Human evolution - recent news

The most compelling thing to me is that Neanderthals, Denosivans, and homo sapiens may have been cross-breeding. And the DNA of these primitive human subspecies might be passed onto modern humans.

I personally think there might be a few posters here with at least 30 percent Neanderthal DNA.


Seems sensible that various of these mutations would be concurrent.
The most compelling thing to me is that Neanderthals, Denosivans, and homo sapiens may have been cross-breeding. And the DNA of these primitive human subspecies might be passed onto modern humans.

I personally think there might be a few posters here with at least 30 percent Neanderthal DNA.

The ones with the Neanderthal DNA seem to be more advanced, so your comment isn't really an insult. :(
You are free to believe that God "created primitive man" as an article of faith.

Scientific evidence, which includes the fossil record, DNA, and genetic evidence clearly indicates that humans evolved from archaic primate ancestors which were not human, into the genus hominid, and finally into the modern species of homo sapiens.

So you are saying that is beyond Gods capability. ROFLMAO
The ones with the Neanderthal DNA seem to be more advanced, so your comment isn't really an insult. :(

"Neanderthal" was, is, and will remain into the foreseeable future a colloquialism for primitive, uncouth, crude, prehistoric.

Most message board dunces do not have the knowledge or interest to be remotely aware of the geographic distribution of Neanderthal DNA, behaviour, anatomy. I believe you are presumably more informed on it than most.

Wrapping up - I consider the "Neanderthal" insult to be a more elegant way of describing rightwing knuckle draggers!
I have no idea what your point is.

The case can easily be made that Republicans, and in particular conservatives, are more likely to be hostile to the science of evolution than others. Quite a few religions/denominations have come to terms with evolution, even if Republicans and conservative religions have not.

How interesting that conservative Xtians and conservative Muslims agree as both reject science in favor of their mythology.
How interesting that conservative Xtians and conservative Muslims agree as both reject science in favor of their mythology.

Rightwing Christian jihadists and fundamentalist Muslim taliban have a remarkable amount in common when it comes to science, evolution, abortion, women's rights, capital punishment. They are soul mates when you really think about it.
Rightwing Christian jihadists and fundamentalist Muslim taliban have a remarkable amount in common when it comes to science, evolution, abortion, women's rights, capital punishment. They are soul mates when you really think about it.

Yep. You can add to that "Both become enraged at being compared to that other, inferior, religion." lol
"Neanderthal" was, is, and will remain into the foreseeable future a colloquialism for primitive, uncouth, crude, prehistoric.

Most message board dunces do not have the knowledge or interest to be remotely aware of the geographic distribution of Neanderthal DNA, behaviour, anatomy. I believe you are presumably more informed on it than most.

Wrapping up - I consider the "Neanderthal" insult to be a more elegant way of describing rightwing knuckle draggers!

Yet they have found burials of Neanderthals who were given grave items to use in the afterlife, as well as skeletal evidence of healed injuries that indicated that the individuals were cared for by the group rather than just being left to die.
"Neanderthal" was, is, and will remain into the foreseeable future a colloquialism for primitive, uncouth, crude, prehistoric.

Most message board dunces do not have the knowledge or interest to be remotely aware of the geographic distribution of Neanderthal DNA, behaviour, anatomy. I believe you are presumably more informed on it than most.

Wrapping up - I consider the "Neanderthal" insult to be a more elegant way of describing rightwing knuckle draggers!

Hmmmmm ... if the nominal 2% Neanderthal DNA that most of us have (excluding sub-saharan Africans) is known to me, I would guess the other average Drones here are aware of it too.
So, again, your use of 'Neanderthal' as a derogatory is misplaced in my opinion.

'Bluntskull'. Bluntskull is probably a more accurate and popular epithet for our Religious Conservative types.

Let's Review:
"I find you unacceptable! If I did not fear incarceration by human authority figures, I would terminate your life functions by applying sufficient force to your blunt skull so as to cause its collapse!"
Beldar Conehead
Yet they have found burials of Neanderthals who were given grave items to use in the afterlife, as well as skeletal evidence of healed injuries that indicated that the individuals were cared for by the group rather than just being left to die.
A good point.
Purportedly, Neanderthal had a nominally larger brain than Homo Sapiens.

