I Promise Only One Thing During My Stay Here

Do you know him from another board?

No. This is the only board I am on. I am a one board kinda guy. Never really understood the need to be on different boards when one is satisfying my needs

But as to poet I can tell by Negroes posts that he is not. Despite anyone's best intentions they can't hide who they really are.

Desh could change her name tomorrow and not be for a month and I would know it is her in five seconds.

Now the race hustlers will clamor that I was just looki g for an excuse to use the word negro :)
ILA is correct. I am NOT poet and I agree that poet could sometimes be rather vile, uncivilized and protesteth much about privileges he deemed unavailable to him. But, I do know poet and I think I understand him better than most give him a chance for. Actually, poet tends to make very valid points that go zoom zoom right over most heads. I stand guilty, I suppose, of much the same. Playing silly games is not what I'm about but I do like to test the waters to see if I might want to dive in. The struggle goes on.


So how do you know Poet?
I am no doppelganger but I do think I understand and accept more of what poet has to say than most. He is perpetually lost, that I understand for certain. On the other hand he makes very valid points in many cases but the constant ridicule of him brings him to a breaking point that even I cannot dig. Banned? Laughable at best. The struggle continues.

I am no doppelganger but I do think I understand and accept more of what poet has to say than most. He is perpetually lost, that I understand for certain. On the other hand he makes very valid points in many cases but the constant ridicule of him brings him to a breaking point that even I cannot dig. Banned? Laughable at best. The struggle continues.


Just so long as you don't follow his pattern for rule breaking, I honestly couldn't care less.
That's probably your biggest downfall, hun. You couldn't care less. Good luck with that kind of shitty attitude. The struggle continues.


Oh I'd think it a strength, not a weakness. It's what allows your prolish comments to be dismissed so easily.
Like you, without a shadow of a thought I might agree. On the other hand a little introspection might be best for both of us. The struggle continues.

coloring all Americans with the same brush is bullyish don't you think?

No - and I don't think I did. The British tradition is to stand up to bullies, though there are lots of grovelers who lick their boots, most of them called tories. The American tradition, shown in all sorts of novels and films, is to admire bullies - Senator McCarthy, for instance - though there are vast numbers who behave otherwise. None of us is responsible for the tradition we are born into, and most British traditions have dreadful elements.
No - and I don't think I did. The British tradition is to stand up to bullies, though there are lots of grovelers who lick their boots, most of them called tories. The American tradition, shown in all sorts of novels and films, is to admire bullies - Senator McCarthy, for instance - though there are vast numbers who behave otherwise. None of us is responsible for the tradition we are born into, and most British traditions have dreadful elements.

why do you seek enemies where friends can be found?