I received double my order and don't know what I should do.


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I ordered a mini-fridge from a seller on Ebay. It showed up and I haven't even got a chance to set it up. Now two days later a second exact fridge showed up addressed to me. I checked and wasn't double charged. What would you do?
I ordered a mini-fridge from a seller on Ebay. It showed up and I haven't even got a chance to set it up. Now two days later a second exact fridge showed up addressed to me. I checked and wasn't double charged. What would you do?

KEEP the second one, and give it to someone as a gift.;)
I ordered a mini-fridge from a seller on Ebay. It showed up and I haven't even got a chance to set it up. Now two days later a second exact fridge showed up addressed to me. I checked and wasn't double charged. What would you do?
I would call the seller, let them know what happened" leave the ball in their court

I have had the same thing happen on small ticket items and the seller just told me to keep it
I ordered a mini-fridge from a seller on Ebay. It showed up and I haven't even got a chance to set it up. Now two days later a second exact fridge showed up addressed to me. I checked and wasn't double charged. What would you do?

Make sure both work. If one does and one doesn't, the choice of which to keep is easy. Regardless, contact seller to notify them of the situation.

I've done so with sellers on Amazon, but not something as expensive as a mini-fridge. Usually the problem is damage in shipping. Often I'm told to keep it.

If they say return it, then be sure they not only pay for it but that you are compensated for having to take the time to do so. My time is $100/hour. :D
I ordered a mini-fridge from a seller on Ebay. It showed up and I haven't even got a chance to set it up. Now two days later a second exact fridge showed up addressed to me. I checked and wasn't double charged. What would you do?

I agree with the advice to contact the seller, and make sure that they both work too. I'm curious to hear what they tell you!