Hunter and 12b

I don't really see a problem with that. Typically RWers start these kinds of strawman threads in the hopes that they can entice at least one LWer to violate the 12b rule. Legion is quite famous for this. I'm sure you've seen his "Teachers in the News" and other threads dedicated to child molesters who got caught.

The whole Hunter Biden Laptopgate is so hilarious. Only the successfully-brainwashed buy into these ridiculous Twittler-promoted fake conspiracies.

Trying to tar Joe Biden with the actions of Hunter Biden is an action of desperation. The Trump campaign team is obviously desperate to distract from the fact Trump botched the COVID response. It was Trump's first real test as a leader and he completely fucked it up. Worse, he's still fucking it up and tens of thousands of Americans are dying as a result of poor leadership.

Is there any doubt than any sane President, Democrat or Republican, would have been the first to support "wear a mask, wash your hands regularly and try to maintain social distancing" as a common sense first line of defense? Trump still isn't doing it with a 220,000 dead Americans to his name.
It's too bad we can't ask for a state or states to volunteer to secede from the union and take these crazies with them. Don't you think they'd be far happier with their own little North Korea or Somalia, where they can run around with their bang-bangs by day and post feverish and unread RW screeds by night? Mississippi is a very red state. Let's give them that and seal the borders. lol

That's because the Yankees fucked up by invading the South and passing laws to make it illegal. :p
Trying to tar Joe Biden with the actions of Hunter Biden is an action of desperation. The Trump campaign team is obviously desperate to distract from the fact Trump botched the COVID response. It was Trump's first real test as a leader and he completely fucked it up. Worse, he's still fucking it up and tens of thousands of Americans are dying as a result of poor leadership.

Is there any doubt than any sane President, Democrat or Republican, would have been the first to support "wear a mask, wash your hands regularly and try to maintain social distancing" as a common sense first line of defense? Trump still isn't doing it with a 220,000 dead Americans to his name.

You are right. #COVID45 owns both the pandemic response and the collapsed economy as a result of the poor response.
Yep, keep trying to marginalize the ugly contents of Hunter's laptop. Lefties can't resist assisting shitbags like Hunter. Do you think lefties would hesitate even for a moment to exploit 12b as a political weapon to silence those of us who condemn Hunter and his laptop full of druggie culture, kiddie porn, and selling influence?

It appears someone has revoked Evmetro's Man Card, and probably his balls, just like Trump. Now, again just like Trump, he's become a whiny liar.

You are right. #COVID45 owns both the pandemic response and the collapsed economy as a result of the poor response.

Trump's failures as a leader are directly responsible for the idiots who think wearing a mask or "hiding in a basement" is a bad thing. Trump can't claim to be President then flip-flop and dodge responsibility for his failures as President. That said, Congress bears blame too.

This crisis is new, but our nation has been eliminating resources to respond to such crises for 30 years. That was apparent after 9/11 and it's apparent now with COVID.

In many ways this is akin to Reagan's ignoring the AIDS epidemic until it was out of control. Even then, once they realized the mistake (meaning Heterosexuals and kids were being infected) , the Republicans supported measures to control the problem. With Trump, they aren't even trying to do anything but bitch about masks, social distancing and washing hands.

Ronald Reagan was the greatest President in 50 years but he fucked up the AIDS crisis and the PATCO strike.
I think the emails are real....have the Biden's said they are not? Whose laptop was it? Where is HUNTER?;)

Kharasho, Tovarisch! Is good our Dezinformatsiya succeeds well on stupid amerikanka. Hohohohohoho!

For you, shlyukha, our finest vodka!

Trump's failures as a leader are directly responsible for the idiots who think wearing a mask or "hiding in a basement" is a bad thing. Trump can't claim to be President then flip-flop and dodge responsibility for his failures as President. That said, Congress bears blame too.

