How To Spot And Out A Pro-’Lifer’ That Really Just Hates Women And Sex

See Darla... A pro Choice Republican... amazing huh?

BUT... If MEN must assume the Financial burden of fathering a Child...Women should shoulder the burden of Aborting a Pregnancy and all associated Medical costs..

Do you agree?
See Darla... A pro Choice Republican... amazing huh?

BUT... If MEN must assume the Financial burden of fathering a Child...Women should shoulder the burden of Aborting a Pregnancy and all associated Medical costs..

Do you agree?

You want a law passed stipulating men can't pay for abortions?
Men should stay out of the Abortion issue entirely.

We have ZERO reproductive rights in regard to it so it stands to reason it should be left up to ONLY WOMEN as to what should be done about it.

Let women be the only ones to:

Craft Legislation on it

Vote on it

Legislate and provide Judicial oversight on it.

and finally


I believe a woman has a right to do whatever she wants in this regard....

Not exactly an approach that would work because the father has a stake in the outcome and a right to be a part of it. But it's at least a start in that women need to assert their rights which at the present are being ignored. If that happened with women then the debate would at least be approached in a rational manner. If men didn't listen then they would stand the chance of being ignored.

Women will find the solution when they begin to exercise their rights and that solution will be closer to the status quo that is being attacked by religious extremists.
Not that that CANT pay for them..... but that it shouldnt be MANDATORY for them to do so.

A woman has 100% decision making power over terminating a Pregnancy.

With that 100% Power should come the assumption of all the financial costs incurred.

Men cant tell a woman to keep a child or to abort it.

But if a woman unilaterally says she wants an Abortion the man should not be required to pay for it.
Not that that CANT pay for them..... but that it shouldnt be MANDATORY for them to do so.

A woman has 100% decision making power over terminating a Pregnancy.

With that 100% Power should come the assumption of all the financial costs incurred.

Men cant tell a woman to keep a child or to abort it.

But if a woman unilaterally says she wants an Abortion the man should not be required to pay for it.

I am unaware of any law requiring men to pay for the abortion though. I think it's just something that sometimes a gentleman may do. Perhaps I should write a pamphlet "Abortion Etiquette"

Hmmm...Abortion Etiquette by The Long Island Expressway Feminist.

I bet it sells!
As if there is a man involved when a woman comes to the conclusion that she will have an abortion!

In most cases there isn't but in some cases where there is a man involved there won't be an argument over who pays.

And which really goes to prove that Americans aren't looking for answers to the problem. They're more interested in their wallets and forcing their opinions on others.
Well I always find out on the first date who would be paying for any future abortion. If the guy doesn't say "I insist", then there is no second date.
Men should stay out of the Abortion issue entirely.

We have ZERO reproductive rights in regard to it so it stands to reason it should be left up to ONLY WOMEN as to what should be done about it.

Let women be the only ones to:

Craft Legislation on it

Vote on it

Legislate and provide Judicial oversight on it.

and finally


I believe a woman has a right to do whatever she wants in this regard....

In general I like this post; I just don't think we need any legislation around it (aside from of course standard medical safety stuff which I assume is already covered by legislation). I think it should be between the woman, the doctor, and the man if he's involved.

In terms of paying - yeah, if the guy objects to it, don't see he should have to pay for it. Of course, he's on the hook for the bills if he objects, she agrees not to abort and she has the kid... 18 long years of payments!

Harder part is when the pregnancy happens, the woman wants to keep it, but the man doesn't want to become a father yet. He's still on the hook for the bills.

Have I mentioned more than, oh, one thousand times that we need safe, affordable, effective contraception that both genders learn how to use properly?
In general I like this post; I just don't think we need any legislation around it (aside from of course standard medical safety stuff which I assume is already covered by legislation). I think it should be between the woman, the doctor, and the man if he's involved.

In terms of paying - yeah, if the guy objects to it, don't see he should have to pay for it. Of course, he's on the hook for the bills if he objects, she agrees not to abort and she has the kid... 18 long years of payments!

Harder part is when the pregnancy happens, the woman wants to keep it, but the man doesn't want to become a father yet. He's still on the hook for the bills.

Have I mentioned more than, oh, one thousand times that we need safe, affordable, effective contraception that both genders learn how to use properly?

Agreed... but Birth control is already cheap, readily available through Planned Parent hood and other clinical outlets as well as in a local drug store or even a gas station if you need a pack of Condoms.

It is available in schools as well, and kids are taught early on that it is important to use contraception.

With all the contraception available the pregnancy rates for teens should be ZERO.

It boils down to being LAZY. The boy doesnt want to use it... and the girl doesnt want to lose the boy.

end result.... Kids having kids.

I am against one thing... People relying on Abortion as a form of contraception.

Not against Abortion... but the fact they are too lazy to spend $10 on condoms and some spermicide to properly prevent it from becoming necessary.

