I know Im not the only one with this problem.........

It is getting to be common knowledge that when a player is in his last season of his original contract......LOOK OUT,....he is going to have a HUGE YEAR. That way he gets the big pay day in free agency. What is FINALLY being talked about more is how players from opposing teams could very well be in on helping those players stat pad. Why would they do that? Because by raising the ceiling for salary at each position it helps them too when they become free agents. Yeah,....the whole fucking thing is corrupt now.
Decades ago there was a baseball manager who stated:

"Give me 9 players in the last year of their contracts, and I'll give you a championship"
Kind of funny how defensive lineman that average 5 sacks a year during the first 4 years of their original contract all of a sudden get 12 sacks in the last year of the contract so they go into free agency on a high. Happens ALL THE TIME....ENUFF IS ENUFF!
That's the real problem here. Rookies are happy to sign for hundreds of thousands of dollars, but if they have one stellar season they refuse to honor the contract in season two.

Ironically, many of these players get injured after winning a much bigger contract after arbitration.

Revis with the Jets is one prime example. I believe Terrell Owens did it years ago.

Brian Bosworth did it to us (the Seahawks) years ago.
LOL. 'The Bozz'. Wasn't he some huge defensive player who excelled in college but not so much in the pros?

Yeah, he was a jerk! He was ineligible to play in any bowl game as an Oklahoma Sooner, due to steroid use, got an $11 million contract with the Seahawks, which was huge at the time, and only played 3 years in the NFL.
But Every damn time my NFL or College football team loses it pisses me off to no end. Like WAYYYYYYYYY more than it should. Only lasts a day or so but Still. I think what really magnifies my frustration is the way the modern NFL is set up. I ABSOLUTELY CANT STAND IT. First off,.....in an attempt to make even more money they have slowly over the last 25 years or so kept changing the rules to favor the offence more and more to the point where its almost a fake game anymore. More scoring=more fans=more MONEY. Fuck that,...Im a purist,....play the game the RIGHT way instead of tying the defense hands to its own balls. Buncha fake bullshit.

Second......I DESPISE free agency and the salary cap. It punishes excellence. It actually punishes the good teams and rewards the shit teams who cant draft worth a damn. Draft a bunch of great players and soon you cant afford them and they are gone. You are constantly building and rebuilding because of FUCKING FREE AGENCY and can never quite get there. In any given year you could be a team thats REAL CLOSE to being A Super Bowl contender. Lets say, all you need is a good left guard and a middle linebacker. In the old days...NO PROBLEM. Draft one in the 1st, trade for the other. Done deal. But nowadays it doesnt go like that,....instead it goes like THIS.......The season ends,.....then free agency begins,...Now,...instead of just needing a quality guard and linebacker you also need a wide receiver,...defensive End, and a Tight end because yours left for another team because they could pay them 3 times what you could because you are a good team and up against the salary cap so you lose them because you cant pay them shit. Fucked AGAIN! :laugh: Its maddening...

End of rant.

I largely agree with you.
Drafting means little these days.

Plus...I no longer can relate to the NFL.
Guys are making over $2.5 million...PER GAME!!!

Call it envy or whatever.
But that is just, UTTERLY ridiculous.

Free agency - originally - was when players were probably not paid enough.
But not any longer.

Sure, maybe the minimum salary should come up a bit (it's 700K right now) to about a million per season.
Football is a tough sport, after all.
And careers can be short.

But, I agree with you...free agency should die.

You get drafted by a team?
And as long as you are on their roster (of 52 players)?
You are stuck with them until you are cut/traded/you retire.

However, if you are on their practice squad?
You are free to be signed by any team...without any compensation.

Also, I agree about the passing obsession.
I find the passing game, for the most part, dull.
But I love a great, running game.

There is a bowl game tomorrow:
Lockheed Martin Armed Forces Bowl
Baylor vs. Air Force

Air Force run the Option.
They are No. 1 in the country in rushing.

