How To Spot And Out A Pro-’Lifer’ That Really Just Hates Women And Sex

got nothing huh?

I thought as much.

Now do you know how many years I endured right wing idiots screaming about defunding NASA?
If men have no say so when it comes to children within the family structure, then what is the point in getting married in the first place?

The point is: there is no point in it. The females simply breed at their wish and men become bit players and sperm providers. After that, their role is over and the woman and her baby only have significance.

The me generation loves this situation because there isn't any responsibility attached to the male and this is exactly what the feminists have wanted all along.

hey fucking lying sack of dead maggots,

Are you aware of the increase in males having full custody?

Lots of men step up and become the primary care taker now and its going to increase.

YOU see you just peer into your own soul and see ugly blackness and think everyone must have an ugly dark heart just like you do.
you got a mouse in your pocket?

you don't own those inventions do you ?

BTW that would be NASA you would be thanking for all those things.

You know government run and paid for science.

the stuff you HATE so much

when it comes to an argument over which generation is better you break out with the government is great? What does one liking the government or not have to do with a generational argument?
the entire time I was in high school and college the republicans were SCREAMING about NASA being a waste of money.
NASA is the reason we have this technology.


and NASA is a great lumbering giant with a nose that looks like a pumpkin and farts science out its has nothing to do with technicians and scientists and funding and research facilities.....
"it has nothing to do with technicians and scientists and funding and research facilities"

wow Nasa has nothing to do with these things?

Your really fucking stupid
But they LOVED Vietnam

You mean the war that Kennedy and Johnson started and expanded?

That was started by Democrats if you know your history at all.... Nixon just ended it.

From 1960 to 1968 Democrats controlled both houses of Congress with a super-majority and also the White House.

The Vietnam War was a creation of Single Party Rule... By Liberal Democrats.

Like I said...learn your History
And who was it that backed Veitnam right up until the end?

it was the right in this country.

Who hated NASA for decades?

the right

Vietnamization, 1969–1972

Nixon Doctrine / Vietnamization

Propaganda leaflet urging the defection of NLF and North Vietnamese to the side of the Republic of Vietnam
Severe communist losses during the Tet Offensive allowed U.S. President Richard Nixon to begin troop withdrawals. His plan, called the Nixon Doctrine, was to build up the ARVN, so that they could take over the defense of South Vietnam. The policy became known as "Vietnamization". Vietnamization had much in common with the policies of the Kennedy administration. One important difference, however, remained. While Kennedy insisted that the South Vietnamese fight the war themselves, he attempted to limit the scope of the conflict.

Nixon said in an announcement, "I am tonight announcing plans for the withdrawal of an additional 150,000 American troops to be completed during the spring of next year. This will bring a total reduction of 265,500 men in our armed forces in Vietnam below the level that existed when we took office 15 months ago."[219]

On 10 October 1969, Nixon ordered a squadron of 18 B-52s loaded with nuclear weapons to race to the border of Soviet airspace to convince the Soviet Union that he was capable of anything to end the Vietnam War.

Nixon also pursued negotiations. Theater commander Creighton Abrams shifted to smaller operations, aimed at communist logistics, with better use of firepower and more cooperation with the ARVN. Nixon also began to pursue détente with the Soviet Union and rapprochement with China. This policy helped to decrease global tensions. Détente led to nuclear arms reduction on the part of both superpowers. But Nixon was disappointed that the PRC and the Soviet Union continued to supply the North Vietnamese with aid. In September 1969, Ho Chi Minh died at age seventy-nine.[220]

The anti-war movement was gaining strength in the United States. Nixon appealed to the "silent majority" of Americans to support the war. But revelations of the My Lai Massacre, in which a U.S. Army platoon raped and killed civilians, and the 1969 "Green Beret Affair" where eight Special Forces soldiers, including the 5th Special Forces Group Commander were arrested for the murder[221] of a suspected double agent[222] provoked national and international outrage.

Beginning in 1970, American troops were being taken away from border areas where much more killing took place, and instead put along the coast and interior, which is one reason why casualties in 1970 were less than half of 1969's totals
If men have no say so when it comes to children within the family structure, then what is the point in getting married in the first place?

The point is: there is no point in it. The females simply breed at their wish and men become bit players and sperm providers. After that, their role is over and the woman and her baby only have significance.


Cheer up! That's actually not true!

They're still good for paying the bills even after the sperm has been captured.
when it comes to an argument over which generation is better you break out with the government is great? What does one liking the government or not have to do with a generational argument?

then tell me why you are blaming a certain generation?

politics is why
hey fucking lying sack of dead maggots,

Are you aware of the increase in males having full custody?

Lots of men step up and become the primary care taker now and its going to increase.

YOU see you just peer into your own soul and see ugly blackness and think everyone must have an ugly dark heart just like you do.

You and your evil feminist sisters have the black eyes .. my middle class privileged little twit.

Your eyes are the mirrors of the souls you do not possess within you.
you got a mouse in your pocket?

you don't own those inventions do you ?

BTW that would be NASA you would be thanking for all those things.

You know government run and paid for science.

the stuff you HATE so much

I don't think V4R was claiming he had invented all that, but that it was during the baby boomer time that things like the internet and cell phone and what not got the govt funding to be invented and improved upon and so on.

The BB's paid for NASA and other scientific breakthroughs.

Unfortunately, since then BB's seem to have gotten more conservative and have stopped funding basic research, and Gen X'ers haven't been able to step up and say "yes we want that - keep funding it" for whatever reason.

The recent cutbacks at NASA - really? we don't have a shuttle? The refusal to fund the Large Hadron Collider. Stuff like that sucks.

I don't know where V4R personally stands on funding NASA; but I think his point was that it was during the BB rule that we got so much stuff funded and invented.

Now personally, I think pitting BB's against Gen-Xers just diverts all of us from the real issue - the growing income disparity; the power of the corporations and people like the Koch brothers; stuff like that - as does the social issue battle. Koch Brothers are fine with libs vs conservatives fighting over abortions because it keeps us from banding together and demanding they pay more in taxes.

.... wow, can I fit any more stuff into one answer? sorry about the kitchen sink of issues there...
And who was it that backed Veitnam right up until the end?

it was the right in this country.

Who hated NASA for decades?

the right

Democrats kept it going Evince...

They controlled both houses of Congress until after the war ended...

Sorry.... Liberals and Progressives controlled all funding and legislation regarding the war.

Sorry.... 1 man didnt control the war... It was the House and Senate..

Both run by Liberals for the Entire time we were in Vietnam.

Like I said... Learn your History.