I received double my order and don't know what I should do.

You're the one having to tell people how honest you think you are. Honest people don't have to do that. They're honest and let their actions do their talking. When you felt the need to put it in words, it meant you even doubted your claims about yourself.

I was just using my own personal experience as an example.

The fact that it bothers the hell out of you just makes it better.

Is the reason you refused to show for a challenge you issued because your mother raised you to be a %#%^ or because you chose to be one?

No, I would just never be caught dead in a shit hole town like Crappin' Falls because the stink is so bad I'd probably choke to death.
If you have to give an example, you doubt your own honesty. Or are looking for a pat on the back.

It doesn't bother me. I doubt your honesty, too.

You know you'd get your ass kicked. You refused to show in Orlando.

This is getting boring and I have other things I have to do.

Have fun fist fucking yourself, hillbilly.
Tell us all about what a saint you are, redneck trash BOY.

Do you wear your "wife-beater" shirt for any specific reason or just to show off what a redneck asshole you are?

Thing is when I do the right thing, I just do it. I don't need to come on this site looking for validation like you did

Here I will pat you on the head. Good little boy. Feel better?
Thing is when I do the right thing, I just do it. I don't need to come on this site looking for validation like you did

Here I will pat you on the head. Good little boy. Feel better?

You're looking for validation right now by claiming you "do the right thing" without telling anyone about it, you dumb fucktard.

Or are you too stupid to understand that?

Bedsides, I doubt a right-wing Trumptard fuckwad like you has ever done "the right thing" in your life anyway.

You strike me as one of those guys who, if something doesn't benefit you in some way, don't even consider it.

Now be a good little turd and go flush yourself.
Thing is when I do the right thing, I just do it. I don't need to come on this site looking for validation like you did

Awwwwwww..... aren't you just the most wonderfulest little thingy?

You must be sooooooooooo proud of your itty-bitty little self.

Here I will pat you on the head. Good little boy. Feel better?
Quote Originally Posted by Teflon Don View Post
Thing is when I do the right thing, I just do it. I don't need to come on this site looking for validation like you did

He didn't, he was giving me reason that I should. Do you always need to be so bratty and conceited even with friendly things that don't involve your political biases? You come off as mentally unstable.
Thing is when I do the right thing, I just do it. I don't need to come on this site looking for validation like you did

Here I will pat you on the head. Good little boy. Feel better?
I think he was mostly interested in what others thought. Obviously normal people would do the same as him with minor variations but the dipshit psychos often provide amusing albeit delusional responses. Your first post was an excellent example:
The fact that you post this shit shows how fucking morally bankrupt you really are. You come on here spouting about your Christianity and you post this?

Shit you are so fucking fat and lazy you can’t even take your fat ass up the stairs for a coke anymore? You need a mini fridge in the basement?
Call me crazy, but the schadenfreude element is very entertaining.
I ordered a mini-fridge from a seller on Ebay. It showed up and I haven't even got a chance to set it up. Now two days later a second exact fridge showed up addressed to me. I checked and wasn't double charged. What would you do?

Call the seller but speak to them in a freezing tone.
Contact the seller, explain what happened, and see if the seller is willing to pay the postage to ship it back to them.

Chances are you will be rewarded for your honesty, and the seller will just say keep it.

Now be sure to rate his service as Excellent!

And you will also be sure to receive a favorable review for your purchase, along with a note about your trustworthiness!.

Reputation is everything for buyers and sellers on EBAY!
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Hey, Yurt, glad you’re still kickin

yep, still have some years to go....glad you seem to be doing well :)

moved back to the mainland and living in WA. most of my friends are here and my mom is moving to northern CA, so we will be closer. i don't really miss central or southern california. i thought i would, but i don't. went to college up here, so not unfamiliar to the area. one thing i miss are the beaches and piers in central and southern california. but there is so much else up here, i'm cool with it.

The camping is better up here. They have actual yurts, hence my username. I love yurt camping, no tent, costs like $20 more than a tent site and i don't have to set up a tent. and they have heaters, lol, i'm such a hardcore camper....:D
yep, still have some years to go....glad you seem to be doing well :)

moved back to the mainland and living in WA. most of my friends are here and my mom is moving to northern CA, so we will be closer. i don't really miss central or southern california. i thought i would, but i don't. went to college up here, so not unfamiliar to the area. one thing i miss are the beaches and piers in central and southern california. but there is so much else up here, i'm cool with it.

The camping is better up here. They have actual yurts, hence my username. I love yurt camping, no tent, costs like $20 more than a tent site and i don't have to set up a tent. and they have heaters, lol, i'm such a hardcore camper....:D
I’ll have to check it out, always looking for new adventures. Be well
I’ll have to check it out, always looking for new adventures. Be well

Beverly Beach State Park is my favorite. The Yurts are the closest to the beach. It takes like 4 minutes (walking) and you're on the beach. Make a good fire, have some hot dogs or whatever, walk to the beach, come back and chill by the fire, chase raccoons...True story....camping with my ex and we were sitting by the fire and this raccoon gets on the table and starts going for the hot dogs. So I shooosh it off, it completely ignores me, so I throw a rock at the table hoping to scare it, it ricocheted up and actually hit it. It then proceeded to fall off the table, land on the ground with all four feetsies in the air. Motionless. I thought I killed it, I felt so bad. And then it then it rolled over and ran away. My Uncle still loves hearing about that story. The first time I told it, he couldn't stop laughing.