show your papers
yes tax them.
I don't think SS should go to people above a certain level of income.
I think that fact that they saw the benefit of the work of many many people who work to get that much money is enough of a reward fro them
checks and balences already exist
It has to be only the high end people who DONT need it to survive in old age
When you are the people who BENIFIT the most from a democratic and caplitalistic society you have to be willing to allow your SS to be a gift to the people who made your success possible.
if you insist that is not fair then your a sociopoathic greed monger
I think slumlords who exploit renters in Las Vegas should have their property nationalized and turned into halfway houses.
all they have left is "your a poopy pants" defense
I think slumlords who exploit renters in Las Vegas should have their property nationalized and turned into halfway houses.
all they have left is "your a poopy pants" defense
Desh: "if you insist that is not fair then your a sociopoathic greed monger"
Hmmm, looks like you are taking your own advice Desh.
Ronny Rayguns found it in his heart to forgive them
see how these low info fucks rock it?
they want to compare us to a household budget but they don't want to remember that if you don't maintain your house it will fall the fuck down arround you.
Full of lies or full of stupid its doesn't matter.
They are knee jerk stupid and incapable of seeing the big picture reality
who cares what you think
your fucking dumb assed insane racist woman hating lump of puke ,bile and shit