I Promise Only One Thing During My Stay Here

Don't you think, though, that it is deliberately designed for American mob (lynch) law and destructive of honest discussion? I don't feel superior - just against bullying. I got into it because some yobbo started putting groans on all my posts. Two can play at that game, I thought then, but what sort of pillocks to we get associated with thereby?

No, I don't. Read the thread on the groaning vote. The reasons one might groan someone are laid out clearly and concisely there.
Like anything, it can be and is abused, to the detriment of the abuser, who is then subject to self induced ridicule.

This is a debate forum.
Nothing here is "deliberately designed" to stifle honest discussion.

Some posters are simply worth nothing more than a groan,
Other times it is used to great humorous effect, and often groans are passed out to each other by the best of friends.

You moralists, so concerned for other's welfare amuse me to no end.

Keep your own side of the street clean, and don't worry about my side.
No, I don't. Read the thread on the groaning vote. The reasons one might groan someone are laid out clearly and concisely there.
Like anything, it can be and is abused, to the detriment of the abuser, who is then subject to self induced ridicule.

This is a debate forum.
Nothing here is "deliberately designed" to stifle honest discussion.

Some posters are simply worth nothing more than a groan,
Other times it is used to great humorous effect, and often groans are passed out to each other by the best of friends.

You moralists, so concerned for other's welfare amuse me to no end.

Keep your own side of the street clean, and don't worry about my side.

Bloody Hell - me a moralist! Americans admire bullies, and we don't, I suppose, or bullying mobs either. It's just a matter of civilization, when all's said.
Bloody Hell - me a moralist! Americans admire bullies, and we don't, I suppose, or bullying mobs either. It's just a matter of civilization, when all's said.

Yes, you a moralist.

Please don't get me started about your great civilization or rather lack thereof.

You picked the wrong stone to bring to this gunfight.

I seriously suggest some research before you even respond to my reply, because I assure you, I will bury you if you pursue this avenue with me.

If you don't believe me, start with the thread Rune's Ancestors, where Tom, to his deep regret tried a similar tactic.
Bloody Hell - me a moralist! Americans admire bullies, and we don't, I suppose, or bullying mobs either. It's just a matter of civilization, when all's said.

why are you attempting to make enemies out of people who agree with you?
Yes, you a moralist.

Please don't get me started about your great civilization or rather lack thereof.

You picked the wrong stone to bring to this gunfight.

I seriously suggest some research before you even respond to my reply, because I assure you, I will bury you if you pursue this avenue with me.

If you don't believe me, start with the thread Rune's Ancestors, where Tom, to his deep regret tried a similar tactic.

Threatening me with bullying, are we? Civilization is avoiding bullies and bullying. Go beat your hollow chest back in your bedroom, kid.
why are you attempting to make enemies out of people who agree with you?

I'm not. I speak as I, and all English literature, finds about bullies and America. Sorry - not all American are that way, obviously, but it is culturally obvious.
Threatening me with bullying, are we? Civilization is avoiding bullies and bullying. Go beat your hollow chest back in your bedroom, kid.

Yeah, I am threatening you over the internet. Get over yourself, and your moral superiority, moron. Your supposedly "civil" culturle has been responsible for more human suffering than any other entity through the entire history of time, moron.
I'm not. I speak as I, and all English literature, finds about bullies and America. Sorry - not all American are that way, obviously, but it is culturally obvious.

coloring all Americans with the same brush is bullyish don't you think?
I'm not. I speak as I, and all English literature, finds about bullies and America. Sorry - not all American are that way, obviously, but it is culturally obvious.

You speak as one who has no idea, nor personal experience of what you are speaking of, i.e. a hypocrite.

Were it not for Americans London would be a pile of rubble, ingrate.
Yeah, I am threatening you over the internet. Get over yourself, and your moral superiority, moron. Your supposedly "civil" culturle has been responsible for more human suffering than any other entity through the entire history of time, moron.

Well, kid, as you demonstrate, I am - and almost everyone else is - morally superior to you. Did you doubt it?
Well, kid, as you demonstrate, I am - and almost everyone else is - morally superior to you. Did you doubt it?

1. I doubt you are older than me.
2. You are delusional at best.
2a. You are a waste of my time. Goodby
Today, 11:30 AM
Verified User

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I tried to tell you not to pursue this avenue. Had you pursued it honestly at least, it would have been a different story,
but since you decided to be dishonest, you can go fuck yourself.

Can't you lime suckers afford any forums of your own?
Today, 11:30 AM
Verified User

This message is hidden because iolo is on your ignore list.

I tried to tell you not to pursue this avenue. Had you pursued it honestly at least, it would have been a different story,
but since you decided to be dishonest, you can go fuck yourself.

Can't you lime suckers afford any forums of your own?

English people (and I am not one) are called, I believe, 'limeys'. Aren't you a bullyboy then!
Yes, you a moralist.

Please don't get me started about your great civilization or rather lack thereof.

You picked the wrong stone to bring to this gunfight.

I seriously suggest some research before you even respond to my reply, because I assure you, I will bury you if you pursue this avenue with me.

If you don't believe me, start with the thread Rune's Ancestors, where Tom, to his deep regret tried a similar tactic.

You really and truly do have an exaggerated sense of your own mental abilities, you would do well to understand your intellectual limitations.
English people (and I am not one) are called, I believe, 'limeys'. Aren't you a bullyboy then!

Rune, like many of his countrymen, finds it hard to understand that Wales is a different country. Yet the buffoon felt fully able to bullshit about the lineage of English Kings and Queens.
You speak as one who has no idea, nor personal experience of what you are speaking of, i.e. a hypocrite.

Were it not for Americans London would be a pile of rubble, ingrate.

He is Welsh you loony, most Welsh would be happy for London to be a pile of rubble. Oh and by the way, it was the Brits and the Russians that stopped the US from being subjugated by Japan and Germany.