T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Huh? People that get guns illegally don't get them legally? Ah, DUH. Why does that lessen the need for laws that make those means illegal? Your lame attempt to tie death to an illegal vote is laughable. There is no direct or even loose connection. I guarantee there is a connection between the purchase of a gun and that gun being used to kill someone.
Another logic fail on your part. Complete fail BTW. If a straw buyer purchases a gun legally and then illegally provides it to someone else, that is a legal gun purchase resulting in a gun going directly into an illegal persons hands. And it happens all the time.
Most criminals and others not eligible to own or possess a firearm don't go into a gun store to buy one. They use straw buyers, buy them from some guy's car trunk for cash, steal them, or similar. All the gun laws on the planet won't stop them from obtaining one if that's their intent.
Straw buying a firearm is a crime. So, if a straw buyer does purchase a firearm they committed a crime in doing so. It wasn't a legal gun purchase.
18 U.S.C. § 922(a)(6)