And - to me - they are fun to watch.
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It's just a different kind of chess game. The rules aren't prohibitive of anything, and free agency demands that teams & GM's make smarter decisions about which players they want to invest in for the long-term.

I do kind of miss the days when defenders could play a more physical game - but get that they're trying to protect players, and make a more entertaining product. I'm okay w/ it. Everyone has to play by the same rules, which is all you can ask of any game. And it IS still very entertaining, if not more so. This past weekend of football was one of the best I've seen - 5-6 games that were all incredibly exciting and down to the last play or 2.
But Every damn time my NFL or College football team loses it pisses me off to no end. Like WAYYYYYYYYY more than it should. Only lasts a day or so but Still. I think what really magnifies my frustration is the way the modern NFL is set up. I ABSOLUTELY CANT STAND IT. First off,.....in an attempt to make even more money they have slowly over the last 25 years or so kept changing the rules to favor the offence more and more to the point where its almost a fake game anymore. More scoring=more fans=more MONEY. Fuck that,...Im a purist,....play the game the RIGHT way instead of tying the defense hands to its own balls. Buncha fake bullshit.

Second......I DESPISE free agency and the salary cap. It punishes excellence. It actually punishes the good teams and rewards the shit teams who cant draft worth a damn. Draft a bunch of great players and soon you cant afford them and they are gone. You are constantly building and rebuilding because of FUCKING FREE AGENCY and can never quite get there. In any given year you could be a team thats REAL CLOSE to being A Super Bowl contender. Lets say, all you need is a good left guard and a middle linebacker. In the old days...NO PROBLEM. Draft one in the 1st, trade for the other. Done deal. But nowadays it doesnt go like that,....instead it goes like THIS.......The season ends,.....then free agency begins,...Now,...instead of just needing a quality guard and linebacker you also need a wide receiver,...defensive End, and a Tight end because yours left for another team because they could pay them 3 times what you could because you are a good team and up against the salary cap so you lose them because you cant pay them shit. Fucked AGAIN! :laugh: Its maddening...

End of rant.

I'm a Jets fan.

I've become accustomed to expecting a higher number in the loss column than in the win...
I think the rules have morphed the game into something the Officials cannot keep up with.

Personally, I think I could call pass interference on every down. I could call Holding on every down. And I believe the officials will agree with me on that!

I don't blame the official for their bad calls. One bad call shouldn't make or break a game unless it comes in the last two minutes. What I blame them for is not throwing the flag often enough. And if everybody gets tired of seeing the penalties on every down- THE NFL WOULD GO BACK AND LIGHTEN UP ON SOME OF THE RULES! Then we could get back into letting the players play football again!

Silly rules like- Lineman too far down the field! Fuck that silly rule!

Illegal procedure- didn't line up right? WTF? Give me a break! How does this give a team an edge over the other one? Line up the way you want!

One rule that gets me is the Pass Interference call. Why do they allow a WR to be interfered with as the come across the line of scrimmage- and for the next few yards or so! Is that not pass interference as well? The only way to have a rule like that is make a rule that the WR is not to be touched until the ball is making contact with his hands. And if the Defensive back is the one touched first, then the WR should be fouled.

There are probably a few other rules that could use a little tweeking! But those are my main gripes!
One rule that gets me is the Pass Interference call. Why do they allow a WR to be interfered with as the come across the line of scrimmage- and for the next few yards or so! Is that not pass interference as well? The only way to have a rule like that is make a rule that the WR is not to be touched until the ball is making contact with his hands. And if the Defensive back is the one touched first, then the WR should be fouled.

There are probably a few other rules that could use a little tweeking! But those are my main gripes!
You can make contact with the receiver in the first 5 yards. After that, if the ball isn't in the air you can get called for holding, or illegal contact if the handfighting becomes too violent.

Whereas every play could indeed be flagged for the aforementioned, if a receiver's route isn't hindered, or his ability to catch the ball isn't hindered, many fouls go unnoticed.

