I Promise Only One Thing During My Stay Here

Ghandi's sainthood seriously needs to be reassessed, does anybody truly imagine that he could have used the same tactics of non-violence if the Japanese had conquered India? Gandhi advised the Jews to go willingly into the gas chambers and for the British to surrender to the Germans.


Just reminding Iola and the new Canadian troll that being called bullies by Europeans and European apologists is fairly amusing. I might be more sympathetic if the word was tossed at me by a Native Hawaiian or a Filipino.
Just reminding Iola and the new Canadian troll that being called bullies by Europeans and European apologists is fairly amusing. I might be more sympathetic if the word was tossed at me by a Native Hawaiian or a Filipino.

Iolo is Welsh, so victimhood comes with the territory. As far as they are concerned everybody in southern England is a Tory bastard.
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Naw, that'd be "Northern" Ireland. A bunch of so-called Irish who are under the thumb of the Church of England. No true Irishman...
That's only because Anglicanism is such a joke. People who want real protestantism embrance, well, any other mainstream form of it, and since Presbyterianism got big in Scotland, it naturally made its way to Ireland. Anglicanism, however, was the driving political force behind Northern Ireland that has kept it within the UK umbrella.
That's only because Anglicanism is such a joke. People who want real protestantism embrance, well, any other mainstream form of it, and since Presbyterianism got big in Scotland, it naturally made its way to Ireland. Anglicanism, however, was the driving political force behind Northern Ireland that has kept it within the UK umbrella.

You know, I never did know what the different sects.of Protestantism embraced. My church used to be UCC, but when UCC decided to honor gay marriage, we voted to drop our affiliation with them...now we are "reformed" whatever that means. Personally, I don't care if a church wants to recognize gay marriage....but I don't think they should be forced to.

I find that I have a mish mash of beliefs. Sometimes I think the Universalist Unitarians have it right....love everyone, accept everyone and let God sort it out. Unfortunately, the nearest UU church around me is a 45 minute drive. Although, we did go there once to see Ann Rabsom of the Uppity Blues Women there. Such a great lady....tried to talk me into giving up the guitar for the piano
I'm Catholic, but I have a great deal of respect for Reformers such as Luther, Calvin, Swingli, and Cervantes, because they brought up interesting things, and make for good academic banter. Luther helped bring about the Catholic Reformation by forcing the Counter Reformation. Everyone becomes a Calvinist when they get depressed enough with humanity, and Cervantes' revolt against the Trinity is always a worthwhile topic (Swingli is useless, though).

I just hate the Anglican Church, because it only existed to give Henry VIII power and to legitimize his silly divorce. It attempted to be a schismatic break in the fashion of the Eastern Orthodox, but then got co-opted by Calvinists and became somewhat Protestant. Since then, it has always just been a celebrated club, and people have been leaving it, either to become Catholic again, truly Protestant (Presbyterianism reigned supreme in Scotland, for example), or in this age, atheist or agnostic.
I'm Catholic, but I have a great deal of respect for Reformers such as Luther, Calvin, Swingli, and Cervantes, because they brought up interesting things, and make for good academic banter. Luther helped bring about the Catholic Reformation by forcing the Counter Reformation. Everyone becomes a Calvinist when they get depressed enough with humanity, and Cervantes' revolt against the Trinity is always a worthwhile topic (Swingli is useless, though).

I just hate the Anglican Church, because it only existed to give Henry VIII power and to legitimize his silly divorce. It attempted to be a schismatic break in the fashion of the Eastern Orthodox, but then got co-opted by Calvinists and became somewhat Protestant. Since then, it has always just been a celebrated club, and people have been leaving it, either to become Catholic again, truly Protestant (Presbyterianism reigned supreme in Scotland, for example), or in this age, atheist or agnostic.

Wait a minute....I am catholic, so what. You mean you are a practicing catholic?

First the army, now this. Damn you are susceptible.
Naw, that'd be "Northern" Ireland. A bunch of so-called Irish who are under the thumb of the Church of England. No true Irishman...

There are extremely few Anglicans in the Six Counties (and they, of course, belong to the Church of Ireland) - the people there mostly share your own benighted divisions, in their case between Romanism and Presbytarianism. Are all Americans totally ignorant, or just the whitetown strutters?
There are extremely few Anglicans in the Six Counties (and they, of course, belong to the Church of Ireland) - the people there mostly share your own benighted divisions, in their case between Romanism and Presbytarianism. Are all Americans totally ignorant, or just the whitetown strutters?

Who or what are the Whitetown Strutters?
That's only because Anglicanism is such a joke. People who want real protestantism embrance, well, any other mainstream form of it, and since Presbyterianism got big in Scotland, it naturally made its way to Ireland. Anglicanism, however, was the driving political force behind Northern Ireland that has kept it within the UK umbrella.

Of course it had nothing to do with how they perceived the South, a backwards peasant economy with no industry to speak of, lorded over by corrupt Catholic priests and ruled by bastards like De Valera. The man that maintained a German embassy in Dublin throughout the war and even had a condolence book for Hitler when he died. Apart from that you are right.
That's only because Anglicanism is such a joke. People who want real protestantism embrance, well, any other mainstream form of it, and since Presbyterianism got big in Scotland, it naturally made its way to Ireland. Anglicanism, however, was the driving political force behind Northern Ireland that has kept it within the UK umbrella.

Anglicanism is just Christianity. Naturally the whitetown strutters dislike it, as they detest anything decent or educated.
Of course it had nothing to do with how they perceived the South, a backwards peasant economy with no industry to speak of, lorded over by corrupt Catholic priests and ruled by bastards like De Valera. The man that maintained a German embassy in Dublin throughout the war and even had a condolence book for Hitler when he died. Apart from that you are right.

Which was twelve percent non-RC at independence and is now well below six. Papist freedom works, particularly for Roman Catholic Children with priests!
Of course it had nothing to do with how they perceived the South, a backwards peasant economy with no industry to speak of, lorded over by corrupt Catholic priests and ruled by bastards like De Valera. The man that maintained a German embassy in Dublin throughout the war and even had a condolence book for Hitler when he died. Apart from that you are right.

Eamon De Valera is a hero and patriot. You watch your tone.