how to fix the SS shortfall for dummies

This is a democracy.

the minority of the minority doesn't GET to force the rest of us to do ITS historically failed ideas.

if you don't like that then fuck you
Why do you hate the 14th Amendment so much?

You liberals insist it was passed to protect the rights of voting minorities against being ganged up on by voting majorities, and preventing the passing of laws that would unequally impact voting minorities.

Yet you constantly organize a ganging up upon the top 10% or so of earners and constantly look to pass laws that unequally impact them and violate their 14th Amendment protections.

never never forget your team MONEY BAGS has more speech than other humans because their Daddy left them more speech.

How is that democratic?
yes tax them.

I don't think SS should go to people above a certain level of income.

I think that fact that they saw the benefit of the work of many many people who work to get that much money is enough of a reward fro them

Thanks to the democrat party, they are already paying taxes on their benefits. You may have forgotten.

But, what is the income level that it should not go to? How would you verify this? How would you prevent people from "managing" their income in retirement to get around this? Also, didn't they "pay into the system"? Are you now going to tell them to FUCK OFF?

Lastly, doesn't this then turn Socialist inSecurity into a welfare system?

Thanks for what I am sure will be a well thought out, democrat talking point free reply
I think slumlords who exploit renters in Las Vegas should have their property nationalized and turned into halfway houses.

Crack hos need housing too,
When you are the people who BENIFIT the most from a democratic and caplitalistic society you have to be willing to allow your SS to be a gift to the people who made your success possible.

if you insist that is not fair then your a sociopoathic greed monger

A gift?

Are you serious?

How about this. Since you have benefited from a democratic capitalistic society, should you be willing to gift your rental property to the people who made your success possible?

If you insist that it is not fair, does that make Desh a sociopathic greed monger?

Please respond.
who cares what you think

your fucking dumb assed insane racist woman hating lump of puke ,bile and shit
Ronny Rayguns found it in his heart to forgive them

Ummm yeah, President Reagan did do that, but he was also supposed to get in return a closing of the border so that we wouldn't end up in this place again. How did that work out?

Oh yeah, we ended up back in that place again.

Let me just ask you this Deshy. Do you believe we should even have immigration laws or should we just have open borders?
see how these low info fucks rock it?

they want to compare us to a household budget but they don't want to remember that if you don't maintain your house it will fall the fuck down arround you.

Full of lies or full of stupid its doesn't matter.

They are knee jerk stupid and incapable of seeing the big picture reality

Deshy, building "infrastructure" is just a throw away line by you lefties. It doesn't mean anything.

Remember when Obama had all of those shovel ready jobs in his first Porkulus?

Also, don't we have enough unemployed? Why do you want to flood the market with more unskilled labor? How does that make sense from a supply and demand standpoint? Or am I crazy for believing in a silly notion like supply and demand?
who cares what you think

your fucking dumb assed insane racist woman hating lump of puke ,bile and shit


Do you think your rental property should be a gift to the homeless for all of your success? You feel others should. Why not you?

Are you a sociopathic greedy fuck for not doing so?

Your words Deshy not mine.

Personally, I support your right to gouge your renters. I just think you are a bit hypocritical. Maybe you can explain your inconsistency? Just know Deshy, that I will not let this go. I will dog you until you answer.