I am an Englishman

Ok I'm in the changing room at the uni, just read some of her Twitter feed. Am I missing something here? She seems to be bemoaning being flat chested and a dirty blonde who has to dye her hair. I must have missed the part where she advocates a new Lebensraum for white Europeans only. She is also wistful at the death of the Cockney culture and having been born in Mile End, I do as well. Easy to mock when you live in a totally white enclave in the Northwest but I suggest you go to East Ham, West Ham or Plaistow aka Little Baghdad. Even the steadfastly PC BBC felt it necessary to make a documentary about the borough of Newham.

Isn't being flat-chested in England an even greater social faux pas than it is in America?

It's literally a picture of Enoch Powell, what do you think?

Enoch Powell wasn't a fascist or indeed a racist. he fought against both in WW2. He was a brilliant linguist who spoke several Indian and most of the major European languages.

He also voted to abolish capital punishment and legalise homosexual acts between consenting adults. Here is a quote from the great man.

In an interview with the Birmingham Post, he said: “What I would take ‘racialist’ to mean is a person who believes in the inherent inferiority of one race of mankind to another, and who acts and speaks in that belief.

“So the answer to the question of whether I am a racialist is ‘no’—unless, perhaps, it is to be a racialist in reverse.

“I regard many of the peoples in India as being superior in many respects—intellectually, for example, and in other respects—to Europeans.

“Perhaps that is over-correcting.”

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