How to curb gun self defense shootings

Obviously the OP was wearing the following when constructing this thread:


Yes please tell everyone who is a potential threat that you are carrying and instead of simply giving up your money in the midst of getting robbed you'll most likely do the following:

1) Getting into an unnecessary shoot out in the streets possibly inflicting serious harm to bystanders (and possibly to the perpetrator(s) of the crime)

2) Misuse your weapon by imprperly discharging it because of a misunderstanding of behavior

3) Risk being killed first

I assume you've never read Sun Tzu's "Art of War," because as it would describe in the book you never allow your potential threat to know if you are armed or if you plan to attack. If you are "packing" always remain cordial, calm, and collected. Any street person that is a real killer wont care if you have a gun and a billboard that says "hey thug leave me alone I'm carrying." First thing they'll do if they're a real killer is shoot you in the face without warning.

People honestly think there are criminals that walk around acting like they'll rob you. No, crime happens when you least expect it. Having something that indicates you're carrying causes more harm than good. It's almost having a sign that tells potentials thiefs you have a dog in your backyard. Either the thief is simply going to kill the dog and commence robbing your house or they'll leave you a lone. In other words its a gamble with your life.

Would you walk down the streets of Mexico with patches and I.D's saying you are carrying? I think not because it wouldn't matter to the cartels who carry M4 rifles and are not reluctant to put a bullet in your head. So all in all, dumb idea.
I agree. When someone plays the nigger knockout game, better if someone just blows their head off. That's the message which needs to be sent, the only message which will be a deterrent.
I agree. When someone plays the nigger knockout game, better if someone just blows their head off. That's the message which needs to be sent, the only message which will be a deterrent.

LMAO Can you imagine someone employing this white trash? Where does someone like this work? A truck stop diner? I can't even imagine. Not a professional, of that there is no doubt.
LMAO Can you imagine someone employing this white trash? Where does someone like this work? A truck stop diner? I can't even imagine. Not a professional, of that there is no doubt.
Awww, another widdle thug lovvah is 'upthet'.


Fuck thugs and their nigger knock out game. Enough is enough. I hope the next thug playing it gets blown away. :)
Awww, another widdle thug lovvah is 'upthet'.


Fuck thugs and their nigger knock out game. Enough is enough. I hope the next thug playing it gets blown away. :)

Not in the least. You're too low-class to get a job polishing my feet at my nail salon. I just laugh at you. NOCD.
Not in the least. You're too low-class to get a job polishing my feet at my nail salon. I just laugh at you. NOCD.
I'd be smarter than you if I were three sheets to the wind with a gunshot wound to my skull.

Go find yourself a big, black thug to cuddle up with and cry about it with. Thug-loving piece of trash. :)
Awwww, look like another poor widdle thug lovvah is upthet.

When the nigger knock out game comes to your town, you'll be singing a different tune. Guar-on-teed. :thup:

Yeah, living in Detroit I don't know anything about violence or anything. Bet you think I'm a race traitor too for liking black women. Whatever, you're not even worth the effort of reading.
Yeah, living in Detroit I don't know anything about violence or anything. Bet you think I'm a race traitor too for liking black women. Whatever, you're not even worth the effort of reading.
Nope, my disdain is reserved strictly for thugs.

I've never been a racist, but the events of the past five years and especially, the race-baiting crap of the Zimmerman trial has turned me into one.

It's as if thugs are supposed to be able to rob and kill anyone they choose and no one is supposed to do anything about it? I don't theen soo.
Awww, another widdle thug lovvah is 'upthet'.


Fuck thugs and their nigger knock out game. Enough is enough. I hope the next thug playing it gets blown away. :)

Looks like you have a personal problem that should be treated because it is severe and hatred rots from the inside. But thanks for showing us all just fucked up you really are. I only suspected it but now there is absolutely no doubt.
Nope, my disdain is reserved strictly for thugs.

I've never been a racist, but the events of the past five years and especially, the race-baiting crap of the Zimmerman trial has turned me into one.

It's as if thugs are supposed to be able to rob and kill anyone they choose and no one is supposed to do anything about it? I don't theen soo.

Bullshit racist! You have proclaimed to the world that you are a racist and everyone here knows it, so shut the fuck up. Your denials are only more proof of just how fucked up you are. Get help with your hatred!
Bullshit racist! You have proclaimed to the world that you are a racist and everyone here knows it, so shut the fuck up. Your denials are only more proof of just how fucked up you are. Get help with your hatred!

Low class white trash. Nothing to get upset over. She probably never had a chance. No one bright spawned and raised this trash. She'll never amount to anything in today's world.
Awwww, look like another poor widdle thug lovvah is upthet.

When the nigger knock out game comes to your town, you'll be singing a different tune. Guar-on-teed. :thup:

You don't know shit hater, but you have identified yourself as a racist so thank you for that. Glad to see you have no qualms about doing so on a public forum. Now we know exactly what you are bigot! And of course this means you also hate women and are a misogynist and a homophobe too! Oh well, at least you have self identified so we don't have to wonder just how fucked up you are it is now completely obvious! I bet your life is wonderful. Don't drool on yourself! That tobacco juice stinks up everything!
Looks like you have a personal problem that should be treated because it is severe and hatred rots from the inside. But thanks for showing us all just fucked up you really are. I only suspected it but now there is absolutely no doubt.
'Scuse me? So I have the problem because I don't have an affinity for the nigger knock out game?

I don't theen so.

No, it is you with the problem, my little thug lover. Thug lovers are on par with wiggers in my book.
OMG - This had to be in Florida and yet another White/Hispanic will get away with gunning down an innocent black child who was obviously only asking for some spare change, so he could buy some skittles and iced tea. :palm:

Just like a racially conscious person throwing race into it.
Low class white trash.
That's what thug lovers and wiggers are, all right.

White trash. Squared.

What kind of woman would sympathize with thugs who go around killing people cuz dey beez carrying a grudge to'wards e-villle whitey?

What kind of white man would want to look and act like a nigger? LOL

That's some fucked up shit right there - any way you slice it. :)