Easier to protect a kid with rubbers and some spermicide then to undergo an invasive procedure that can have lingering health effects and cause physical as well as psychological damage .
Actually if you look at the studies - women who are provided with free long-term contraceptive care have fewer abortions than those who don't.

There's more to birth control than condoms; if we provide IUDs and others that don't require someone to remember to go to the store, we'll have fewer abortions. Those also are methods that don't require the cooperation of the boy. Or the pause in the "excitement" to put in a diaphragm.

Not all schools do a good job at teaching about contraception in sex ed; we have the other thread going where California, due to its school programs has cut down on teen births and on abortions.
Zaps, what talking points are you going to use on Judgment Day?

That I have never had one, paid for one or performed any abortions ever...I simply support a woman's right to choose.

That to me means I am in the clear come Judgement Day...with regards to abortions at least.
That I have never had one, paid for one or performed any abortions ever...I simply support a woman's right to choose.

That to me means I am in the clear come Judgement Day...with regards to abortions at least.

Haha, great line. "Now with all the other stuff I've done in my life I have some worrying to do..."
Men should stay out of the Abortion issue entirely.

We have ZERO reproductive rights in regard to it so it stands to reason it should be left up to ONLY WOMEN as to what should be done about it.

Let women be the only ones to:

Craft Legislation on it

Vote on it

Legislate and provide Judicial oversight on it.

and finally


I believe a woman has a right to do whatever she wants in this regard....

I agree with everything except for the "pay for it" part.

It takes two to tango my mom always told me, so I think the woman's "dance partner" should pay for half.
Actually if you look at the studies - women who are provided with free long-term contraceptive care have fewer abortions than those who don't.

There's more to birth control than condoms; if we provide IUDs and others that don't require someone to remember to go to the store, we'll have fewer abortions. Those also are methods that don't require the cooperation of the boy. Or the pause in the "excitement" to put in a diaphragm.

Not all schools do a good job at teaching about contraception in sex ed; we have the other thread going where California, due to its school programs has cut down on teen births and on abortions.

The problem with IUD's and other such devices is that they require a Medical Doctor to provide the initial placement. There are risks associated with IUD use.


Risks of using an intrauterine device (IUD) include:

Menstrual problems. The copper IUD may increase menstrual bleeding or cramps. Women may also experience spotting between periods. The hormonal IUD may reduce menstrual cramps and bleeding.1
Perforation. In 1 out of 1,000 women, the IUD will get stuck in or puncture (perforate) the uterus.1 Although perforation is rare, it almost always occurs during insertion. The IUD should be removed if the uterus has been perforated.
Expulsion. About 2 to 10 out of 100 IUDs are pushed out (expelled) from the uterus into the vagina during the first year. This usually happens in the first few months of use. Expulsion is more likely when the IUD is inserted right after childbirth or in a woman who has not carried a pregnancy.1 When an IUD has been expelled, you are no longer protected against pregnancy.

Disadvantages of IUDs include the high cost of insertion, no protection against STDs, and the need to be removed by a doctor.
Disadvantages of the hormonal IUD

The hormonal IUD may cause noncancerous (benign) growths called ovarian cysts, which usually go away on their own.

The hormonal IUD can cause hormonal side effects similar to those caused by oral contraceptives, such as breast tenderness, mood swings, headaches, and acne. This is rare. When side effects do happen, they usually go away after the first few months.
Sure, there are risks. Everything has risks. Condoms can slip off or get holes. Birth control pills have risks. I was using IUD as one example of long-term contraceptives. There's Depo Provera and I'm sure others I don't know about since I haven't gone looking for a new method in quite awhile.

Women need to balance out the risks of contraception with the risks of an unwanted pregnancy.

And regardless of method chosen - free contraceptives reduces the number of abortions. Who doesn't want to pay for that?

(No, I'm not posting a link. We've posted before, feel free to google search the studies)
"The Zap" always cherished his new found feminist role of growing a beard and being handy when a non lesbian feminist wanted some sex.

The "married Zaps" of America always loved having a side thing and if she got knocked up, she could always go to a "women's health clinic" and dipose of the problem without sweetie at home even knowing about it an ruining married Zaps little hug and squeeze with honeybun.

America's Zaps you see were liberated too along with America's feminists and no Male or female Zaps ever had to accept responsibility for anything they did under this system.
Actually it is the american forced birthers with wife that he got pregnant and sent to the abortion clinic. See Bob Barr.
Not that that CANT pay for them..... but that it shouldnt be MANDATORY for them to do so.

A woman has 100% decision making power over terminating a Pregnancy.

With that 100% Power should come the assumption of all the financial costs incurred.

Men cant tell a woman to keep a child or to abort it.

But if a woman unilaterally says she wants an Abortion the man should not be required to pay for it.

This is the ruination of marriage from this moral relativist.

This makes marriage completely extinct and a foolish venture for any male.

There is absolutely no reason for any male to marry after giving the female this type of power, none.

If the female has the sole authority to abort whenever she wishes, then she also has the sole authority to have babies when she wants which is the entire mantra of liberal feminists.