how to fix the SS shortfall for dummies

According to the leftists they already pay in, but aren't getting anything out of that system. This wouldn't "solve" the problem it would exacerbate it if that were true.

Which is true? It seems logical that they get hired and pay automatically into the SS system but can't get the money back because of their undocumented status... I'm sure some few are paid under the table, but realistically it can't be many as too many companies would be run without employees and would stand out ending up losing all their employees, and if the current law is followed, fined into obscurity.

we solve that problem by not requiring them to pay into SS until they become citizens (and saying they likewise receive no benefits till then).....employers would still pay in (so there would be no "savings" to employers to hiring non citizens).....
so now you are no longer a capitalist?

Do you have ANY beliefs you actually retain over your love of party?

So are you saying you won't gift your house to the poor Deshy? Now all of a sudden you are going all Ayn Rand on us. What's yours is yours and fuck everyone else. Even the poor illegal mexican immigrants who you gouge for money and sexual favors.

You are a sociopath
The trouble is now, every hit the people take from Repub measures, the people are going to know where it's coming from. The fight over Obamacare has brought a whole new enlightenment to the people over what the agenda of the right really is.

Giving more to the wealthy while taking more from the poor and ordinary American. Instead of being content with being the second worst country for income inequality they're going to compete with Mexico for first prize. Big fucking mistake. The enlightenment of Americans has arrived! Obamacare becomes a snowball rolling downhill faster and faster.
and the internets makes it harder and harder for them to bury the truth from election to election.

The monied interests are about to lose their control of things.
and the internets makes it harder and harder for them to bury the truth from election to election.

The monied interests are about to lose their control of things.

It's the fight over Obamacare that's opened the doors of freedom wide for the ordinary people. The GOP let the baggers under Cruz's control go just a little too far. The hate was uncovered for all to see and the façade of caring about the country and the people has been exposed.

they knew from the beginning that Obama had totally different plans for America and that's why they needed to try to stop him before he got his momentum. Now he has! Now the right is going to pay a big price.

Welcome to the world of socially responsible government America. It's long overdue.

(And please don't do another Mountie cartoon o.k?) It just hurts too much.
The fight over Obamacare has brought a whole new enlightenment to the people over what the agenda of the right really is.

Giving more to the wealthy while taking more from the poor and ordinary American.

Try these perspectives:

Falsely promising that people could keep their health insurance plans if they liked them.

Making people buy health insurance plans they may not want, need, or be able to afford.

Penalizing people who can not get through the nightmare maze of the exchange websites and buy said health insurance.

How any of that amounts to "giving more to the wealthy" escapes me.

When you go back to school tomorrow, ask your teacher what he meant.