I know Im not the only one with this problem.........


Well-known member
But Every damn time my NFL or College football team loses it pisses me off to no end. Like WAYYYYYYYYY more than it should. Only lasts a day or so but Still. I think what really magnifies my frustration is the way the modern NFL is set up. I ABSOLUTELY CANT STAND IT. First off,.....in an attempt to make even more money they have slowly over the last 25 years or so kept changing the rules to favor the offence more and more to the point where its almost a fake game anymore. More scoring=more fans=more MONEY. Fuck that,...Im a purist,....play the game the RIGHT way instead of tying the defense hands to its own balls. Buncha fake bullshit.

Second......I DESPISE free agency and the salary cap. It punishes excellence. It actually punishes the good teams and rewards the shit teams who cant draft worth a damn. Draft a bunch of great players and soon you cant afford them and they are gone. You are constantly building and rebuilding because of FUCKING FREE AGENCY and can never quite get there. In any given year you could be a team thats REAL CLOSE to being A Super Bowl contender. Lets say, all you need is a good left guard and a middle linebacker. In the old days...NO PROBLEM. Draft one in the 1st, trade for the other. Done deal. But nowadays it doesnt go like that,....instead it goes like THIS.......The season ends,.....then free agency begins,...Now,...instead of just needing a quality guard and linebacker you also need a wide receiver,...defensive End, and a Tight end because yours left for another team because they could pay them 3 times what you could because you are a good team and up against the salary cap so you lose them because you cant pay them shit. Fucked AGAIN! :laugh: Its maddening...

End of rant.
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But Every damn time my NFL or College football team loses it pisses me off to no end. Like WAYYYYYYYYY more than it should. Only lasts a day or so but Still. I think what really magnifies my frustration is the way the modern NFL is set up. I ABSOLUTELY CANT STAND IT. First off,.....in an attempt to make even more money they have slowly over the last 25 years or so kept changing the rules to favor the offence more and more to the point where its almost a fake game anymore. More scoring=more fans=more MONEY. Fuck that,...Im a purist,....play the game the RIGHT way instead of tying the defense hands to its own balls. Buncha fake bullshit.

Second......I DESPISE free agency and the salary cap. It punishes excellence. It actually punishes the good teams and rewards the shit teams who cant draft worth a damn. Draft a bunch of great players and soon you cant afford them and they are gone. You are constantly building and rebuilding because of FUCKING FREE AGENCY and can never quite get there. In any given year you could be a team thats REAL CLOSE to being A Super Bowl contender. Lets say, all you need is a good left guard and a middle linebacker. In the old days...NO PROBLEM. Draft one in the 1st, trade for the other. Done deal. But nowadays it doesnt go like that,....instead it goes like THIS.......The season ends,.....then free agency begins,...Now,...instead of just needing a quality guard and linebacker you also need a wide receiver,...defensive End, and a Tight end because yours left for another team because they could pay them 3 times what you could because you are a good team and up against the salary cap so you lose them because you cant pay them shit. Fucked AGAIN! :laugh: Its maddening...

End of rant.

It's a mixed bag because if you eliminate free agency, players become like slaves, unable to better themselves until their contracts run out. Maybe some kind of compromise where players are obligated, by contract to play for the same team 2 or 3 years before being eligible to move?

You mentioned college football. What pisses you off about that?
This society is now corrupt all the way through.

Corruption ruins everything.

Yep. Been saying it for years. Now its even destroyed SPORTS! BTW,...Im pretty sure I watched the very first RIGGED Super Bowl as it happened. Pittsburgh VRS Seattle. Ask just about any die hard fan and they will tell you the same. That bitch was RIGGED.....no doubt about it. Interestingly enuff,...The owners of the Steelers "the Rooney Family" Had mob ties going back many decades.
Yep. Been saying it for years. Now its even destroyed SPORTS! BTW,...Im pretty sure I watched the very first RIGGED Super Bowl as it happened. Pittsburgh VRS Seattle. Ask just about any die hard fan and they will tell you the same. That bitch was RIGGED.....no doubt about it. Interestingly enuff,...The owners of the Steelers "the Rooney Family" Had mob ties going back many decades.

LOL, I'm a Seahawks fan. I think it was Big Ben's rookie or second year. Even Ben admitted some of the refs' calls were fucked up.
Yep. Been saying it for years. Now its even destroyed SPORTS! BTW,...Im pretty sure I watched the very first RIGGED Super Bowl as it happened. Pittsburgh VRS Seattle. Ask just about any die hard fan and they will tell you the same. That bitch was RIGGED.....no doubt about it. Interestingly enuff,...The owners of the Steelers "the Rooney Family" Had mob ties going back many decades.

It took me about 20 years but one by one I gave up all sports. The last to go were the Seahawks and the Lakers. What really got to me even more than that sports are being ruined is that the stewards of the games constantly put the quality of the games and the fans low or last on their priority list. Watching sports became on exercise of having the betrayal rubbed in, and I came to not be able to tolerate that.
LOL, I'm a Seahawks fan. I think it was Big Ben's rookie or second year. Even Ben admitted some of the refs' calls were fucked up.

Never saw anything like it in over 40 years of NFL watching. I remember when the first half expired and the players were running off the field the Seattle QB " Hasselback" ran past a ref and held his arms up like WTF ????? while you could read his lips.....he said..." WHATS GOING ON ?"
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I havent watched the NBA in many years just because the quality is so low. I quit not long after the Detroit Bad boys era,...who I liked. I miss the Magic and Bird days where teams actually still played DEFENSE instead of this fake shit we get nowadays. I do still love the college game at march madness time though.
I havent watched the NBA in many years just because the quality is so low. I quit not long after the Detroit Bad boys era,...who I liked. I miss the Magic and Bird days where teams actually still played DEFENSE instead of this fake shit we get nowadays. I do still love the college game at march madness time though.

