I hate this place

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Currently I am reviewing all the embarrassing parts of the interview, pacing, and repeating "You're an idiot" over and over to myself.

You probably didn't get the job from your description, but don't sweat it. My career has been in management and management consulting, I've given and taken many, many interviews. When I graduated from Michigan with my MBA, I did get my dream job in management consulting and I had other good offers. However, I also had interviews where I just didn't connect with the interviewer or I thought I did well and yet got nothing back. It's a crap shoot. You, your interviewer(s) and the job have to line up at the same time or it doesn't work. Practice can increase your odds, but there is no perfect system.

I also had one interview with Gemini Consulting which was the worst interview I ever did in my life. I was just off that day. It was pretty similar to yours, I just couldn't be clear and articulate and I kept forgetting things and going back to them. At the end of the interview, I just told the interviewer I know I didn't get the job, I said sorry, but I just can't speak clearly today. He was polite, but I still didn't get a callback. LOL. Didn't expect one. But I got multiple better jobs. And missed on other better jobs. Just work and improve and you'll find the right fit.
I looked at the congressional districts in Ohio the other day. Turns out my representative would be a Republican. Mostly due to pretty outrageous gerrymandering.

A logical districting would simply divide Columbus and its suburbs into two districts (it's large enough for them). What the Republicans chose to do instead was to pack all of the minority areas of Columbus into one ugly super compact district, and then draw two super ugly majority rural districts that reach in and snatch up the pieces left behind. So, in northwestern Columbus, my representative would be beholden to hicks from hundreds of miles away and have zero reason to listen to me. Disgusting. Republicans have no shame.

The ugly district in the center is the Republicans packing district, 12 and 15 suck up the suburbs and outer areas of Colombus while still having comfortable Republican majorities:

You probably didn't get the job from your description, but don't sweat it. My career has been in management and management consulting, I've given and taken many, many interviews. When I graduated from Michigan with my MBA, I did get my dream job in management consulting and I had other good offers. However, I also had interviews where I just didn't connect with the interviewer or I thought I did well and yet got nothing back. It's a crap shoot. You, your interviewer(s) and the job have to line up at the same time or it doesn't work. Practice can increase your odds, but there is no perfect system.

I also had one interview with Gemini Consulting which was the worst interview I ever did in my life. I was just off that day. It was pretty similar to yours, I just couldn't be clear and articulate and I kept forgetting things and going back to them. At the end of the interview, I just told the interviewer I know I didn't get the job, I said sorry, but I just can't speak clearly today. He was polite, but I still didn't get a callback. LOL. Didn't expect one. But I got multiple better jobs. And missed on other better jobs. Just work and improve and you'll find the right fit.

20 minutes is about normal for a telephone interview, hopefully he will be better prepared for the next stage.

Kaz, I thought you knew? Evince/Desh made like a gazillion dollars in west coast real estate and then retired to raise puppies and be a left wing social activist. She's got more money than Doan's has pills.

If she has all that free time then why doesn't she to go to college and actually learn something?
You did fine you anxious little Dweeb. Interviews are supposed to be about determining if you have the basic skill set, experience and will you fit in. You're a fucking cloistered manic depressive geek with delusions of grandeur. So there's no doubting you have the skill set and will fit in with an IT company. Quit worrying about shit you can't control. Worry about what you can control.

Give them a follow up call in a few days for a status update. Employers like motivated applicants. Don't worry about the southern accent. If they wanted everyone to be the same and have a mdwest accent they'd have already hired someone from OSU or Columbus State. The follow up calls and follow up interviews are where you usually bag the job.

My youngest son always assume that the guy interviewing him is less intelligent than he is, seems to work for him. I guess he just knows his shit.
As a consequence of being a little sleep deprived, though, I feel a lot more relaxed than I normally do before an interview. Guess I have nothing to do now but research the company until they call.

Stress out. It is the most important interview of you life. I hope you bomb it. I hope they look at you and laugh in your face
You know, when I was in college, I thought all these massive projects involving databases and webapps were pointless. I didn't want to work on some shitty companies database and help their servers interface with their webapps. Boooorrrinng. I wanted to work on video games or something exciting like that.

Then I start applying for jobs, and that's like 90% of the jobs out there! No wonder the capstone project of every advanced programming class just about was to make a daemon on a server with a database communicate with a webapp written in the target language. And by now I have had all pride beaten out of me, and would be perfectly happy doing that until I die.

That is why you are such a fucking loser. Yeah, everyone gets to make cool video games. What a dipshit you are. I bathe in your tears and laugh at your ineptitude
Well, that was done in 23 minutes. Quick. Might be bad. It was a bit of a weird interview, I guess because it was a small company and it was for an internship. Never talked to a person with technical knowledge in the first steps before. This is probably the last step too.

I was a bit scatterbrained due to being sleep deprived. Couldn't remember all the relevant projects I had done in one go, so I had to go back twice and say "Oh yeah, I did do a project related to the..." I even stupidly interrupted him once with this (he mentioned a javascript project that they were doing while describing ongoing projects in the company, I remembered that I had written a javascript game in Software Engineering and just had to mention it), we never got back on topic. Not a good sign. Also, I could barely answer one of his questions related to PHP, and couldn't answer the other (I have sooo little PHP experience...) Also kept accidentally using "y'all" and having to correct myself to "your" (not a good thing to speak in dialect in an interview). And the recruiter on the line had a bad VOIP connection, could barely understand her, so I kept having to ask her to repeat herself.

He was impressed that I had linux experience, which is good. They also sounded impressed that I knew that I could locate their offices in Columbus. (Did you really think I hadn't done hours of research on your company before this interview?)

Currently I am reviewing all the embarrassing parts of the interview, pacing, and repeating "You're an idiot" over and over to myself.

You are an idiot. Wow, goody for you, you know where their offices are. What fucking initiative you have. God you are a fucking loser.
I looked at the congressional districts in Ohio the other day. Turns out my representative would be a Republican. Mostly due to pretty outrageous gerrymandering.

A logical districting would simply divide Columbus and its suburbs into two districts (it's large enough for them). What the Republicans chose to do instead was to pack all of the minority areas of Columbus into one ugly super compact district, and then draw two super ugly majority rural districts that reach in and snatch up the pieces left behind. So, in northwestern Columbus, my representative would be beholden to hicks from hundreds of miles away and have zero reason to listen to me. Disgusting. Republicans have no shame.

The ugly district in the center is the Republicans packing district, 12 and 15 suck up the suburbs and outer areas of Colombus while still having comfortable Republican majorities:


Tell us how you were "outrag(ed)" when Democrats controlled the State houses and were gerrymandering the shit out of the maps
I looked at the congressional districts in Ohio the other day. Turns out my representative would be a Republican. Mostly due to pretty outrageous gerrymandering.

A logical districting would simply divide Columbus and its suburbs into two districts (it's large enough for them). What the Republicans chose to do instead was to pack all of the minority areas of Columbus into one ugly super compact district, and then draw two super ugly majority rural districts that reach in and snatch up the pieces left behind. So, in northwestern Columbus, my representative would be beholden to hicks from hundreds of miles away and have zero reason to listen to me. Disgusting. Republicans have no shame.

The ugly district in the center is the Republicans packing district, 12 and 15 suck up the suburbs and outer areas of Colombus while still having comfortable Republican majorities:


you didn't get the job so it is a moot point
I have ILA blocked so I just ignore him. What's annoying is when someone replies to him, then I regret not banning him. He's an abominable human being.
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