How To Spot And Out A Pro-’Lifer’ That Really Just Hates Women And Sex

You and your evil feminist sisters have the black eyes .. my middle class privileged little twit.

Your eyes are the mirrors of the souls you do not possess within you.


for what ?

for not allowing you to spew hate on women because they don't accept your view of WHO they should be?

for not joining you sick hate fest on the women who refuse to lie with such a lump of crap like you?

You hate women and think for some stupid fucking reason YOU should get to tell them who they can and cant be.

You and men like you are the reason things are changing.

you and men like you will lose all your power because your heart is dark.

You dream about giving women black eyes for NOT agreeing with you and not doing your bidding.
Democrats kept it going Evince...

They controlled both houses of Congress until after the war ended...

Sorry.... Liberals and Progressives controlled all funding and legislation regarding the war.

Sorry.... 1 man didnt control the war... It was the House and Senate..

Both run by Liberals for the Entire time we were in Vietnam.

Like I said... Learn your History.



you know nothing about history
I don't think V4R was claiming he had invented all that, but that it was during the baby boomer time that things like the internet and cell phone and what not got the govt funding to be invented and improved upon and so on.

The BB's paid for NASA and other scientific breakthroughs.

Unfortunately, since then BB's seem to have gotten more conservative and have stopped funding basic research, and Gen X'ers haven't been able to step up and say "yes we want that - keep funding it" for whatever reason.

The recent cutbacks at NASA - really? we don't have a shuttle? The refusal to fund the Large Hadron Collider. Stuff like that sucks.

I don't know where V4R personally stands on funding NASA; but I think his point was that it was during the BB rule that we got so much stuff funded and invented.

Now personally, I think pitting BB's against Gen-Xers just diverts all of us from the real issue - the growing income disparity; the power of the corporations and people like the Koch brothers; stuff like that - as does the social issue battle. Koch Brothers are fine with libs vs conservatives fighting over abortions because it keeps us from banding together and demanding they pay more in taxes.

.... wow, can I fit any more stuff into one answer? sorry about the kitchen sink of issues there...

My Stance on NASA and Space exploration? All for it.

We need to go back to the Moon, we need to go to Mars. We need to develop the next generation of Shuttle that doesnt just orbit the Earth, but can go back and forth to the Moon. We need to develop Ion Propulsion and many other things as well.

I don't put down NASA... Ever. Have they made Mistakes? Sure... they were to blame for Apollo I and Columbia and Challenger. Poor Oversight and no contingency plans recover a Damaged shuttle from Orbit. Pumping Pure O2 into a tiny capsule loaded with analog electronics and causing a Fire. We know the tragedies all too well.

But to fund these will take HUNDREDS of Billions of Dollars. The big Aerospace companies are the only ones capable of doing this so they will be getting the Majority of those R/D Funds.

Boeing, Lockheed, Northrop, Morton Thiokol and all the others will have to make it happen. This will create Jobs, but these will be Engineering jobs, not Liberal Arts. We'll need Physics majors, engineering Majors, Computer Science Majors, Pilots, Metallurgic Engineers and millions of other technology based jobs.

So it will require better education, Sanskrit and Poetry majors need not apply. Liberal Arts Majors need not apply.

Too late for todays graduates who have wasted college studying political Science and Dead Languages. We need Doctors, Scientists and Engineers.

we're 25 years away from it... the new breed needs to start TODAY.

Most of the companies that worked on APOLLO are gone now. We're starting from scratch...
what will you DO on the moon?

You dont know? really? pretty simple actually.

The moon needs to be utilized as a launch base for flights to Mars. Launching from Earth will require far more fuel to escape our gravitational field.

With a Zero-G environment it is far more fuel efficient to launch from the Moon.

Will leave a greater reserve to make the trip there and back.

Obviously you never studied physics... You sure aint no rocket scientist!

for what ?

for not allowing you to spew hate on women because they don't accept your view of WHO they should be?

for not joining you sick hate fest on the women who refuse to lie with such a lump of crap like you?

You hate women and think for some stupid fucking reason YOU should get to tell them who they can and cant be.

You and men like you are the reason things are changing.

you and men like you will lose all your power because your heart is dark.

You dream about giving women black eyes for NOT agreeing with you and not doing your bidding.

Sarah Palin.
Cheer up! That's actually not true!

They're still good for paying the bills even after the sperm has been captured.

So you agree with me that you're only interested in yourself and your instant self gratification and intact families mean nothing to you?

That's a confirmation then .. correct?
Democrats kept it going Evince...

They controlled both houses of Congress until after the war ended...

Sorry.... Liberals and Progressives controlled all funding and legislation regarding the war.

Sorry.... 1 man didnt control the war... It was the House and Senate..

Both run by Liberals for the Entire time we were in Vietnam.

Like I said... Learn your History.

I'm a Vietnam combat veteran and trust me on this.

Our rear guard were American contractors. We would go in and destroy something and in no time the defense contractors would move in and start rebuilding everything we just destroyed.

It was all about the money.
I'm a Vietnam combat veteran and trust me on this.

Our rear guard were American contractors. We would go in and destroy something and in no time the defense contractors would move in and start rebuilding everything we just destroyed.

It was all about the money.

no dispute there Philly.... It was the Liberal Congress and the Military industrial complex....