Receivers are just as guilty of initiating the contact, so it gets hard to sort out the fouls. But grabbing a jersey and keeping a receiver from being able to get open will always be holding if the ball isn't in the air.

I disagree a little with the comment about 'the last two minutes'. Brady gets phantom PI calls every game. More troubling are the phantom roughing the passer calls he gets.
A few weeks ago it was fourth and long, and he got a favorable roughing call that was clearly wrong. There was plenty of time in the 4th, but that changed the game drastically.
Try being a Vikings fan. Just saying.

Grew up watching Fran run around and throw it,....he was like a greased pig,...couldnt catch him. Tommy Kramer wasnt bad either. He could really get hot. Trivia Time.......Did you know that Niners coach Bill Walsh originally wanted to draft Steve Dills instead of Joe Montana? Dills went on to be a career backup who never did much for the Vikings. But Joe Montana.......:whoa:
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Admission.....I am a Wisconsin guy through and through but HATE the Packers with a burning passion. Love the Badgers Brewers and Bucks though...
You can make contact with the receiver in the first 5 yards. After that, if the ball isn't in the air you can get called for holding, or illegal contact if the handfighting becomes too violent.

Whereas every play could indeed be flagged for the aforementioned, if a receiver's route isn't hindered, or his ability to catch the ball isn't hindered, many fouls go unnoticed.

Receivers are just as guilty of initiating the contact, so it gets hard to sort out the fouls. But grabbing a jersey and keeping a receiver from being able to get open will always be holding if the ball isn't in the air.

I disagree a little with the comment about 'the last two minutes'. Brady gets phantom PI calls every game. More troubling are the phantom roughing the passer calls he gets.
A few weeks ago it was fourth and long, and he got a favorable roughing call that was clearly wrong. There was plenty of time in the 4th, but that changed the game drastically.

Yes, those penalties that happen in the last two minutes decide a lot of games. Too many.

I've noticed that there always is a bad call in every game, and the referees know it was a bad call. And the coach of the team penalized is gonna raise hell with the Ref. But then, the refs will try to overcompensate for it by flagging the other team a few plays later, with another questionable call going in the other way. Then everybody has a legitimate bitch. Everybody is mad at the refs. But here again, I believe that the refs could flag every down for either holding or interference.

Like I also said, the silly rules are the reason why, and it puts the refs in a Damn them if they do- and Damn them if they don't situation.

Too many teams use interference and holding as a strategy for their offensive linemen and defensive backs. They are coached to do whatever it takes to shut down the opposition, even if you have to hold or interfere, JUST DON'T GET CAUGHT, and this is another reason why the refs have a harder job than they should have to have. It will continue until the refs start flagging them. You'll see coaches talking to the refs and telling them what to watch for, because they see it, before the refs do a lot of times. When the refs start focusing on these certain players, it ain't long before they get a flag.

Intentionally fouling is a double edged sword- that will end up burning you in the long run. And Defensive coordinators and Offensive line coaches that are coaching this as a strategy need to just STOP IT!

I say fine the fuck out of these teams that are abusing the penalty system like that. I just don't think that risking a penalty by intentionally holding and interfering is a strategy that wins in the long run, and I do not think it has a place in the NFL- or NBA as far as that is concerned.
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Grew up watching Fran run around and throw it,....he was like a greased pig,...couldnt catch him. Tommy Kramer wasnt bad either. He could really get hot. Trivia Time.......Did you know that Niners coach Bill Walsh originally wanted to draft Steve Dills instead of Joe Montana? Dills went on to be a career backup who never did much for the Vikings. But Joe Montana.......:whoa:

Fun fact. I was born on the same day as Joe Montana. Like the exact same day. I joked that they got us mixed up in the nursery, and I'm actually Joe Montana. :) In college I worked for the Vikings. I was on the field when the Hail Mary happened. It hasn't gotten better. But hope springs eternal.