I have too much going on

Why do you still hang out with them?
I thought when people got sober they should try to cut off all ties to their old life (mind you I'm going off of HBO documentaries here).

Besides if you lay down with dogs you're bound to get flees.
Best of luck to ya Epi and hang in there. It is worth it. I lost a good friend to coke, wasted his life on coke and killed him too with liver failure.
You're right and I'm trying to change everything up, but I've been in this life for a long time and it's hard.

I've changed my phone number but everyone in the neighborhood still drops by to say hey, bringing their drugs and police attention with them.

I'm moving to a new place at the start of June and I'm not telling anyone where it is.

It's gonna be extremely hard to cut ties while staying in this city. I'm too well-known here to do it completely, but I'm going to try.

LOL, ok that was funny.

But seriously, get a mormon girlfriend and when the old peeps come by, blame your recluseness on her.
I need to clean up this thread and stop talking about personal shit.

Let the editing begin!
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Hey Epi, how were you getting the $ to fund your habbit? A grand in a week is a lot for someone who's not pulling in a big paycheck. You said you ended up pretty poor right?
I need a break.

My weekends have pretty much been booked since mid march, work is crazy, personal life is equally crazy. Maybe I should take up boxing.

Oh, and I hate Hellery and McCain.

whats a weekend ???
You gotta get out and fish more Bob.

Got the water pump replaced in mine and runnin good. Now if I just had Barbara Wawa in a bikini riding on the front....


actuly alot of the lakes are still frozen upp here... ive been waiting to go help put thew docks in, ill be working all weekend, hopefully we will be able to put em in on mothers day. cant wait to get out fishing. fishing openers is mothers day weekend. not gana atempt to get on the lake then ... way to crowded... but i am setting up a new wireless network on the cabin... that way i can work while i fish... hoping to setup a network covering a lil over 3 square miles... should be intresting
i have learned to block time on the weekend just as if it was something you have to do. I usually do 2 days per month that i dont have any plans and can just relax and enjoy a day at home.
i have learned to block time on the weekend just as if it was something you have to do. I usually do 2 days per month that i dont have any plans and can just relax and enjoy a day at home.

And you sir, are smart to do that. I'm always overzealous on the dinner and lunch engagements. I love it when I'm there and I'm always like, man I need to catch up, but sometimes I just want to sit and do nothing.
i have learned to block time on the weekend just as if it was something you have to do. I usually do 2 days per month that i dont have any plans and can just relax and enjoy a day at home.

well my problem is i have already spen almost a 1/2 million over budget... so if i dont get my projects finished in a timely manner.. well you could probably guess what would happen. Plus i am tring to get everything here into the virtual world, that way i dont have do most of my stuff at odd hours. i should be sitting pretty good come july.
believe me i do plenty... but I also like to hang around my house open all the windows up, sit on the porch, or putt around the yard enjoying nature...
Good for the mind and to charge up the batteries.