City increasingly going after people like them for the thinnest of reasons. It was on the news in the MSM daily and in their face. They saw Ruby Ridge, Waco, the arrests of purported militia members across the US as a direct threat against them. So, they acted.

What they did was horrific, but in their minds, it was an act against those who were out to get them if for nothing else, their political views.
Because they're stupid; Internationally organized ANTIFA and BLM, who are very organized, rioted for years and burned down and looted entire sections of cities nationwide, even worldwide, and murdered cops and

civilians, but they're not a threat?
Are you willing to drive a truck for the WSEs to a Federal building, Matt?
Yes, the radical Right can be extremely violent. But the Oklahoma City bombing didn't happen in a vacuum. McVey and Nickols didn't just decide to do that act on a whim. What they saw was the radical Left in power in Dirty City increasingly going after people like them for the thinnest of reasons. It was on the news in the MSM daily and in their face. They saw Ruby Ridge, Waco, the arrests of purported militia members across the US as a direct threat against them. So, they acted.

What they did was horrific, but in their minds, it was an act against those who were out to get them if for nothing else, their political views.

Thanks for your justification of the mass murder of 168 Americans and 19 kids, Chief. Now tell me abortion is wrong because "every life is sacred". :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: