how to fix the SS shortfall for dummies

When you are the people who BENIFIT the most from a democratic and caplitalistic society you have to be willing to allow your SS to be a gift to the people who made your success possible.

if you insist that is not fair then your a sociopoathic greed monger
When you are the people who BENIFIT the most from a democratic and caplitalistic society you have to be willing to allow your SS to be a gift to the people who made your success possible.

if you insist that is not fair then your a sociopoathic greed monger
2mm net worth or 250,000 income
According to the leftists they already pay in, but aren't getting anything out of that system. This wouldn't "solve" the problem it would exacerbate it if that were true.

Which is true? It seems logical that they get hired and pay automatically into the SS system but can't get the money back because of their undocumented status... I'm sure some few are paid under the table, but realistically it can't be many as too many companies would be run without employees and would stand out ending up losing all their employees, and if the current law is followed, fined into obscurity.
some do and some don't.

If you made the people who have lived here years and been good citizens while doing it SS would have MORE coming in.

then complied with the money coming in from the people who have jobs do to our bridges and roads and ports and trains and airports and the list goes on and on getting fixed and modernized then the problem would go away.
making these people legal will add to the SS coffers dude.

Building infrastructure Is what a sane country does.

You just don't sit around and let the place crumble unless you really do want to weaken the country until you can kill it outright

But if they are already here and working aren't they paying SS?

Just build stuff? What needs built? Monuments to Obama? One in every city?
some do and some don't.

If you made the people who have lived here years and been good citizens while doing it SS would have MORE coming in.

then complied with the money coming in from the people who have jobs do to our bridges and roads and ports and trains and airports and the list goes on and on getting fixed and modernized then the problem would go away.

How can you say they have been good citizens if their first act was to break the law? They are breaking the law by being here ILLEGALLY.

Do you think a guy who murders his wife in one city but moves to another and is a "good citizen" should be given amnesty?

Same thing
But if they are already here and working aren't they paying SS?

Just build stuff? What needs built? Monuments to Obama? One in every city?

see how these low info fucks rock it?

they want to compare us to a household budget but they don't want to remember that if you don't maintain your house it will fall the fuck down arround you.

Full of lies or full of stupid its doesn't matter.

They are knee jerk stupid and incapable of seeing the big picture reality
According to the leftists they already pay in, but aren't getting anything out of that system. This wouldn't "solve" the problem it would exacerbate it if that were true.

Which is true? It seems logical that they get hired and pay automatically into the SS system but can't get the money back because of their undocumented status... I'm sure some few are paid under the table, but realistically it can't be many as too many companies would be run without employees and would stand out ending up losing all their employees, and if the current law is followed, fined into obscurity.
undocumented cannot receive benefits.
The only way is to build a fake identity, and that is a house of cards.

I want a national ID for many reasons, i don't feel like the patchwork way we construt an ID now is cumbersome, and ripe for fraud

Taxes and amnesty,

You liberals are sure onto some cutting edge shit there.

The only cutting they've experienced was a lobotomy....

This line makes no sense at all.."I think that fact that they saw the benefit of the work of many many people who work to get that much money
is enough of a reward fro them"

Making illegals legals fixes what ?....obviously, nothing....
According to the leftists they already pay in, but aren't getting anything out of that system. This wouldn't "solve" the problem it would exacerbate it if that were true.

Which is true? It seems logical that they get hired and pay automatically into the SS system but can't get the money back because of their undocumented status... I'm sure some few are paid under the table, but realistically it can't be many as too many companies would be run without employees and would stand out ending up losing all their employees, and if the current law is followed, fined into obscurity.

When it comes to the real world, desh is clueless and the dude is learning from just don't get any better than that....
some do and some don't.

If you made the people who have lived here years and been good citizens while doing it SS would have MORE coming in.

then complied with the money coming in from the people who have jobs do to our bridges and roads and ports and trains and airports and the list goes on and on getting fixed and modernized then the problem would go away.

SS is in no danger for the next 30 years....and if the asshole democrats would stop extending benefits to other than retirees and those that actually paid into the
system, it would ok for the next century.
The only cutting they've experienced was a lobotomy....

This line makes no sense at all.."I think that fact that they saw the benefit of the work of many many people who work to get that much money
is enough of a reward fro them"

Making illegals legals fixes what ?....obviously, nothing....

saint Ronny Rayguns agreed with me
Means testing just converts Social Security into another welfare program.

That being the case, eliminate Social Security entirely, eliminate the bureacracy and personnel, and simply fold everyone into welfare.