Will Trump's hatemongering against Taylor Swift help or hurt him?

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Another laughable pile of stupid from the caricature of ignorance and stupidity. Meanwhile dotards like you appear to enjoy eating the shit Kamala spews.

I am amazed that you don't think you are gullible. Of course, you don't think so there is that.

This from a whiny, uneducated ignoramus who apparently loves being lied to and gaslighted by the Democratic Party of lying Jackasses.
Another useless post^, predictable, least this time I got spared the corny GIF
We know that you are, you sad, triggered mental case.

What’s with that throbbing thumb?
Sure won't help though very little changes regarding Trump whatever he does.
Incorrect. There is something that you are obviously missing because of the DNC-issued blinders you have decided to wear.

The hopeful thing is some voters he might have attracted in the past seem tired of him.
Nope. Trump supporters simply accumulate for the reason you won't allow yourself to see.

This foolish rant about a pop star 40 years younger than him is more of the same, if worse.
Trump doesn't rant and rave, he doesn't shout and scream, and he doesn't ever become "unhinged," yet all leftists insist that this is all he does. It's like leftists are all deaf and blind.
No I don't hate the kamal I hate the people that planned and executed a coup against a sitting president and inserted a dei hire as a candidate that not a single person voted for. Those people are far more worthy of my hatred because of their threat to America. The kamal is a dupe and so are you.
so you hate the people that want to but Put America first and not reelect a person that is going through mental degeneration?
people that put America first not like you Trumpers.
have a nice day you anti-American
so you hate the people that want to but Put America first and not reelect a person that is going through mental degeneration?
people that put America first not like you Trumpers.
have a nice day you anti-American
If you think people who plan and execute coup against a sitting president and install a candidate for president that no one voted for then you're more fucked up in the head than i imagined and believe me my imagination about how fucked up in the head you people is VERY vivid n
If you think people who plan and execute coup against a sitting president and install a candidate for president that no one voted for then you're more fucked up in the head than i imagined and believe me my imagination about how fucked up in the head you people is VERY vivid n
well unlike YOU they take the welfare of this country and the American people seriously .
we all know Biden is declining in his mental and physical health, and if he was reelected Kam would end up being President any ways .
YOU are just afraid your Orange MORON won't win and be able to turn this country into a dictatorship.
have a nice day you stupid moron
well unlike YOU they take the welfare of this country and the American people seriously .
we all know Biden is declining in his mental and physical health, and if he was reelected Kam would end up being President any ways .
YOU are just afraid your Orange MORON won't win and be able to turn this country into a dictatorship.
have a nice day you stupid moron
So you believe planning and executing a coup again just a sitting president is a true blue American value. You're a asshole and you should move on shit head. I hear there are some banana republics your kind would like in Central and South America
So you believe planning and executing a coup again just a sitting president is a true blue American value. You're a asshole and you should move on shit head. I hear there are some banana republics your kind would like in Central and South America
well they sat down and reasoned with him and he withdrew for the good of the country.
Trump is getting bat shit crazy and should withdraw TOO for the good of the USA but he won't he wants to become the USA's first dictator.
and morons like you can't see it
well they sat down and reasoned with him and he withdrew for the good of the country.
Trump is getting bat shit crazy and should withdraw TOO for the good of the USA but he won't he wants to become the USA's first dictator.
and morons like you can't see it
It was a coup shit head. It's the fucking pretending you cockroaches do that make you so evil. The thief I can respect at least they are straight forward. The most dangerous people are the ones that tell you they are doing stuff your benefit or for the good of others. In 99% of the cases it's horseshit and you cockroaches reek of horseshit.
It was a coup shit head. It's the fucking pretending you cockroaches do that make you so evil. The thief I can respect at least they are straight forward. The most dangerous people are the ones that tell you they are doing stuff your benefit or for the good of others. In 99% of the cases it's horseshit and you cockroaches reek of horseshit.
Wait a minute, Biden, admittedly with pressure from colleagues and friends, at age 81 mind you, freely deciding he didn’t want to run for president and willingly stepping down is a “coup?” In reality, it was a heroic act, sacrificing his own ambitions for the sake of the country