How to curb gun self defense shootings

Obviously the OP was wearing the following when constructing this thread:


Yes please tell everyone who is a potential threat that you are carrying and instead of simply giving up your money in the midst of getting robbed you'll most likely do the following:

1) Getting into an unnecessary shoot out in the streets possibly inflicting serious harm to bystanders (and possibly to the perpetrator(s) of the crime)

2) Misuse your weapon by imprperly discharging it because of a misunderstanding of behavior

3) Risk being killed first

I assume you've never read Sun Tzu's "Art of War," because as it would describe in the book you never allow your potential threat to know if you are armed or if you plan to attack. If you are "packing" always remain cordial, calm, and collected. Any street person that is a real killer wont care if you have a gun and a billboard that says "hey thug leave me alone I'm carrying." First thing they'll do if they're a real killer is shoot you in the face without warning.

People honestly think there are criminals that walk around acting like they'll rob you. No, crime happens when you least expect it. Having something that indicates you're carrying causes more harm than good. It's almost having a sign that tells potentials thiefs you have a dog in your backyard. Either the thief is simply going to kill the dog and commence robbing your house or they'll leave you a lone. In other words its a gamble with your life.

Would you walk down the streets of Mexico with patches and I.D's saying you are carrying? I think not because it wouldn't matter to the cartels who carry M4 rifles and are not reluctant to put a bullet in your head. So all in all, dumb idea.
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Obviously the OP was wearing the following when constructing this thread:


Yes please tell everyone who is a potential threat that you are carrying and instead of simply giving up your money in the midst of getting robbed you'll most likely do the following:

1) Getting into an unnecessary shoot out in the streets possibly inflicting serious harm to bystanders (and possibly to the perpetrator(s) of the crime)

2) Misuse your weapon by imprperly discharging it because of a misunderstanding of behavior

3) Risk being killed first

I assume you've never read Sun Tzu's "Art of War," because as it would describe in the book you never allow your potential threat to know if you are armed or if you plan to attack. If you are "packing" always remain cordial, calm, and collected. Any street person that is a real killer wont care if you have a gun and a billboard that says "hey thug leave me alone I'm carrying." First thing they'll do if they're a real killer is shoot you in the face without warning.

People honestly think there are criminals that walk around acting like they'll rob you. No, crime happens when you least expect it. Having something that indicates you're carrying causes more harm than good. It's almost having a sign that tells potentials thiefs you have a dog in your backyard. Either the thief is simply going to kill the dog and commence robbing your house or they'll leave you a lone. In other words its a gamble with your life.

Would you walk down the streets of Mexico with patches and I.D's saying you are carrying? I think not because it wouldn't matter to the cartels who carry M4 rifles and are not reluctant to put a bullet in your head. So all in all, dumb idea.
It would sure stop that Knockout by a thug game.
Obviously the OP was wearing the following when constructing this thread:


Yes please tell everyone who is a potential threat that you are carrying and instead of simply giving up your money in the midst of getting robbed you'll most likely do the following:

1) Getting into an unnecessary shoot out in the streets possibly inflicting serious harm to bystanders (and possibly to the perpetrator(s) of the crime)

2) Misuse your weapon by imprperly discharging it because of a misunderstanding of behavior

3) Risk being killed first

I assume you've never read Sun Tzu's "Art of War," because as it would describe in the book you never allow your potential threat to know if you are armed or if you plan to attack. If you are "packing" always remain cordial, calm, and collected. Any street person that is a real killer wont care if you have a gun and a billboard that says "hey thug leave me alone I'm carrying." First thing they'll do if they're a real killer is shoot you in the face without warning.

People honestly think there are criminals that walk around acting like they'll rob you. No, crime happens when you least expect it. Having something that indicates you're carrying causes more harm than good. It's almost having a sign that tells potentials thiefs you have a dog in your backyard. Either the thief is simply going to kill the dog and commence robbing your house or they'll leave you a lone. In other words its a gamble with your life.

