Hunter and 12b

So Hunter and his kiddie porn are a hot topic in politics right now, and lefties want the topic silenced. Will JPP lefties try to exploit 12b to silence this hot political topic?

Shitposting should not be allowed here on JPP or anywhere else!



You seem to be focused on something unproven that does not apply to the office seeker. Instead, how about we talk about tRump's sexual fantasies involving his own daughter. For some reason, this behavior does not seem to bother you.

Do you have sexual fantasies about a son or nephew (assuming that you have one or both)? Is that why you are so focused on this issue? Is this why tRump's ADMITTED disgusting behavior is okay with you?

Or is the reason that you are actually regretful about your 2016 vote and are clinging to anything and everything to justify your vote? Isn't the simple answer is that you are so shallow that you cant bring yourself to admit that you screwed up? No response required "lunchlady". That was a rhetorical question
Oh take care;)
You seem to be focused on something unproven that does not apply to the office seeker. Instead, how about we talk about tRump's sexual fantasies involving his own daughter. For some reason, this behavior does not seem to bother you.

Do you have sexual fantasies about a son or nephew (assuming that you have one or both)? Is that why you are so focused on this issue? Is this why tRump's ADMITTED disgusting behavior is okay with you?

Or is the reason that you are actually regretful about your 2016 vote and are clinging to anything and everything to justify your vote? Isn't the simple answer is that you are so shallow that you cant bring yourself to admit that you screwed up? No response required "lunchlady". That was a rhetorical question

She'll report you now for a 12b violation because you said "fantasies about son or nephew," even though 1) she doesn't have any, and 2) you didn't mention age at all. Wait for it.

If we are going to bring candidates' families into the discussion, shouldn't we be talking about the corrupt practices of the TrumpSpawn, currently under investigation in New York? What about Ivanka the Simple using her status as First Bimbo to secure Chinese patents for her shabby wares? Then there's the First Strumpet who apparently violated American visa and immigration laws, plus brought over her family from the old country in a classic example of that "chain migration" that the Toadstool used to rail about constantly.

It's funny how "family is off limits" only applies to (R) families, isn't it?
Try violating the "meaningless rule" and see what happens. I dare you. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

Nice evasion. Your evasion is very telling though, and it suggests that you know good and well that JPP lefties won't hesitate for even a second to try exploiting 12b in attempt to silence discussion of Hunter and his disgusting behavior discovered on his laptop. 12b is just a meaningless rule for lefties, a rule that lefties certainly will attempt to use as a political weapon.
Shitposting should not be allowed here on JPP or anywhere else!




Typical lefty evasion. Your evasion is very telling though, and it suggests that you know good and well that JPP lefties won't hesitate for even a second to try exploiting 12b in attempt to silence discussion of Hunter and his disgusting behavior discovered on his laptop. 12b is just a meaningless rule for lefties, a rule that lefties certainly will attempt to use as a political weapon.
I worry about what these "trumptards" will do after tRump loses. Not for their sake, but for the safety of others. These "assclowns" have already shown their propensity for violence.

Oh, I have no doubt that there won't be multiple "incidents" involving the RW slack-jawed gun-humpers. I'm not too worried about civil war though. Most of those threatening that, at least here on JPP and elsewhere on social media that I've seen, are impotent old wannabe Rambos in mobility scooters.

She'll report you now for a 12b violation because you said "fantasies about son or nephew," even though 1) she doesn't have any, and 2) you didn't mention age at all. Wait for it.

If we are going to bring candidates' families into the discussion, shouldn't we be talking about the corrupt practices of the TrumpSpawn, currently under investigation in New York? What about Ivanka the Simple using her status as First Bimbo to secure Chinese patents for her shabby wares? Then there's the First Strumpet who apparently violated American visa and immigration laws, plus brought over her family from the old country in a classic example of that "chain migration" that the Toadstool used to rail about constantly.

It's funny how "family is off limits" only applies to (R) families, isn't it?

Naturally this would have to come BEFORE reconciling the Hunter discussion, right? Nice evasion.
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She'll report you now for a 12b violation because you said "fantasies about son or nephew," even though 1) she doesn't have any, and 2) you didn't mention age at all. Wait for it.

