I have too much going on

But in the interests of full disclosure, you guys have no idea what I can drop at a high-end spalon. Massages, facials, and luxury pedicures. I can’t be trusted in a spalon.

If you think that's bad, you should see what I was spending in a week on powder during my addiction.

$1,100 in 6 days one time.
its almost sinful how behind I am on my pop gossip.

But yeah, I'm suprised that you have bowling attire too. So many closet bowlers out there, ready to pounce when you just ask them to a friendly game to have drinks and good times over. I had no clue!

Well, just to show you how bored I am, I'm up-to-date on all the details.
Apparently, Tom didn't like that Katie was starving herself into a size zero on Posh's seaweed shakes.

I don't have the bowling attire anymore. It's been a while. I did used to enjoy it though. And yeah you do get pretty competitive, I don't know why.
Well, just to show you how bored I am, I'm up-to-date on all the details.
Apparently, Tom didn't like that Katie was starving herself into a size zero on Posh's seaweed shakes.

I don't have the bowling attire anymore. It's been a while. I did used to enjoy it though. And yeah you do get pretty competitive, I don't know why.

- Really? I gotta get me some of those seaweed starvation shakes.

I don't get competitive with it. I'm usually so far behind, I just hurry up and go so I can get back to my drink and wise cracks.
If you think that's bad, you should see what I was spending in a week on powder during my addiction.

$1,100 in 6 days one time.

whoah momma!

That sucks. How'd you end up getting so strung out? Was it instantaneous? How long did it take?
- Really? I gotta get me some of those seaweed starvation shakes.

I don't get competitive with it. I'm usually so far behind, I just hurry up and go so I can get back to my drink and wise cracks.

I guess it you’re gaining weight it would explain your digs about my age. Ha.
wait, what dig about your age?


I just reread! I meant you reminded me of her because your closeted bowling and I wouldn't have expected it.
damn.... that blows.

How did you end up overcoming the addiction?

Mostly earthshattering poverty and sleepless, nauseous, shivering nights.

Friends and family wanted me to check into a Bradford House rehab center, but I didn't want something like that on my record.

Basically I just ran out of money, and within 24 hours of stopping I was going crazy.

It was only really bad for about the first few weeks though. It's gotten easier since then. At first, anything and everything reminded me of cocaine.

But now, I only occasionally get the urge to do it and I always force it away. I used to be much weaker mentally. Now I can sit and watch my friends blow lines without fiending for it, but it wasn't always that way.

It still feels like a part of me is dead inside though. Knowing that I will never experience that kind of euphoria again hurts.

I wish I could do it without getting addicted, but I'm not strong enough and it has taken me a long time to realize that.