Just saying, the First Congress, and signed by John Adams, first mandated healthcare for sailors, both government employed, and privately employed, in 1798. It should also be noted that the Repugnant Party has attempted to mandate requirements for State medicaid programs to the detriment of the poor.
If left up to the right wing "conservatives" the only ones that would have health insurance would be the top 10-20% of society. Actually, I think it is pretty close to that now.
And then you need to read up on Benjamin Franklin, and healthcare for the poor:
It is really a sorry state of affairs when one realizes that this so-called "christian nation" lacks the capacity for compassion that a deist like Franklin had:
"First: What were Franklin’s motivations for supporting the project?
In the Philadelphia Gazette on August 8, 1751, and reprinted in Franklin’s own 40-page account of the founding of the hospital (available online through the U.S. National Library of Medicine), Franklin offered one justification for his support: “This branch of charity seems essential to the true spirit of Christianity, and should be extended to all in general, whether deserving or undeserving, as far as our power reaches.”