I have too much going on

Lol. No. I love that stuff, so much. I am just teasing Tiana about her diamond fetish.

Whew! Thanks, I thought I was being a knuckledragger for digging rose quartz.

Tiana is in another league from the rest of us. I associate diamonds and Mecedes cars with her. I'm not worthy!
Now if Darla just liked bowling....

Hello, I totally used to have my own bowling ball and shoes, and I even had my initials on my bowling ball. It was a hot one too. I stopped bowling because I just didn’t have time for it anymore. It was between that and running, and bowling doesn’t work off the chocolate binges, you know?
But in the interests of full disclosure, you guys have no idea what I can drop at a high-end spalon. Massages, facials, and luxury pedicures. I can’t be trusted in a spalon.
Hello, I totally used to have my own bowling ball and shoes, and I even had my initials on my bowling ball. It was a hot one too. I stopped bowling because I just didn’t have time for it anymore. It was between that and running, and bowling doesn’t work off the chocolate binges, you know?

Ohh La La :woot: :room:
I need a break.

My weekends have pretty much been booked since mid march, work is crazy, personal life is equally crazy. Maybe I should take up boxing.

Oh, and I hate Hellery and McCain.

30 minutes of yoga a night... decent workout, great stress reliever and can be done in your living room.

Disclaimer: Yoga will not, repeat will not, alleviate your dislike for McCain and Hillary.
Whew! Thanks, I thought I was being a knuckledragger for digging rose quartz.

Tiana is in another league from the rest of us. I associate diamonds and Mecedes cars with her. I'm not worthy!


Actually I drive a POS. Its a 2000 Nissan Altima.

For some reason I'm not that into cars, but I do want an infiniti next time. I like to drive my cars until they literally just stop working.
Lol. No. I love that stuff, so much. I am just teasing Tiana about her diamond fetish.

Yeah, I really did some reflecting this time around when i went on one of my diamond binges. Its just stupid. And besides an engagement ring and on really special occassions, I'm not buying anymore. My obsession is ridiculous. I'm paying like 1000% premium on something that's priced artificially high by a-holes that purposely hoard supplies that they get cheaply by exploiting civil unrest in African countries. It makes no sense, and hopefully something shiny won't get the best of me going forward.
Yeah, I really did some reflecting this time around when i went on one of my diamond binges. Its just stupid. And besides an engagement ring and on really special occassions, I'm not buying anymore. My obsession is ridiculous. I'm paying like 1000% premium on something that's priced artificially high by a-holes that purposely hoard supplies that they get cheaply by exploiting civil unrest in African countries. It makes no sense, and hopefully something shiny won't get the best of me going forward.

That is all so true Tiana.
Hello, I totally used to have my own bowling ball and shoes, and I even had my initials on my bowling ball. It was a hot one too. I stopped bowling because I just didn’t have time for it anymore. It was between that and running, and bowling doesn’t work off the chocolate binges, you know?

LOL, that reminds me of this time we went bowling with our department. Out of nowhere one of the older homely secretaries, pulls out her own ball, gloves, and shoes and just dominated the game. That was priceless.
LOL, that reminds me of this time we went bowling with our department. Out of nowhere one of the older homely secretaries, pulls out her own ball, gloves, and shoes and just dominated the game. That was priceless.

Alright, that's it Katie.
That is all so true Tiana.

Yup. I've done a little bit of soul searching this week. Earlier on, I wanted to give up the grind and move out to the middle of nowhere, by Wednesday, I was ready to go to Law School part time, Now that its friday, I just want to go see Chris Rock tonight and drink.
30 minutes of yoga a night... decent workout, great stress reliever and can be done in your living room.

Disclaimer: Yoga will not, repeat will not, alleviate your dislike for McCain and Hillary.

I've got the mat and stability ball. I need to get bakc into it. I was more of a fan of pilates though.
You said I reminded you of a homely old secretary.

The Katie is a play on the big Katie Holmes/Posh Spice falling out, don't tell me you didn't hear?

its almost sinful how behind I am on my pop gossip.

But yeah, I'm suprised that you have bowling attire too. So many closet bowlers out there, ready to pounce when you just ask them to a friendly game to have drinks and good times over. I had no clue!
I've got the mat and stability ball. I need to get bakc into it. I was more of a fan of pilates though.

Never done pilates. Given there are about 100 different exercises you can do with just the mat and fit ball, that keeps me fairly well occupied. Add a resistence band to the mix and increase the fun.