Human evolution - recent news

"Neanderthal" was, is, and will remain into the foreseeable future a colloquialism for primitive, uncouth, crude, prehistoric.

Most message board dunces do not have the knowledge or interest to be remotely aware of the geographic distribution of Neanderthal DNA, behaviour, anatomy. I believe you are presumably more informed on it than most.

Wrapping up - I consider the "Neanderthal" insult to be a more elegant way of describing rightwing knuckle draggers!
It’s one of my favorites.
A good point.
Purportedly, Neanderthal had a nominally larger brain than Homo Sapiens.

However, there is no evidence Neanderthal produced cave art or had language - so for now, Homo Sapiens still hold the lead in cultural development!
Surprisingly, I was first introduced to the idea that Neanderthals were more advanced than I had perviously thought by Jean M. Auel in “Clan of the Cavebear”.

I then read several articles about their burial practices and migration. Thanks for this update, now we can add art to the mix.
I really like how science -- and then we non-sci-ppl -- change our thinking about extinct creatures as we learn more. Remember when dinosaurs were thought to be plodding, cold-blooded, slow and stupid?
They were all various shades of green and brown, too, now we know some were colorful and had feathers.
"Neanderthal" was, is, and will remain into the foreseeable future a colloquialism for primitive, uncouth, crude, prehistoric.

Most message board dunces do not have the knowledge or interest to be remotely aware of the geographic distribution of Neanderthal DNA, behaviour, anatomy. I believe you are presumably more informed on it than most.

Wrapping up - I consider the "Neanderthal" insult to be a more elegant way of describing rightwing knuckle draggers!

For what it's worth, they had much bigger brains, and managed to last a lot longer than we have yet, which is hardly true of your pretend-Christians.
They were all various shades of green and brown, too, now we know some were colorful and had feathers.
Based on current knowledge of genetics and anatomy, ornithologists are concluding that birds are not just distant cousins of dinosaurs, but actual living dinosaurs-direct descendents of dinosaurs. Pretty bloody cool if you ask me!
Based on current knowledge of genetics and anatomy, ornithologists are concluding that birds are not just distant cousins of dinosaurs, but actual living dinosaurs-direct descendents of dinosaurs. Pretty bloody cool if you ask me!

I wonder why they haven't found any T-Rex fossils with wings.
Surprisingly, I was first introduced to the idea that Neanderthals were more advanced than I had perviously thought by Jean M. Auel in “Clan of the Cavebear”.

I then read several articles about their burial practices and migration. Thanks for this update, now we can add art to the mix.

Same here. That Neanderthals had larger brains than modern humans came as a complete surprise to me and Auel's hypothesis that the larger brain's were used not for cognition but memory is more than credible.
I wonder why they haven't found any T-Rex fossils with wings.
Because T-rex never flew and no one has the slightest expectation of finding such a fossil.
Birds are descended from the flying, feathered dinosaurs of the Cretaceous.

If you actually are genuinely interested in learning about this I suggest >>


"Forget what you may have heard: Dinosaurs didn't all go extinct 65 millions years ago. In fact, dinosaurs are all around us."
Because T-rex never flew and no one has the slightest expectation of finding such a fossil.
Birds are descended from the flying, feathered dinosaurs of the Cretaceous.

If you actually are genuinely interested in learning about this I suggest >>

That was sarcasm. On the subject of birds I could care less.
You are free to believe that God "created primitive man" as an article of faith.

Scientific evidence, which includes the fossil record, DNA, and genetic evidence clearly indicates that humans evolved from archaic primate ancestors which were not human, into the genus hominid, and finally into the modern species of homo sapiens.
So you are saying that is beyond Gods capability. ROFLMAO
You are not actually rolling on the floor, laughing.

Putting words in my mouth is bad from.
I said no such thing.

Wrapping this thing up: I have no problem with any religious faith that accepts the tenets of biological evolution, while still believing there is a God behind the scenes who laid the groundwater for how it all was intended to unfold.

To me, that does not undermine science and reason.

For the most part, science answers the question "how?". It is perfectly fine for religion or philosophy to take a stab at answering the question "why?"
Based on current knowledge of genetics and anatomy, ornithologists are concluding that birds are not just distant cousins of dinosaurs, but actual living dinosaurs-direct descendents of dinosaurs. Pretty bloody cool if you ask me!

Our birds agree, especially Dash the Terrible....

Our birds agree, especially Dash the Terrible....


In that respect, Dash is a little like me -- a legend in his own mind.

Ask just about any paleontologist, and he or she will tell you that life found a way and that some dinosaurs survived the mass extinction. That’s because today’s birds are the last remaining twig on an otherwise demolished dinosaur family tree.

“There is no doubt that birds are dinosaurs,” says Luis Chiappe, director of the Dinosaur Institute at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. “The evidence is so overwhelming, I would put it next to whether you’re going to question if humans are primates.”