However, there is no evidence Neanderthal produced cave art or had language - so for now, Homo Sapiens still hold the lead in cultural development!
A good point.
Purportedly, Neanderthal had a nominally larger brain than Homo Sapiens.

However, there is no evidence Neanderthal produced cave art or had language - so for now, Homo Sapiens still hold the lead in cultural development!

Check this out!

"Dated to 65,000 years ago, the cave paintings and shell beads are the first works of art dated to the time of Neanderthals, and they include the oldest cave art ever found. In two new studies, published Thursday in Science and Science Advances, researchers lay out the case that these works of art predate the arrival of modern Homo sapiens to Europe, which means someone else must have created them.

"In three caves scattered across Spain, researchers found more than a dozen examples of wall paintings that are more than 65,000 years old. At Cueva de los Aviones, a cave in southeastern Spain, researchers also found perforated seashell beads and pigments that are at least 115,000 years old.

“The Aviones finds are the oldest such objects of personal ornamentation known to this day anywhere in the world,” says study coauthor João Zilhão, a University of Barcelona archaeologist. “They predate by 20 to 40 thousand years anything remotely similar known from the African continent. And they were made by Neanderthals. Do I need to say more?”"
Check this out!

"Dated to 65,000 years ago, the cave paintings and shell beads are the first works of art dated to the time of Neanderthals, and they include the oldest cave art ever found. In two new studies, published Thursday in Science and Science Advances, researchers lay out the case that these works of art predate the arrival of modern Homo sapiens to Europe, which means someone else must have created them.

"In three caves scattered across Spain, researchers found more than a dozen examples of wall paintings that are more than 65,000 years old. At Cueva de los Aviones, a cave in southeastern Spain, researchers also found perforated seashell beads and pigments that are at least 115,000 years old.

“The Aviones finds are the oldest such objects of personal ornamentation known to this day anywhere in the world,” says study coauthor João Zilhão, a University of Barcelona archaeologist. “They predate by 20 to 40 thousand years anything remotely similar known from the African continent. And they were made by Neanderthals. Do I need to say more?”"
Holy smoke, you learn something new everyday!
Go Neanderthals!
Holy smoke, you learn something new everyday!
Go Neanderthals!

I really like how science -- and then we non-sci-ppl -- change our thinking about extinct creatures as we learn more. Remember when dinosaurs were thought to be plodding, cold-blooded, slow and stupid?
I really like how science -- and then we non-sci-ppl -- change our thinking about extinct creatures as we learn more. Remember when dinosaurs were thought to be plodding, cold-blooded, slow and stupid?

Too right you are - the quest for knowledge never ends. Human conceit leads us to believe sometimes we have it all figured out.

Before Einstein, the presumption was that we had solved all major problems in physics. We could just kick back and relax thanks to Newton and Maxwell!

There has been a complete paradigm shift in our view of dinosaurs and neaderthal.

The fact that general relativity and quantum mechanics are not congruent is obviously telling us we are missing something important. Some unifying theory that is beyond our grasp.

If the physicists are right about dark matter and dark energy, to date we really only understand less than four percent of all matter and energy that comprises the universe. Man, we have got our work cut out for us!
Too right you are - the quest for knowledge never ends. Human conceit leads us to believe sometimes we have it all figured out.

Before Einstein, the presumption was that we had solved all major problems in physics. We could just kick back and relax thanks to Newton and Maxwell!

There has been a complete paradigm shift in our view of dinosaurs and neaderthal.

The fact that general relativity and quantum mechanics are not congruent is obviously telling us we are missing something important. Some unifying theory that is beyond our grasp.

If the physicists are right about dark matter and dark energy, to date we really only understand less than four percent of all matter and energy that comprises the universe. Man, we have got our work cut out for us!

It makes you want to live another life time or two just to see what happens next, doesn't it?
Holy smoke, you learn something new everyday!
Go Neanderthals!

I know this does not support your progressive racist hatred, but ...

"Using those clues, researchers are now able to identify “ghost populations”, ancient groups whose mixture with modern humans helps to explain some aspects of diversity in African genomes today.

These ghosts were the African equivalent of Neanderthals. They were ancient lineages with long histories, starting from long before any modern humans existed, and they were mixing with modern populations as recently as 20,000 years ago."