I'm curious -- what do you think that Congress could have or should have done, other than pass the two stimulus bills?
I think the emails are real....have the Bidens said they are not? Whose laptop was it? Where is HUNTER?;)
I think the emails are real....have the Bidens said they are not? Whose laptop was it? Where is HUNTER?;)

Is Hunter running for office? I thought it was Joe that was on the ballot. I guess we should also discuss Fred tRump Jr's battle with alcoholism. After all, he did drink himself to death.
*Has questionable materials on laptop that are not password protected*
*Laptop crashes*
*Hands it over to some computer shop way over there*
*Isn't worried about it after a period of time*

Motivations of shop owner:

"The owner of the repair store's political motivations came to light in the interview with CBS News and a few other reporters, raising even more questions about the veracity of how this supposed laptop became public.

MacIsaac, the owner, said several times how he felt Mr. Trump was treated unfairly during his impeachment trial and suggested if the alleged documents are true, the "sham" impeachment was reason to release them. He also repeatedly mentioned his girlfriend left him after he voted for Trump in 2016.

Asked about the timeline of events detailed in the Post story, MacIsaac told CBS News that a man who identified himself as Hunter Biden dropped off three laptops to have them repaired in April 2019. He said the man never paid him for the repairs and did not return to pick them up. Standing in his shop on Wednesday, MacIsaac admitted he was unable to confirm it was actually Hunter Biden who dropped off the laptop because he is "legally blind" and only realized it was the former vice president's son when Hunter stated his name for the point of contact.

The Mac Shop is equipped with indoor cameras that preserve recordings for two months. MacIsaac said he did not realize the significance of the laptops until after the footage was automatically deleted.

MacIsaac also would not reveal when he first looked through the data, and refused to provide key details about his handling of the material. Asked by CBS News if he actually saw the email purportedly from Pozharskyi, he repeatedly said "no comment" before saying he "believed" he had. MacIsaac refused to answer in any detail whether or why he would have searched through the laptop to find a four-year-old email, which seemingly appears to be an innocuous message about arranging a meeting for coffee.

MacIsaacprovided no additional details to CBS News to corroborate he saw these alleged documents."

So Hunter and his kiddie porn are a hot topic in politics right now, and lefties want the topic silenced. Will JPP lefties try to exploit 12b to silence this hot political topic?

This is the opening post that lefties are evading. I assert that lefties are evading it because they know good and well that they would not hesitate for even a second to exploit 12b to silence discussion of this inconvenient political topic.

To push my position even further, I'd bet several JPP Lefties have ALREADY attempted to exploit 12b on Hunter's behalf.
Is Hunter running for office? I thought it was Joe that was on the ballot. I guess we should also discuss Fred tRump Jr's battle with alcoholism. After all, he did drink himself to death.
And Joe is part of he not? Why not speak up and clear the air? Then Twitter can relax....
*Has questionable materials on laptop that are not password protected*
*Laptop crashes*
*Hands it over to some computer shop way over there*
*Isn't worried about it after a period of time*

Hahahaha -- how true.

Let's say you have a laptop that you paid $1000 for. You accidentally spill your coffee on it one day and it quits working. Like everyone else, you have sensitive stuff on there like your banking and financial info, passwords, maybe naughty email exchanges between you and your wife (or someone else's wife lol), family pics, etc. Most of us password-protect our devices to protect our personal information. At any rate, you drop it off at a computer repair shop to see if they can dry it out. You remain in contact with them and either retrieve the repaired device, or pick it up and destroy the HD if they can't fix it. You don't walk off and leave it there for months or years. We have junked many computers over the years. We always remove the HDs first. That's just common sense. Even if you buy a new one and donate your old one, you wipe the HD.

Unless you're stupid like my kids' dad and give your daughter your old computer... whereupon she discovers your predilection for child porn. I'm betting Mr. Biden is a whole lot smarter than that. And smarter than these morons who think this is real. lol
I think the emails are real....have the Bidens said they are not? Whose laptop was it? Where is HUNTER?;)

Of course you think they're real. You are the perfect mark for con men like Twittler, Fox and Breitbart and Daily Stormer, propaganda agencies around the world, and particularly shady characters selling snake oil. You were born with a "Kick me, I love it!" sign tattooed on your flabby back right above the sagging tramp stamp. lol

Hahahaha -- how true.

