I received double my order and don't know what I should do.

The fact that you post this shit shows how fucking morally bankrupt you really are. You come on here spouting about your Christianity and you post this?

Shit you are so fucking fat and lazy you can’t even take your fat ass up the stairs for a coke anymore? You need a mini fridge in the basement?

Does everyone in your family bitch and moan like a teenager or just you?
It's good to be honest.

What did they say when you contacted them? What about compensation for your time due to their mistake?

I'd ask for a cash refund of some sort but they might be more willing to send another, lesser priced product or a coupon.

Compensation doesn't fit my Christian roots unless offered, so I never asked.
Compensation doesn't fit my Christian roots unless offered, so I never asked.

Stop the bullshit. If you were a real Christian you would have never come here to ask

Or it was another attention seeking moment?

Poor baby has to leave the basement. How will you ever get by.

I am sure you will be posting about what a harrowing experience it will be.
Compensation doesn't fit my Christian roots unless offered, so I never asked.

What is unChristian about being compensated for taking a couple of hours of your time to fix their mistake?

If you lost your wallet with $100 and someone returned it, would you give them $10 as a reward? Why? Does it work both ways?

Quote Originally Posted by Teflon Don View Post
The fact that you post this shit shows how fucking morally bankrupt you really are. You come on here spouting about your Christianity and you post this?

Shit you are so fucking fat and lazy you can’t even take your fat ass up the stairs for a coke anymore? You need a mini fridge in the basement?

How sad of a person are you trying to be, man? Your hate-driven rant doesn't even work. Here, let me ease the situation. 1. I thought this a weird situation and wished to gauge how others would deal with returning a large and expensive item. I still don't know how it's going to work out being a larger package. 2. I don't live in a basement. 3. So you don't want something dedicated to cold beverages? No room for cans in the regular fridge. It's full of other essentials like eggs, cheese, milk\creamer, condiments, and salad veggies. Mini fridges are designed more for beverages. Now chill that rattler, you snap at people like a pissy teenager for little reason.
What is unChristian about being compensated for taking a couple of hours of your time to fix their mistake?

If you lost your wallet with $100 and someone returned it, would you give them $10 as a reward? Why? Does it work both ways?

I don't seek reward for doing what's right.
Hell, I’d love a mini fridge in every room if it was tastefully designed to match my decor.

They might cost you about $25 a month each to run. Look at your electric bill and determining the price per hour. Note the kilowatt/hour of the device. Multiply by the number of hours per month you would run it. I have one in the hangar and it's unplugged at the moment. I'll only plug it in if I plan on spending a lot of time out there.

This is my mini-fridge: https://www.energystar.gov/productfinder/product/certified-residential-refrigerators/details/2349060
I don't seek reward for doing what's right.

In this case it's compensation for your time, gas and wear and tear on your car. They made a mistake. It doesn't hurt to ask. If they say fuck you, then you could still send it in.
I ordered a mini-fridge from a seller on Ebay. It showed up and I haven't even got a chance to set it up. Now two days later a second exact fridge showed up addressed to me. I checked and wasn't double charged. What would you do?

Contact the seller often they will say just keep it, or pay the return shipping. Only honest thing to do. Let us know what happens.
Hell, I’d love a mini fridge in every room if it was tastefully designed to match my decor.

We have a large loft upstairs that's divided into his and mine. His is an office space but also includes bookcases, a fat comfy chair, table, lamp, hassock -- so it's also a reading area. There are two mini fridges in the basement that we don't use. I keep muttering about trucking one upstairs so I don't have to get up and go ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE KITCHEN to get more ice for my tea. Because I am just that lazy. lol
We have a large loft upstairs that's divided into his and mine. His is an office space but also includes bookcases, a fat comfy chair, table, lamp, hassock -- so it's also a reading area. There are two mini fridges in the basement that we don't use. I keep muttering about trucking one upstairs so I don't have to get up and go ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE KITCHEN to get more ice for my tea. Because I am just that lazy. lol
You are not lazy, it’s just convenient. I’m impressed you do stairs. When we moved the only thing I demanded is that the house be a single story. My brother in law fell down the steps and broke his ankle at his house. They are good exercise, but dangerous for little old people
Hell, I’d love a mini fridge in every room if it was tastefully designed to match my decor.
We have a large loft upstairs that's divided into his and mine. His is an office space but also includes bookcases, a fat comfy chair, table, lamp, hassock -- so it's also a reading area. There are two mini fridges in the basement that we don't use. I keep muttering about trucking one upstairs so I don't have to get up and go ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE KITCHEN to get more ice for my tea. Because I am just that lazy. lol
You are not lazy, it’s just convenient. I’m impressed you do stairs. When we moved the only thing I demanded is that the house be a single story. My brother in law fell down the steps and broke his ankle at his house. They are good exercise, but dangerous for little old people
Agreed about convenience, especially with stairs.

BTW, I redid the math on my Midea mini-fridge. My mistake; it's a lot better than I thought. We pay 9 cents a kilowatt hour and the fridge uses 207 KW/year which means an average cost of $18.63/year. I'll be plugging my fridge back in and stock it with beer and sodas.

FWIW, and I'm sure many know this, a full fridge is easier and cheaper to keep cool then an empty one.
You are not lazy, it’s just convenient. I’m impressed you do stairs. When we moved the only thing I demanded is that the house be a single story. My brother in law fell down the steps and broke his ankle at his house. They are good exercise, but dangerous for little old people

Hey! Who you calling little old people? lol When we first saw this house online the stairs thing didn't even occur to either of us. Mr. Owl has slipped on them a couple of times but I've managed so far to stay upright. They really are good exercise, especially on laundry days.
I ordered a mini-fridge from a seller on Ebay. It showed up and I haven't even got a chance to set it up. Now two days later a second exact fridge showed up addressed to me. I checked and wasn't double charged. What would you do?

An honest person would return it. If you're honest, you'd do the right thing. If you're not, you'll do the left wing thing and keep it believing it's owed to you.
I will be returning the fridge it seems. For a Christian or just the ethical, this seemed like the needed response, I suppose. Now I just have to lug a package into town.

Look at it this way....this indicates that you are a better person than a lot of your peers are. I know that of my grandparents generation almost everyone would have contacted the seller for guidance.