Would you walk down the streets of Mexico with patches and I.D's saying you are carrying? I think not because it wouldn't matter to the cartels who carry M4 rifles and are not reluctant to put a bullet in your head. So all in all, dumb idea.

Don't start none. Won't be none
NRA member or sympathetic Republican, for a start. How long have you got? Any clown who believes allowing children to be shot by his peers makes him 'free' certainly.

putting your hatred of all things gun aside, you appear to be the childish nutter with your craptastic partisanship
New York tried that with Stop & Frisk, the ACLU decided it was better to let them kill each other. so they were forced to stop it.

I guess some crazy people in New York wanted to follow the Constitution... Its a shame how the ACLU defends the 4th Amendment so vigorously.
So you want to kill in order to stop people from owning guns because a small percentage of them might kill?

Sober up and give your guns to soldiers. Only nutters own guns. The only use they have is to kill, as you know. It is a scummy business!
I have an idea that just might have worked in many self defense shooting situations like the Zimmerman case. My idea would be that if you are legally packing a "gat", you could wear a hat or a badge stating that you are carrying a legal firearm, in that way any thug wantabe will think twice before trying to act all tough and sheet. If you saw some guy walking down the street and you knew that he could shoot your ass off if you flucked with him, there would be fewer self defense shootings of thugs. If I was packing, was wearing a CCW badge/hat and some thugs came too near me, in my mind they would be "up to no good"(Zimmerman), so I would have my hand on my big 9 mm, because thugs are street smart, they would know that I was not playing games, and that I might just come out self defending myself, Zimmer style. How about a cool looking hat that just read "I'm ARMED" or "I'm PACKIN"...............

And you used to be a big fan of "concealed carry" weren't you? Didn't you rant and rave about "concealed carry" in Central Park? What would be the sense of a concealed weapons permits if you had to wear a badge that says, "I'm Packin' "?
Obviously the OP was wearing the following when constructing this thread:


Yes please tell everyone who is a potential threat that you are carrying and instead of simply giving up your money in the midst of getting robbed you'll most likely do the following:

1) Getting into an unnecessary shoot out in the streets possibly inflicting serious harm to bystanders (and possibly to the perpetrator(s) of the crime)

2) Misuse your weapon by imprperly discharging it because of a misunderstanding of behavior

3) Risk being killed first

I assume you've never read Sun Tzu's "Art of War," because as it would describe in the book you never allow your potential threat to know if you are armed or if you plan to attack. If you are "packing" always remain cordial, calm, and collected. Any street person that is a real killer wont care if you have a gun and a billboard that says "hey thug leave me alone I'm carrying." First thing they'll do if they're a real killer is shoot you in the face without warning.

People honestly think there are criminals that walk around acting like they'll rob you. No, crime happens when you least expect it. Having something that indicates you're carrying causes more harm than good. It's almost having a sign that tells potentials thiefs you have a dog in your backyard. Either the thief is simply going to kill the dog and commence robbing your house or they'll leave you a lone. In other words its a gamble with your life.

Would you walk down the streets of Mexico with patches and I.D's saying you are carrying? I think not because it wouldn't matter to the cartels who carry M4 rifles and are not reluctant to put a bullet in your head. So all in all, dumb idea.
In other words, cut a hole in the back of your britches and bring some Vaseline!

No, I'll take my chances with a gun, fuck you very much. ;)

In other words, cut a hole in the back of your britches and bring some Vaseline!

No, I'll take my chances with a gun, fuck you very much. ;)

OMG - This had to be in Florida and yet another White/Hispanic will get away with gunning down an innocent black child who was obviously only asking for some spare change, so he could buy some skittles and iced tea. :palm:
If you dont know who is carrying youhave to be nice to everyone.

Dunn was certainly nice to everyone he met, wasn't he? If those kids had all had guns they would have been perfectly justified in shooting his angry ass! Is that the kind of world you want to live in? Where nearly everyone has or is carrying a gun and people are just shooting each other on the streets because they have all become so paranoid that the person who is looking at them or walking toward them is carrying and wants to jill them. How many people are going to die when all those carrying guns decide that everyone else has a gun and is out to kill them?