Hunter and 12b

So Hunter and his kiddie porn are a hot topic in politics right now, and lefties want the topic silenced. Will JPP lefties try to exploit 12b to silence this hot political topic?

Your throwing spaghetti on the wall- is not sticking! BUT KEEP ON A THROWING IT!


I'm curious -- what do you think that Congress could have or should have done, other than pass the two stimulus bills?

I'm very big on the maxim "If you want peace, prepare for war". A less militaristic maxim is the Boy Scout motto "Be Prepared". After the Cold War ended, Congress kept cutting taxes and cutting reserve supplies (e.g. Civil Defense). The Republicans are to blame for increasing spending and cutting taxes, the Democrats are responsible for increasing spending and cutting reserve supplies. Both are responsible for failures of leadership and failing to look out for the best long-term interests of the nation.

While COVID itself wasn't foreseeable, it's not rocket science to know that pandemics, meteor strikes, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural or man-made disasters happen. Good leaders would provide contingency plans and supplies to handle such events. The United States of America wasn't prepared for a pandemic. Trump and Congress' failure was not immediately recognizing, much less responding too, the problem. Now all of us are paying for it....some more than others.
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Does anyone really read this kind of shit on the wall?

At least we know who is writing shit on the bathroom walls now!

What a menace to society!

May I? From your link:

"Giuliani apparently held the information for months and released it less than three weeks before the election. Giuliani has long been involved in efforts by the president and his allies to highlight Hunter Biden's work overseas to damage Joe Biden and boost Mr. Trump's reelection campaign, and in 2019 met with a Ukrainian lawmaker who has been deemed an "active Russian agent" by the U.S. government.

"In December 2019, National Security Advisor chief Robert O'Brien conveyed concerns to President Trump that Giuliani was being targeted by a Russian disinformation campaign aimed at discrediting Joe Biden, current and former advisors in the Trump administration told CBS News' Paula Reid. Giuliani's meeting with the Ukrainian lawmaker - Andriy Derkach - was one of the reasons for those concerns."

Now -- if any of this nonsense were in the slightest bit true -- would Rudy wait till NOW to release it? I know! I know! Bet you do too. Only the gullible morons like Evmetro, Toxic, pEarl, etc. believe this pathetic attempt to save the orange bacon.

Here's some info I put together about Hunter Biden. I think it contributes to the dubiousness of this desperate disinformation campaign. :D

Companies HB worked for and locations:

1. MBNA America, headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware, prior to being acquired by Bank of America in 2006.[1][2]
2. Department of Commerce headquarters is the Herbert C. Hoover Building in Washington, DC.
3. Oldaker Biden & Belair LLP, 818 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington, DC 20006 United States
4. Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, 1010 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Suite 705 Washington, DC 20007 United States
5. Eudora Global LLC, 1 Ginger Creek Parkway Glen Carbon, IL 62034 United States
6. Boies Schiller Flexner LLP, 55 Hudson Yards 20th Floor, New York, NY 10001


NW Washington DC. Records show the [Bidens] bought the house in 2004 for $1.1 million. For sale in 2017.
Hunter and Hallie rented a home together in Annapolis, MaryIand, with her two children in August 2017.
Hunter moved to Beverly Hills, CA in 2018 and bought a house in 2019.

So this raises the question... why would HB take his computers to a repair shop in Delaware when he hadn't lived there for decades? When he was on the opposite coast at the time the computer was supposedly in a Delaware shop?
Here's some info I put together about Hunter Biden. I think it contributes to the dubiousness of this desperate disinformation campaign.

Of course you do.

Now, go worship your Queen obsequiously, and dress one of the girls up for your usual devotional.


It's disgusting to see lefties defend this creep and his laptop full of druggie culture, kiddie porn, and selling of influence. JPP lefties are fighting HARD to shield him from accountability for his laptop full of lefty behavior.

Which Lefties are defending Hunter Biden or this alleged laptop?

If you can't answer honestly, then don't. Everyone knows you are a liar and a little over-the-edge, so just ignore me and rant about your fantasies on what Lefties are doing.
Motivations of shop owner:

"The owner of the repair store's political motivations came to light in the interview with CBS News and a few other reporters, raising even more questions about the veracity of how this supposed laptop became public.

MacIsaac, the owner, said several times how he felt Mr. Trump was treated unfairly during his impeachment trial and suggested if the alleged documents are true, the "sham" impeachment was reason to release them. He also repeatedly mentioned his girlfriend left him after he voted for Trump in 2016.

Asked about the timeline of events detailed in the Post story, MacIsaac told CBS News that a man who identified himself as Hunter Biden dropped off three laptops to have them repaired in April 2019. He said the man never paid him for the repairs and did not return to pick them up. Standing in his shop on Wednesday, MacIsaac admitted he was unable to confirm it was actually Hunter Biden who dropped off the laptop because he is "legally blind" and only realized it was the former vice president's son when Hunter stated his name for the point of contact.