Let's say you have a laptop that you paid $1000 for. You accidentally spill your coffee on it one day and it quits working. Like everyone else, you have sensitive stuff on there like your banking and financial info, passwords, maybe naughty email exchanges between you and your wife (or someone else's wife lol), family pics, etc. Most of us password-protect our devices to protect our personal information. At any rate, you drop it off at a computer repair shop to see if they can dry it out. You remain in contact with them and either retrieve the repaired device, or pick it up and destroy the HD if they can't fix it. You don't walk off and leave it there for months or years. We have junked many computers over the years. We always remove the HDs first. That's just common sense. Even if you buy a new one and donate your old one, you wipe the HD.

Unless you're stupid like my kids' dad and give your daughter your old computer... whereupon she discovers your predilection for child porn. I'm betting Mr. Biden is a whole lot smarter than that. And smarter than these morons who think this is real. lol

The APL quote you responded to accurately describes tweaker behavior. You are just shielding Hunter from being held accountable for the disgusting behavior discovered on his laptop. Shameless lefty..

I see you are dodging the question that this thread is about. Do you think JPP lefties would hesitate even for a second to exploit 12b to silence discussion of Hunter and his laptop

May I? From your link:

"Giuliani apparently held the information for months and released it less than three weeks before the election. Giuliani has long been involved in efforts by the president and his allies to highlight Hunter Biden's work overseas to damage Joe Biden and boost Mr. Trump's reelection campaign, and in 2019 met with a Ukrainian lawmaker who has been deemed an "active Russian agent" by the U.S. government.

"In December 2019, National Security Advisor chief Robert O'Brien conveyed concerns to President Trump that Giuliani was being targeted by a Russian disinformation campaign aimed at discrediting Joe Biden, current and former advisors in the Trump administration told CBS News' Paula Reid. Giuliani's meeting with the Ukrainian lawmaker - Andriy Derkach - was one of the reasons for those concerns."

Now -- if any of this nonsense were in the slightest bit true -- would Rudy wait till NOW to release it? I know! I know! Bet you do too. Only the gullible morons like Evmetro, Toxic, pEarl, etc. believe this pathetic attempt to save the orange bacon.
The APL quote you responded to accurately describes tweaker behavior. You are just shielding Hunter from being held accountable for the disgusting behavior discovered on his laptop. Shameless lefty..

I see you are dodging the question that this thread is about. Do you think JPP lefties would hesitate even for a second to exploit 12b to silence discussion of Hunter and his laptop


Lol, all you have is evasion. Your evasion is very telling though, and it suggests that you know good and well that JPP lefties won't hesitate for even a second to try exploiting 12b in attempt to silence discussion of Hunter and his disgusting behavior discovered on his laptop. 12b is just a meaningless rule for lefties, a rule that lefties certainly will attempt to use as a political weapon.
I think the emails are real....have the Bidens said they are not? Whose laptop was it? Where is HUNTER?;)

You seem to be focused on something unproven that does not apply to the office seeker. Instead, how about we talk about tRump's sexual fantasies involving his own daughter. For some reason, this behavior does not seem to bother you.

Do you have sexual fantasies about a son or nephew (assuming that you have one or both)? Is that why you are so focused on this issue? Is this why tRump's ADMITTED disgusting behavior is okay with you?

Or is the reason that you are actually regretful about your 2016 vote and are clinging to anything and everything to justify your vote? Isn't the simple answer is that you are so shallow that you cant bring yourself to admit that you screwed up? No response required "lunchlady". That was a rhetorical question
Lol, all you have is evasion. Your evasion is very telling though, and it suggests that you know good and well that JPP lefties won't hesitate for even a second to try exploiting 12b in attempt to silence discussion of Hunter and his disgusting behavior discovered on his laptop. 12b is just a meaningless rule for lefties, a rule that lefties certainly will attempt to use as a political weapon.

Try violating the "meaningless rule" and see what happens. I dare you. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: