I am an Englishman

cancel2 2022

This was actually posted on Facebook by a young English woman writer called Carolyn Emerick.



That's as maybe, but is she totally batshit crazy like Desh?

Obviously, i'm not qualified to make a psychological assessment.

Despite the fact that, as a rather suave and sophisticated blue-eyed Northern European type, i'd probably appeal to this young lady, she's just a bit too fatherlandy for my tastes.
Well, just read her twitter feed and see what you think about it.
Ok I'm in the changing room at the uni, just read some of her Twitter feed. Am I missing something here? She seems to be bemoaning being flat chested and a dirty blonde who has to dye her hair. I must have missed the part where she advocates a new Lebensraum for white Europeans only. She is also wistful at the death of the Cockney culture and having been born in Mile End, I do as well. Easy to mock when you live in a totally white enclave in the Northwest but I suggest you go to East Ham, West Ham or Plaistow aka Little Baghdad. Even the steadfastly PC BBC felt it necessary to make a documentary about the borough of Newham.

Ok I'm in the changing room at the uni, just read some of her Twitter feed. Am I missing something here? She seems to be bemoaning being flat chested and a dirty blonde who has to dye her hair. I must have missed the part where she advocates a new Lebensraum for white Europeans only. She is also wistful at the death of the Cockney culture and having been born in Mile End, I do as well. Easy to mock when you live in a totally white enclave in the Northwest but I suggest you go to East Ham, West Ham or Plaistow aka Little Baghdad. Even the steadfastly PC BBC felt it necessary to make a documentary about the borough of Newham.


No need to get all defensive, Tom.

I was just looking at who she was retweeting several times - like 'White Spring Rising' who if you look into thier own Twitter feeds says "I am not NS but I would gladly live under Hitler before living in an Islamic society. It's about time we regrew our balls." Or someone going under the name 'Racial Consciousness' whose twitter bio reads - "National Socialism is the rebirth of mankind's adherance to the natural order". Or there's always Deathblooms9 who uses the SS deathshead, Nazi eagle and the tagline "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer". Do you see where i'm going here?

I was looking at the tweets apparently in support of eugenics.

I was looking at the tweets supporting an "ethno-state", which sounds nice.

I was looking at the tweets against inter-racial marriage and the insinuation that interbreeding has reduced IQ levels in Europe.

If you're comfortable posting her stuff then that's up to you.
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No need to get all defensive, Tom.

I was just looking at who she was retweeting several times - like 'White Spring Rising' who if you look into thier own Twitter feeds says "I am not NS but I would gladly live under Hitler before living in an Islamic society. It's about time we regrew our balls." Or someone going under the name 'Racial Consciousness' whose twitter bio reads - "National Socialism is the rebirth of mankind's adherance to the natural order". Or there's always Deathblooms9 who uses the SS deathshead, Nazi eagle and the tagline "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer". Do you see where i'm going here?

I was looking at the tweets apparently in support of eugenics.

I was looking at the tweets supporting an "ethno-state", which sounds nice.

I was looking at the tweets against inter-racial marriage and the insinuation that interbreeding has reduced IQ levels in Europe.

If you're comfortable posting her stuff then that's up to you.
Ok, didn't see where she was against interracial marriages. Have you got a link for that?
No need to get all defensive, Tom.

I was just looking at who she was retweeting several times - like 'White Spring Rising' who if you look into thier own Twitter feeds says "I am not NS but I would gladly live under Hitler before living in an Islamic society. It's about time we regrew our balls." Or someone going under the name 'Racial Consciousness' whose twitter bio reads - "National Socialism is the rebirth of mankind's adherance to the natural order". Or there's always Deathblooms9 who uses the SS deathshead, Nazi eagle and the tagline "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer". Do you see where i'm going here?

I was looking at the tweets apparently in support of eugenics.

I was looking at the tweets supporting an "ethno-state", which sounds nice.

I was looking at the tweets against inter-racial marriage and the insinuation that interbreeding has reduced IQ levels in Europe.

If you're comfortable posting her stuff then that's up to you.
She's an insecure little thing, probably why she's a white nationalist, all those dark beauties intimidate her!
Tom, if she's not a bit of a Nazi-sympathising type then she's doing a very good job of fooling people into thinking she is. I mean, i don't know if you do the old Twitter thing (i eschew it myself) but why is she retweeting so many obvious Nazis and agreeing with them?

Like i say, if that's what you want to post, then go for it.
This is a strange one - she posted this video entitled 'World War II justified by former German soldiers'

And comments -

VERY IMPORTANT VIEWING. Watch, open your mind to the truth, and share far and wide. These men tried to save us all.

Do you think the Wehrmacht tried to save us all, Tom? I'm sort of hoping the answer is no.