I know Im not the only one with this problem.........

I remember the days when Bud grant was coaching the PACKERS. They had quite a defense back then. They called them the Green cheese eaters. Packers had quite the offense too with Tarkenton at QB, Fred Biletnikoff at WR and Walter payton at Running back. :laugh:
But Every damn time my NFL or College football team loses it pisses me off to no end. Like WAYYYYYYYYY more than it should. Only lasts a day or so but Still. I think what really magnifies my frustration is the way the modern NFL is set up. I ABSOLUTELY CANT STAND IT. First off,.....in an attempt to make even more money they have slowly over the last 25 years or so kept changing the rules to favor the offence more and more to the point where its almost a fake game anymore. More scoring=more fans=more MONEY. Fuck that,...Im a purist,....play the game the RIGHT way instead of tying the defense hands to its own balls. Buncha fake bullshit.

Second......I DESPISE free agency and the salary cap. It punishes excellence. It actually punishes the good teams and rewards the shit teams who cant draft worth a damn. Draft a bunch of great players and soon you cant afford them and they are gone. You are constantly building and rebuilding because of FUCKING FREE AGENCY and can never quite get there. In any given year you could be a team thats REAL CLOSE to being A Super Bowl contender. Lets say, all you need is a good left guard and a middle linebacker. In the old days...NO PROBLEM. Draft one in the 1st, trade for the other. Done deal. But nowadays it doesnt go like that,....instead it goes like THIS.......The season ends,.....then free agency begins,...Now,...instead of just needing a quality guard and linebacker you also need a wide receiver,...defensive End, and a Tight end because yours left for another team because they could pay them 3 times what you could because you are a good team and up against the salary cap so you lose them because you cant pay them shit. Fucked AGAIN! :laugh: Its maddening...

End of rant.

It's not if you win or lose but how you play the game!
Another foreign spy. Thats why the old WW2 intel officers suggested asking sports questions. Peyton Manning never took KC to the Super Bowl he took DENVER to the Super Bowl where they were trounced by Seattle.

You sure your name isnt Chang Adams? :cool:

Yep, I got KC mixed up with Denver. I do that.
But Every damn time my NFL or College football team loses it pisses me off to no end. Like WAYYYYYYYYY more than it should. Only lasts a day or so but Still. I think what really magnifies my frustration is the way the modern NFL is set up. I ABSOLUTELY CANT STAND IT. First off,.....in an attempt to make even more money they have slowly over the last 25 years or so kept changing the rules to favor the offence more and more to the point where its almost a fake game anymore. More scoring=more fans=more MONEY. Fuck that,...Im a purist,....play the game the RIGHT way instead of tying the defense hands to its own balls. Buncha fake bullshit.

Second......I DESPISE free agency and the salary cap. It punishes excellence. It actually punishes the good teams and rewards the shit teams who cant draft worth a damn. Draft a bunch of great players and soon you cant afford them and they are gone. You are constantly building and rebuilding because of FUCKING FREE AGENCY and can never quite get there. In any given year you could be a team thats REAL CLOSE to being A Super Bowl contender. Lets say, all you need is a good left guard and a middle linebacker. In the old days...NO PROBLEM. Draft one in the 1st, trade for the other. Done deal. But nowadays it doesnt go like that,....instead it goes like THIS.......The season ends,.....then free agency begins,...Now,...instead of just needing a quality guard and linebacker you also need a wide receiver,...defensive End, and a Tight end because yours left for another team because they could pay them 3 times what you could because you are a good team and up against the salary cap so you lose them because you cant pay them shit. Fucked AGAIN! :laugh: Its maddening...

End of rant.
My family was big into Boston sports teams: Red Sox, Celtics, Bruins, Patriots. When the baseball players went on strike for the first time, maybe the 70's?, I realized how foolish the whole thing was. The only sports that interest me are the ones that I am doing or my wife and kids are doing.