If we are going to bring candidates' families into the discussion, shouldn't we be talking about the corrupt practices of the TrumpSpawn, currently under investigation in New York? What about Ivanka the Simple using her status as First Bimbo to secure Chinese patents for her shabby wares? Then there's the First Strumpet who apparently violated American visa and immigration laws, plus brought over her family from the old country in a classic example of that "chain migration" that the Toadstool used to rail about constantly.

It's funny how "family is off limits" only applies to (R) families, isn't it?

I purposely left out age to ensure the post did not contain any reference to "illegal" activities. As far as I know, FANTASIES about sexual activities are not considered illegal. If so, tRump would ALREADY be in jail over his IVANKA fantasies.

That said, she certainly has a history of inviting (baiting) the discussion and then reporting folks for violating the rule. To fairly enforce the rule, the OP should have been deleted once it was posted. To attempt to enforce it subsequently is a clear example of partisanship.

I do find it odd that multiple posts accusing Biden of activities that violate the rule seem to go unaddressed. Hopefully, the rules dont actually "skew" to the "right" side.
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She has a history of inviting the discussion and then reporting folks for violating the rule. To fairly enforce the rule, the OP should have been deleted once it was posted. To attempt to enforce it subsequently is a clear example of partisanship.

At the very least clarification from one of the mods would have been in order. She's already chortling about "12b violations" over on her special its-always-all-about-MEEE thread. :laugh:
Oh, I have no doubt that there won't be multiple "incidents" involving the RW slack-jawed gun-humpers. I'm not too worried about civil war though. Most of those threatening that, at least here on JPP and elsewhere on social media that I've seen, are impotent old wannabe Rambos in mobility scooters.


The trumpanzees on this site are simple "trumpclown" cowards.
At the very least clarification from one of the mods would have been in order. She's already chortling about "12b violations" over on her special its-always-all-about-MEEE thread. :laugh:

She is simply one of these pathetic old ladies that lead very empty and shallow lives. She likely has little family or few that give her any attention.
She reminds me of the arsonist that want praise for being the first to call the fire department.
Where's Hunter? Call a press conference and clear everything up....His dad needs his help asap;)
She is simply one of these pathetic old ladies that lead very empty and shallow lives. She likely has little family or few that give her any attention.
She reminds me of the arsonist that want praise for being the first to call the fire department.

Not only is this post extremely insightful, but also filled with truth... particularly the pathetic and bitter old shut-in part.

As for discussing Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Trump, or any other public figure in the context of child pornography or sexual molestation, the 12b rule clearly states that it applies only to accusations of pedophilia/child porn made to other JPP posters. The OP seems to believe that no one wants to talk about his made-up-bullshit about Hunter's laptop because we're all hiding behind 12b.

It is impossible to have any sort of meaningful discussion about fairy tales, made-up nonsense, boogeymen, dream figures, or any other Reichwing fantasies. *That's* why we're all just making fun of the OP and not discussing it in any serious sense. Toxic is, as you correctly pointed out, using this thread (as she often does) to try to provoke some reaction that she can then report. She lives to get ppl banned. It was one of her specialties on the old forum we shared. That's why Legion lurves her and calls her "Topsy" -- he has the same M.O.
Another thread derailed....Sorry, E....
That TDS is wicked stuff;)
Carry on...I'll depart;)
Another thread derailed....Sorry, E....
That TDS is wicked stuff;)
Carry on...I'll depart;)

You really should get that thing out of your ugly mouth. You don't know where it's been. Oh wait. It's been in Stormy and countless others. :laugh:


Now slink off to your safe house, sad little attention whore. Got more than you bargained for today, eh? :rofl2:
The JPP 12b only applies to other JPPers, not to public figures. Sorry, sir, but your strawman burned to the ground. We did all we could.
Public figures and pedophilia may be discussed in an adult manner, but if the conversation is too graphic then the 12b rule may apply. Discussing Biden, Trump or the Catholic Church, etc. is not a violation of the rules.