The Mac Shop is equipped with indoor cameras that preserve recordings for two months. MacIsaac said he did not realize the significance of the laptops until after the footage was automatically deleted.

MacIsaac also would not reveal when he first looked through the data, and refused to provide key details about his handling of the material. Asked by CBS News if he actually saw the email purportedly from Pozharskyi, he repeatedly said "no comment" before saying he "believed" he had. MacIsaac refused to answer in any detail whether or why he would have searched through the laptop to find a four-year-old email, which seemingly appears to be an innocuous message about arranging a meeting for coffee.

MacIsaacprovided no additional details to CBS News to corroborate he saw these alleged documents."


Thanks for setting the record straight. What millionaires drop off laptops for repair much less forget them or do it themselves? Isn't that what flunkies are for? Even us middle-class types just buy new ones on Amazon, even if they are only refurbished ones, rather than "repair" laptops.
Thanks for setting the record straight. What millionaires drop off laptops for repair much less forget them or do it themselves? Isn't that what flunkies are for? Even us middle-class types just buy new ones on Amazon, even if they are only refurbished ones, rather than "repair" laptops.

LOL. That's a good point. He can afford many new laptops. :laugh:
LOL. That's a good point. He can afford many new laptops. :laugh:

Agreed. It's one thing to have the Feds seize a laptop and find evidence such as on Anthony "Weenie Wagger" Weiner's, but a multi-millionaire not only doing the work of flunkies but trying to repair old laptops then forgetting them? It seems a stretch.

Everyone on this forum knows tech, especially computers, become obsolete faster than last month's milk. When one breaks, buy a new one because they are always faster and have the latest software.
Lol, all you have is evasion. Your evasion is very telling though, and it suggests that you know good and well that JPP lefties won't hesitate for even a second to try exploiting 12b in attempt to silence discussion of Hunter and his disgusting behavior discovered on his laptop. 12b is just a meaningless rule for lefties, a rule that lefties certainly will attempt to use as a political weapon.

How are they exploiting 12B? What are you claiming Hunter has done? Where is your evidence? A blind guy with an old laptop and nothing to do for 7 months because Trump fucked up the COVID crisis?
I'm very big on the maxim "If you want peace, prepare for war". A less militaristic maxim is the Boy Scout motto "Be Prepared". After the Cold War ended, Congress kept cutting taxes and cutting reserve supplies (e.g. Civil Defense). The Republicans are to blame for increasing spending and cutting taxes, the Democrats are responsible for increasing spending and cutting reserve supplies. Both are responsible for failures of leadership and failing to look out for the best long-term interests of the nation.

While COVID itself wasn't foreseeable, it's not rocket science to know that pandemics, meteor strikes, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural or man-made disasters happen. Good leaders would provide contingency plans and supplies to handle such events. The United States of America wasn't prepared for a pandemic. Trump and Congress' failure was not immediately recognizing, much less responding too, the problem. Now all of us are paying for it....some more than others.

I see what you mean now, and agree wholeheartedly. I thought you were referring to something they should have done after the pandemic started sweeping the country. Thanks.
Here's some info I put together about Hunter Biden. I think it contributes to the dubiousness of this desperate disinformation campaign. :D


So this raises the question... why would HB take his computers to a repair shop in Delaware when he hadn't lived there for decades? When he was on the opposite coast at the time the computer was supposedly in a Delaware shop?

Hahahaha! What an excellent point! He wouldn't. Besides, anyone who could buy a million-dollar-plus house -- or more than one -- would have just chucked the broken laptop and bought a new one. We don't have a million-dollar-plus house, but that's what Mr. Owl did a few months ago when his Crapple laptop gave up the ghost. (After first backing up everything in the cloud, and removing the HD, like any sensible person would do.)

I wonder if our conspiracy whackatoid friends have been trying to find stuff in The Cloud on Hunter Biden yet? :laugh:

I see what you mean now, and agree wholeheartedly. I thought you were referring to something they should have done after the pandemic started sweeping the country. Thanks.

Spilt milk now. The election is just making it harder for the nation to move forward on the pandemic. While I expect Trump to go nuts if (or when) he loses, Congress probably will not. Trump fans or not, every Senator and Representative is feeling the pain of their state and the heat from the anger of their citizens. If Trump loses, they'll be even more motivated to take care of their citizens.

US Marine First Aid Rules apply:

Start the breathing
Stop the bleeding
Protect the wound
Treat for shock.

In this case these two would be starters:
Health: Lead people to apply CDC standards
Economy: Try to get people safely back to work. Federal stimulus would be necessary.