Hunter and 12b

What an imagination you have. Are you claiming to have watched both?

I don't see his posts... has he been evading giving a straight answer to the opening post? My last exchange with him was when he did a 12b to my young children, and I haven't talked to him since.
Are you born dumb? Maybe your mother dropped you on your head when you were a baby? Or are you a bona fide troll?

It doesn't work here.

C'mon, PLEASE hit me with something stronger than this lame juvenile crap. Why don't you dismantle my logic and trump it with something superior? What are you going to do next, call me a racist? Please post something of merit.
C'mon, PLEASE hit me with something stronger than this lame juvenile crap. Why don't you dismantle my logic and trump it with something superior? What are you going to do next, call me a racist? Please post something of merit.

Uh I already did. Is that you Legion?
This is the opening post that lefties are evading. I assert that lefties are evading it because they know good and well that they would not hesitate for even a second to exploit 12b to silence discussion of this inconvenient political topic.

To push my position even further, I'd bet several JPP Lefties have ALREADY attempted to exploit 12b on Hunter's behalf.

Can you name any of those people?
I asked a question. Want to try again?

You're a disingenuous shitposter. You rarely, if ever, honestly answer questions quid pro quo. While I think you are above average in intelligence, I think you are sickly twisted with malevolence. When you start answering questions honestly, you can expect others to do the same for you.
Uh I already did. Is that you Legion?

I doubt he's Legion. Legion is smarter....and that's not a very high bar to cross. He strikes me as a victim of Bitter Old Man Syndrome, pretty common mental disorder around these parts. Legion is probably 20-30 years younger and more like a 40 year old virgin Incel. I could be wrong.
I don't see his posts... has he been evading giving a straight answer to the opening post? My last exchange with him was when he did a 12b to my young children, and I haven't talked to him since.
He started hitting my young children with 12b attacks, so I shut him down. I don't mind political fighting, but I won't read his disgusting 12b attacks on my young children.
Link? Or just more Bitter Old Man bullshit?
ROFLMAO Short trip, indeed.

Let's hope he doesn't crack under the strain and get himself banned.

I don't really see a problem with that. Typically RWers start these kinds of strawman threads in the hopes that they can entice at least one LWer to violate the 12b rule. Legion is quite famous for this. I'm sure you've seen his "Teachers in the News" and other threads dedicated to child molesters who got caught.

The whole Hunter Biden Laptopgate is so hilarious. Only the successfully-brainwashed buy into these ridiculous Twittler-promoted fake conspiracies.
Yep, keep trying to marginalize the ugly contents of Hunter's laptop. Lefties can't resist assisting shitbags like Hunter. Do you think lefties would hesitate even for a moment to exploit 12b as a political weapon to silence those of us who condemn Hunter and his laptop full of druggie culture, kiddie porn, and selling influence?

No doubt! They've already tried to paint him as a pedophile based on large group photos where he is standing behind a child with a hand on his/her shoulder. There are hundreds of thousands of group and family pics like that, but his = pedo. :rolleyes:

Let's see, what else is there? There were the dementia accusations, now mysteriously vaporized since the first (and last?) debate. The nonsense about Ukraine. I saw a couple here mock his stuttering disability, including the one who falsely claims to be an ex special ed "teacher." Sister Stench makes fun of his hair and also loves repeating the libelous pedo accusations.

In fact, almost everything they throw at him could equally apply to the orange shitgibbon... and with a whole lot more truth and proof.

The tRumpanzee nutjobs could always claim that Joe was running some sinister illegal activity out of a pizza shop. Wait! They already tried that so nevermind.
The tRumpanzee nutjobs could always claim that Joe was running some sinister illegal activity out of a pizza shop. Wait! They already tried that so nevermind.

It's too bad we can't ask for a state or states to volunteer to secede from the union and take these crazies with them. Don't you think they'd be far happier with their own little North Korea or Somalia, where they can run around with their bang-bangs by day and post feverish and unread RW screeds by night? Mississippi is a very red state. Let's give them that and seal the borders. lol
It's disgusting to see lefties defend this creep and his laptop full of druggie culture, kiddie porn, and selling of influence. JPP lefties are fighting HARD to shield him from accountability for his laptop full of lefty behavior.