I am an Englishman

This is a strange one - she posted this video entitled 'World War II justified by former German soldiers'

And comments -

Do you think the Wehrmacht tried to save us all, Tom? I'm sort of hoping the answer is no.

I would hope you knew the answer to that already. Look she may be a little wacky but her general contention that native cultures are in danger of being homogenised is sound, to my mind at least. Nobody ever calls the Irish, Welsh or Scottish racist for wanting to preserve their culture.
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No, i've never thought of you as a Nazi, Tom.

That's why i was surprised you posted something from someone with such questionable views.
I guess, having been blended from our very beginning have a hard time understanding this need to be "pure". There are a majority that long for this and it surprises me with Tom, being his wife is of another culture. Was she forced to give up her ethnicity and culture for Tom?
I guess, having been blended from our very beginning have a hard time understanding this need to be "pure". There are a majority that long for this and it surprises me with Tom, being his wife is of another culture. Was she forced to give up her ethnicity and culture for Tom?

I can't speak for anyone else. As far as i'm concerned you fall for whoever you fall for. Some of us have a hard enough time finding anyone without further restricting yourself to sub-groups. (Damn those greedy bisexual fiends for coopting the whole market.)
I can't speak for anyone else. As far as i'm concerned you fall for whoever you fall for. Some of us have a hard enough time finding anyone without further restricting yourself to sub-groups. (Damn those greedy bisexual fiends for coopting the whole market.)
Minority instead of majority is what I meant to type!
That's why i was surprised you posted something from someone with such questionable views.

How is this "questionable"?

Saint George's Cross is a symbol of white supremacy no different than the Confederate Flag. At minimum it's anti-muslim, who could possibly argue against that?

With all due respect, mate, that's a load of old bollocks.
So some of what she believes in are OK?

Some of what everyone believes in is ok unless they're totally evil.

Then again, if you're retweeting Nazis and agreeing with them i'm not really going to listen too closely to what you're saying.
With all due respect, mate, that's a load of old bollocks.

Ayup, lad.

It's hardly surprising that a provincial such as yourself would cherish such a misapprehension.

In the spirit of international charity, please allow me to help you to learn something:

Saint George's Cross, also called Cross of Saint George, is a red cross on a white background.

Sometimes associated with Saint George, the military saint, often depicted as a crusader from the Late Middle Ages, the cross has appeared on many flags, emblems, standards, and coats of arms.

Its first documented use was as the ensign of the Republic of Genoa, whereafter it was used successively by crusaders.

The symbol has since been adopted by the Swabian League in the pre-Reformation Holy Roman Empire, and it was introduced as the emblem of several countries and cities which have or had Saint George as a patron saint, notably the Republic of Genoa, the Duchy of Milan, England, Wales, and Georgia in the Caucasus Mountains of Eastern Europe.

The cross is also the main feature of the Ulster Banner, formerly the Flag of Northern Ireland, and thus appears on the badges and flags of some Ulster loyalist groups, such as the Ulster Volunteer Force.


Now, before the lesson concludeth, can tha tell me what Crusaders did to Muslims?

If tha gets it correct, tha could be on University Challenge someday.
With all due respect, mate, that's a load of old bollocks.

I'll clarify.
Saint George's Cross is a symbol of white supremacy no different than the Confederate Flag. At minimum it's anti-muslim, who could possibly argue against that?

Of course in our PC world I'm sure there are some that would say, "gee, aloysious is right. Glad he pointed that out."
But you do have to admit St. George's Cross is a symbol of the Crusades.
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I'll clarify.
Saint George's Cross is a symbol of white supremacy no different than the Confederate Flag. At minimum it's anti-muslim, who could possibly argue against that?

Of course in our PC world I'm sure there are some that would say, "gee, aloysious is right. Glad he pointed that out."
But you do have to admit St. George's Cross is a sign of the Crusades.

It also famously emblazons the banners of certain hard-right racist organizations all over England's green and pleasant land.

I can provide pictorial evidence upon request.

That's a fact that our little tracksuit-clad mate from the north is very aware of.

So he's lying.
Some of what everyone believes in is ok unless they're totally evil.

Then again, if you're retweeting Nazis and agreeing with them i'm not really going to listen too closely to what you're saying.

Nazis built the Autobahn. Are roads evil then?
I'll clarify.
Saint George's Cross is a symbol of white supremacy no different than the Confederate Flag. At minimum it's anti-muslim, who could possibly argue against that?

Of course in our PC world I'm sure there are some that would say, "gee, aloysious is right. Glad he pointed that out."
But you do have to admit St. George's Cross is a sign of the Crusades.

Actually, i assumed you were referring to to co-opting of the flag by the far-right, something which did happen during the 1970s/80s.

Suppose i jumped in a bit quick there. Sorry.

I still wouldn't call it a symbol of white supremacy though.