Ya, I stopped liking the NBA long ago, there was maybe 15 years where I would not watch or care about the NBA except for the Lakers, who I had followed since I was a little boy. In the last years it was mostly the internal dynamics of the club that interested me, not the games.
LOL, I'm a Seahawks fan. I think it was Big Ben's rookie or second year. Even Ben admitted some of the refs' calls were fucked up.

That game must have pissed you off to no end,.......... and rightfully so. Absolutely STOLEN from Seattle to the point where Holmgren filed grievance against the league.
But Every damn time my NFL or College football team loses it pisses me off to no end. Like WAYYYYYYYYY more than it should. Only lasts a day or so but Still. I think what really magnifies my frustration is the way the modern NFL is set up. I ABSOLUTELY CANT STAND IT. First off,.....in an attempt to make even more money they have slowly over the last 25 years or so kept changing the rules to favor the offence more and more to the point where its almost a fake game anymore. More scoring=more fans=more MONEY. Fuck that,...Im a purist,....play the game the RIGHT way instead of tying the defense hands to its own balls. Buncha fake bullshit.

Second......I DESPISE free agency and the salary cap. It punishes excellence. It actually punishes the good teams and rewards the shit teams who cant draft worth a damn. Draft a bunch of great players and soon you cant afford them and they are gone. You are constantly building and rebuilding because of FUCKING FREE AGENCY and can never quite get there. In any given year you could be a team thats REAL CLOSE to being A Super Bowl contender. Lets say, all you need is a good left guard and a middle linebacker. In the old days...NO PROBLEM. Draft one in the 1st, trade for the other. Done deal. But nowadays it doesnt go like that,....instead it goes like THIS.......The season ends,.....then free agency begins,...Now,...instead of just needing a quality guard and linebacker you also need a wide receiver,...defensive End, and a Tight end because yours left for another team because they could pay them 3 times what you could because you are a good team and up against the salary cap so you lose them because you cant pay them shit. Fucked AGAIN! :laugh: Its maddening...

End of rant.

:laugh: I needed that!

The NFL is kinda pussified these days. I have not much hope for my team. Our QB doesn't have his head in the game. Not the greatest offensive line or defense, either.

Now in the past, shiet, the D could win it for us; Like they did in 2003. Now? Meh..

When your offense and defense sucks, you suck.
My hope is for bankruptcies all around....that would represent justice.

MLB, NBA and NHL unlikely to save struggling TV regional sports networks: sources

Talks for MLB, the NBA and NHL to acquire the nation’s dominant owner of regional sports networks are faltering — raising the likelihood of a bankruptcy filing that could hasten a nationwide migration of sports fans away from cable TV, The Post has learned.
But Every damn time my NFL or College football team loses it pisses me off to no end. Like WAYYYYYYYYY more than it should. Only lasts a day or so but Still. I think what really magnifies my frustration is the way the modern NFL is set up. I ABSOLUTELY CANT STAND IT. First off,.....in an attempt to make even more money they have slowly over the last 25 years or so kept changing the rules to favor the offence more and more to the point where its almost a fake game anymore. More scoring=more fans=more MONEY. Fuck that,...Im a purist,....play the game the RIGHT way instead of tying the defense hands to its own balls. Buncha fake bullshit.

Second......I DESPISE free agency and the salary cap. It punishes excellence. It actually punishes the good teams and rewards the shit teams who cant draft worth a damn. Draft a bunch of great players and soon you cant afford them and they are gone. You are constantly building and rebuilding because of FUCKING FREE AGENCY and can never quite get there. In any given year you could be a team thats REAL CLOSE to being A Super Bowl contender. Lets say, all you need is a good left guard and a middle linebacker. In the old days...NO PROBLEM. Draft one in the 1st, trade for the other. Done deal. But nowadays it doesnt go like that,....instead it goes like THIS.......The season ends,.....then free agency begins,...Now,...instead of just needing a quality guard and linebacker you also need a wide receiver,...defensive End, and a Tight end because yours left for another team because they could pay them 3 times what you could because you are a good team and up against the salary cap so you lose them because you cant pay them shit. Fucked AGAIN! :laugh: Its maddening...

End of rant.

the Vikings and Detroit won this week......I have no idea what you are talking about.......
I'm OK with rules that try to limit serious injury but I'm pissed that they are rarely used.
I get the point of the salary cap. Without it there would only be like 5 teams.
But without a doubt, they pay the players too much making it difficult to impossible to take your family to a game.
What's worse is how its all drifting down to college sports.
I'm getting to the point of just paying attention to high school sports.
It's a mixed bag because if you eliminate free agency, players become like slaves, unable to better themselves until their contracts run out. Maybe some kind of compromise where players are obligated, by contract to play for the same team 2 or 3 years before being eligible to move?

You mentioned college football. What pisses you off about that?
That's the real problem here. Rookies are happy to sign for hundreds of thousands of dollars, but if they have one stellar season they refuse to honor the contract in season two.

Ironically, many of these players get injured after winning a much bigger contract after arbitration.

Revis with the Jets is one prime example. I believe Terrell Owens did it years ago.
It is getting to be common knowledge that when a player is in his last season of his original contract......LOOK OUT,....he is going to have a HUGE YEAR. That way he gets the big pay day in free agency. What is FINALLY being talked about more is how players from opposing teams could very well be in on helping those players stat pad. Why would they do that? Because by raising the ceiling for salary at each position it helps them too when they become free agents. Yeah,....the whole fucking thing is corrupt now.